Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 20 '10 ara>eng نكتفي بهذا القدر That's all for now | That's it for now pro closed no
4 Aug 18 '09 ara>eng ساحرة charming smile pro closed ok
- Jun 22 '09 eng>ara six figure sum مبلغ و قدرة ملايين(الدولارات أو على حسب العملة المقصودة pro closed ok
4 Jun 22 '09 eng>ara a blanket of change عباءة أو غطاء التغيير pro closed ok
- Jun 9 '09 eng>ara House chain قيود شراء المنازل| نظام تقيييد شراء المنازل pro closed ok
- May 28 '09 eng>ara AS I LIE DYING بينما أرقد محتضراً pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '09 eng>ara in the dead of the night في ظلام الليل pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '09 ara>eng منظومة سردية narration pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '09 ara>eng متسق مع ذاته Balanced pro closed ok
4 Jan 11 '09 eng>ara scripted role كما لو أنها تتصرف /تؤدي/تمثل وفقا لسيناريو مكتوب-موضوع pro closed ok
- Jan 4 '09 eng>ara onionlike ذات طبقات عديدة كالبصلة pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '08 eng>ara Fire irons أدوات الموقد/المدفأة pro closed no
- Oct 25 '08 ara>eng مرثية جيكور Lament of Jaykur/Requiem of Jaykur pro closed ok
4 Oct 22 '08 eng>ara fair question سؤال وجيه pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '08 ara>eng في القفر In Wilderness! pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '08 ara>eng يقولون تحيا They say/acclaim/hail - long live! They say/acclaim/hail Viva! pro closed ok
- Oct 19 '08 ara>eng إلى العراق الثائر To Iraq, the rebellious pro closed ok
- Oct 8 '08 eng>ara modern writers الكتاب العصريون easy closed ok
- Oct 7 '08 eng>ara his framework بنيانه/هيكله/إطاره pro closed no
- Oct 7 '08 eng>ara an act of القيام/مزاولة pro closed no
- Oct 5 '08 eng>ara pretty readily applicable ملائم و سهل التطبيق بشكل مناسب /إلى حد ما pro closed ok
- Oct 5 '08 eng>ara For all that theme-hunting has produced excesses كان الشطط في(اختيار) المواضيع سبباً في التجاوزات/جاءت التجاوزات نتيجة( التركيز على) اصطياد المواضيع pro closed no
3 Oct 4 '08 ara>eng البناء بالتداول Alternative construction pro closed ok
4 Jun 29 '08 eng>ara Add colour to your life . أضف بهجة/البهجة إلى حياتك pro closed ok
4 Jun 15 '08 eng>ara I am only asking about the use of the single quotation mark in Arabic. I believe it can be used so! easy closed no
- Apr 29 '08 eng>ara Don't keep a dog and bark yourself جبتك يا عبد المعين تعني، لقيتك يا عبد المعين تنعان pro closed ok
4 Apr 22 '08 ara>eng الشعرة التي قصمت ظهر البعير Straw that broke the camel's back pro closed ok
- Mar 10 '08 eng>ara sense and sensibility الإحساس و الحواس-الوعي و الإحساس-كما أجبت سابقاً pro closed no
- Jan 27 '08 ara>eng mottoui موتوي pro closed no
- Jan 27 '08 ara>eng moqaddem lieutenant/major/colonel pro closed no
- Dec 15 '07 ara>eng Al-mar walker / passer-by pro closed ok
- Dec 15 '07 ara>eng Al-mar walking - passer by pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '07 eng>ara the country wife زوجة من الريف pro closed ok
- Dec 6 '07 ara>eng سقط سهوا overlooked easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered