Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 26 '10 eng>ita behavioral targeting targeting comportamentale pro closed ok
4 Mar 24 '05 eng>ita marketing communications strumenti di marketing e comunicazione pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '05 eng>ita It’s truly one of our hottest solutions. Senza dubbio è fra le nostre più efficaci soluzioni pro closed ok
4 Mar 17 '05 eng>ita proficient competenza pro closed ok
4 Feb 13 '05 eng>ita stronger contenuti più accattivanti pro closed ok
- Feb 5 '05 eng>ita strap line didascalia easy closed ok
- Jan 27 '05 ita>eng creatività creative property developed pro closed ok
- Nov 8 '04 ita>eng lo star bene mangiando Feeling good, having food pro closed ok
4 Oct 29 '04 esl>ita tienen vistas a godono di vista sul.. pro closed ok
- Oct 29 '04 esl>ita Enfocandolos desde la situacion particular de... sempre dal punto di vista della specifica situazione dell'Andalusia pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '04 eng>esl Largest Pack Ever el mayor embalaje desde siempre pro closed ok
2 Sep 30 '04 eng>ita embedded/turned in outlines tutti i caratteri e le immagini devono essere inseriti/trasformati in schemi pro closed ok
- Sep 29 '04 eng>ita The heart of your business il cuore della vostra impresa pro closed ok
4 Sep 29 '04 eng>ita Sheltering as second nature un rifugio/protezione naturale pro closed ok
4 Sep 20 '04 eng>ita email release comunicato stampa/comunicato e-mail easy closed ok
- Aug 31 '04 eng>ita fashion with fun moda con brio easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered