Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 6 '22 ita>eng sviluppo development easy closed no
4 Sep 29 '21 ita>eng Effetto nefrografico conservato bilateralmente Normal renal parenchymal enhancement bilaterally pro closed no
- Sep 29 '21 ita>eng In corso di refertazione Report currently being drawn up pro closed no
4 Sep 11 '19 ita>eng bottega rinascimentale Renaissance workshop easy closed ok
- Mar 7 '19 ita>eng sfruttando omit pro closed no
4 Feb 19 '19 ita>eng la retrostante seconda facciata the second page on the back of the first page pro closed no
- Dec 6 '18 ita>eng permettere ensure easy closed ok
4 Oct 28 '18 eng>ita No more than I hate you Il sentimento è reciproco easy closed no
- Jul 6 '17 ita>eng Certificato di pronto soccorso fit note pro closed no
4 Jul 6 '17 ita>eng Denuncia Carabinieri report filed with the Carabinieri pro closed no
- May 29 '17 ita>eng fatte apprezzare have become known for pro closed no
4 Apr 4 '17 ita>eng distanza di cortesia Please wait here until called easy closed ok
4 Feb 21 '17 ita>eng sedicenti with no documentation pro closed no
4 Aug 8 '16 ita>eng collaborante willing/able to assist pro closed ok
- Jan 22 '16 ita>eng Donazione libera spontaneous donation pro closed no
2 Jan 6 '16 ita>eng grande marina extensive marina easy closed no
4 Jan 6 '16 ita>eng centro di riferimento di servizi per go-to location for easy closed ok
- Dec 29 '14 ita>eng Di mamma ce n'è una sola There's only one mother easy closed no
- Jun 23 '09 ita>eng In capo al giorno At the end of the day pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '05 ita>eng chiusura della sacca entrapment in the pocket pro closed no
- Jun 25 '05 ita>eng Tutela dei minori Protection of minors easy closed ok
- Jun 21 '05 ita>eng lanciarsi nel vuoto throws himself from... pro closed ok
4 Jun 9 '05 ita>eng cultura 6sigma 6 sigma culture pro closed no
4 Apr 19 '05 ita>eng cosa c'entri tu You don't even come into it easy closed ok
4 Apr 7 '05 eng>ita In the kitchen and bathroom furnishings industry hails v.s. pro closed no
4 Apr 7 '05 eng>ita the spread of companies la disposizione delle aziende pro closed ok
4 Apr 6 '05 ita>eng dichiarazioni di voler tutelare the declared will to protect pro closed no
- Sep 8 '04 ita>eng sempre ricco di novità with more new features and entertainment than ever before pro closed ok
4 Sep 6 '04 ita>eng a carica stratificata stratified charge pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '04 ita>eng a carboni attivi active carbon filter pro closed ok
- Sep 6 '04 ita>eng riscaldamento elettrico autoregolante self-regulating heating system pro closed ok
- Aug 15 '04 ita>eng suflinista (or any resembling term) Sufist pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered