Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 22 '16 rus>eng Подтасуй мне немного чаевых. Give me some love with your tip? pro closed ok
- Jul 23 '08 rus>eng Дикий восторг под знаком “Пи” Frenzied ecstasy equaling Pi pro closed no
- Jul 21 '08 rus>eng Если муха - муху бей! / Взять ее на мушку. Nuclear weapons / Won't blast these guys / If it has a nucleus / Just immunize! pro closed no
- Jul 10 '08 rus>eng вклады застраховали на продажной основе Deposits insured based on Bank bribes pro closed no
- Jul 7 '08 rus>eng база расширена dilated blood vessels, dilated cardiomyopathy pro closed ok
- Jul 2 '08 fra>eng orienté à demeure adjusted permanently, set permanently, fixed pro open no
- Jul 3 '08 fra>eng tâchage à l’eau Water spotting pro closed ok
4 Jun 29 '08 rus>eng Допуски в отношении воды и глины зависят от влагостойкости глины Water and clay deviation tolerance depends on the water resistance of the clay. pro closed no
4 Jun 17 '08 rus>eng Принципы аппаратурного оформления синтеза полимеров Principles of Implementation of polymer synthesis pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered