Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 13 '15 ind>eng mewakili seluruh kuasa representing all powers pro closed no
- Jan 18 '15 ind>eng Jajaran pejabat pengadilan Judicial officials pro open no
- Jan 19 '15 ind>eng disahkan is established pro closed no
4 Jan 19 '15 ind>eng mengatur governs pro closed ok
3 Aug 29 '14 ind>eng diletakan sita tarik revindication pro closed ok
4 Aug 29 '14 ind>eng Dinas Bina Marga Office of Highways pro closed ok
4 Aug 28 '14 ind>eng turut tergugat co-defendant pro closed ok
4 Jun 23 '14 ind>eng Jaksa Pelaksana Putusan Executing Prosecutor pro closed ok
4 Jan 16 '14 ind>eng Sisa Lebih Perhitungan Anggaran (SiLPA) Budget Surplus pro closed no
3 Oct 10 '13 ind>eng perjanjian pengalihan dan pelepasan hak agreement on conveyance and waiver of rights pro closed ok
4 Oct 8 '13 ind>eng Tanah beserta turutan-turutannya Land and anything/any buildings attached thereto pro closed ok
- Sep 16 '13 eng>ind Trafficking, Trade, Sale and Supply Perdagangan, Perniagaan, Penjualan, dan Pemasokan pro closed no
4 Sep 6 '13 ind>eng Judex Factie Judex Facti/Trier of Facts pro closed ok
- Aug 15 '13 ind>eng diketahuinya dari keterangan-keterangan yang telah mereka peroleh knew the birth from the information they obtained pro open no
- Aug 3 '13 eng>ind greatest extent sepanjang pro closed ok
4 Jul 30 '13 ind>eng persetujuan perubahan approval for amendment/change pro closed ok
3 Jul 30 '13 ind>eng Tambahan Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Supplement to Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia pro closed ok
4 Jul 27 '13 eng>ind probable cause dasar yang cukup pro closed ok
- Jul 12 '13 eng>ind swasta private person pro just_closed no
- Jul 11 '13 ind>eng Daerah Lingkungan Kerja dan Daerah Lingkungan Kepentingan (DLKr/DLKp) Port Operational Area and Port Interest Area (DLKr/DLKp) pro closed ok
4 Jul 10 '13 ind>eng petugas pelaksana executing/implementing officer easy closed no
4 Jul 5 '13 ind>eng Akta Permohonan Kasasi Deed of Petition for Cassation pro closed ok
- Jun 26 '13 eng>ind creditors voluntary winding up pemberesan harta kreditur secara sukarela pro closed ok
- Apr 30 '13 ind>eng divonis acquitted of the charges, less severely sentenced pro closed no
- Apr 11 '13 eng>ind affidavit for marriage surat keterangan di bawah sumpah tentang status perkawinan pro closed ok
4 Mar 7 '13 ind>eng letak sita attach pro closed ok
4 Mar 5 '13 eng>ind valuable consideration imbalan yang bernilai pro closed ok
4 Mar 3 '13 eng>ind advances upon the security pinjaman atas jaminan pro closed ok
4 Feb 26 '13 ind>eng Bilamana Majelis Hakim pada Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia mempunyai... In the event the Panel of Judges of the Constitutional Court of the RI decides otherwise pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '13 ind>eng TBNR Supplement to the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '13 ind>eng PPh Pasal 4 (2) Income Tax under Article 4 (2) pro closed no
- Feb 4 '13 ind>eng Pengajuan Permohonan Pengesahan Badan Hukum Perseroan lodgment of application for corporate personality approval pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '13 ind>eng Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia pro closed ok
- Jan 31 '13 eng>ind immigration and checkpoints authority otoritas imigrasi dan pemeriksaan di perbatasan pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '13 ind>eng Pengamanan Bahan Yg Mengandung Zat Adiktif Berupa Produk Tembakau Bagi Kesehatan Safeguards over Tobacco Products containing Addictive Substances for Health Promotion pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '13 eng>ind criminal charges, charges and sue tuntutan pidana, tuntutan dan menggugat easy open no
3 Dec 7 '12 ind>eng Surat Keterangan Tidak Sedang Berperkara / Tidak Tersangkut Perkara Hukum Court Clearance Certificate pro closed ok
- Nov 27 '12 eng>ind given under my hand telah saya tandatangani pro closed ok
4 Nov 21 '12 eng>ind home of relative reform reformasi pengasuhan anak di rumah kerabat pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '12 eng>ind Joint Memorandum nota kesepakatan bersama pro closed ok
- Nov 19 '12 eng>ind subject to class action lawsuit dapat menerima gugatan perwakilan kelompok pro closed ok
4 Nov 19 '12 eng>ind foster care pengasuhan di panti sosial/asuhan pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '12 eng>ind rank for dividend as from a particular date merupakan dividen sejak tanggal tertentu pro closed ok
- Nov 3 '12 ind>eng menjemput bola being proactive pro closed no
- Nov 2 '12 eng>ind on such requisition or in default may be convened by such requisitionists atas permintaan tsb, atau karena cidera janji, RUPS LB dapat diadakan oleh direktur yg meminta tsb pro closed ok
- Nov 2 '12 eng>ind upon such evidence being produced setelah memperlihatkan bukti kematian atau kebangkrutan tersebut pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '12 ind>eng Pondok Wisata Guest House pro closed ok
- Oct 31 '12 ind>eng jamak diatur commonly governed pro closed ok
- Oct 29 '12 ind>eng dari penyelidikan ke tahap penyidikan from preliminary investigation to investigation pro closed ok
4 Oct 27 '12 ind>eng cuti menjelang bebas pre-release treatment pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered