Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 14 '09 deu>eng jeweils gesamtschuldnerisch mit Frau xxx jointly and severably liable pro closed no
- Jan 23 '09 deu>eng kocht mit Wasser only does what it says on the tin pro closed ok
- Nov 18 '08 deu>eng Zusammenarbeit auf partnerschaftlicher Basis cooperation with potential partners pro closed ok
4 Nov 5 '08 deu>eng Sprintprämie sprint bonus pro closed no
4 Aug 18 '08 deu>eng zum Erfolg kommen achieve success easy closed ok
4 May 7 '07 deu>eng Diplom Betriebswirt (FH) BA (Hons) Business Administration pro closed ok
- Dec 5 '06 deu>eng Stadtbahn vs. S-Bahn Tram vs Local train pro closed ok
4 Jun 9 '05 deu>eng Trotz Aufforderung wurde mir keine Arbeitsbescheinigung ausgestellt In spite of my request the company did not provide a certificate of employment pro closed no
- Jun 9 '05 deu>eng Strecke/Schwarzwildstrecke Killing statistics pro closed no
- Jun 9 '05 deu>eng Schuldnertricks abwehren Handling debtors' tricks pro closed ok
4 Jun 9 '05 deu>eng Haus- und Mieterverwaltung Property and tenant management pro closed no
- Jun 9 '05 deu>eng Oberbürgermeisterin vs Bürgermeister Major vs Head of town hall department pro closed ok
4 Jun 9 '05 deu>eng unbefriedigend unsatisfactory easy closed ok
- Jun 9 '05 deu>eng Bei starker Stufe highest setting pro closed no
- May 24 '05 deu>eng nicht wegzudenkende influential pro closed no
- May 13 '05 deu>eng nach betriebswirtschaftlichen Kriterien problemlos darstellbar the latter are free of problems from a business management (economic) perspective pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '05 deu>eng Kursplus increase in price pro closed no
4 Feb 2 '05 deu>eng Graue Tonne + Gelber Sack Household rubbish (grey bin) and packaging (yellow sack) pro closed no
- Feb 2 '05 deu>eng Steigerungslauf an intensification pro closed no
4 Feb 2 '05 deu>eng Difference between Abhandekommen and Untergang Loss and destruction pro closed no
4 Jan 27 '05 deu>eng verUNDet AND-ed pro closed ok
- Jul 13 '04 deu>eng Exzenterbuchse läßt sich durch die Bohrungsgrate, die bei Verstiftung entstanden sind, nicht drehen Hope this helps pro closed no
- Dec 6 '03 deu>eng für und gegen den Auftraggeber on behalf of pro closed no
4 May 24 '03 deu>eng Dispositionsbezogener Bestellablauf by checking availability pro closed ok
4 Feb 20 '03 deu>eng Zustimmung des Geschaeftsfuehrers (in this context) Typo - check with client pro closed no
- Dec 11 '02 deu>eng Vorpressekonferenz Private briefing pro closed ok
- Dec 4 '02 deu>eng Unbeibringbarkeit inadmissability pro closed ok
2 Dec 2 '02 deu>eng Identkonten / Identkostenstellen control account / control cost centre pro closed no
4 Dec 3 '02 deu>eng personalisierung Customise pro closed no
- Sep 28 '00 deu>eng Meisterei Supervisors pro open no
- Nov 21 '02 deu>eng 2,000 Milliarden In UK (officially) 2 billion, in US 2 trillion pro closed ok
- Nov 2 '02 deu>eng Prinzessin Pffifigunde Why not ask her? easy closed ok
4 Oct 29 '02 deu>eng Kosten durch Kündigung reduzieren Reduce costs by terminating (the lease agreement) pro closed no
4 Aug 23 '02 deu>eng Stabgitterzaun Metal fence pro closed ok
- Aug 23 '02 deu>eng Test Sample easy closed no
- Aug 7 '02 deu>eng unter Quarantäne zubuchen posted into pro closed ok
- Aug 1 '02 eng>eng USP Unique Selling Point pro closed ok
- Jul 9 '02 deu>eng 6 Wochen zum Monatsende 6 weeks to the end of the month pro closed no
4 Jul 9 '02 deu>eng 6 Wochen zum Monatsende 6 weeks to the end of the month pro closed no
4 May 27 '02 deu>eng zahlungsunwirksame Ausgaben und Einnahmen Income and expenditure that does not affect the (balance sheet) result pro closed ok
4 May 19 '02 deu>eng unterschiedliche Kenngrößen various factors pro closed no
- May 16 '02 deu>eng Bereichsleiter Depends on the company's hierarchy easy closed ok
- May 14 '02 deu>eng mandantenfähiges System client-enabled system pro closed no
- Apr 25 '02 deu>eng Enthaarungsdiener hair removal agent pro closed ok
4 Apr 9 '02 deu>eng Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen Delivery and payment terms pro closed ok
4 Apr 4 '02 deu>eng Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH) That's me! pro closed no
4 Mar 26 '02 deu>eng braucht sich die Kleine mit dem eleganten Gehäuse auch technisch keineswegs zu verstecken can hold its own pro closed no
4 Feb 4 '02 deu>eng Leitungsbündel / Bündelbelegung grouping of junction lines pro closed no
4 Feb 4 '02 deu>eng Wählton vs. Freiton dialing tone vs ringing tone easy closed no
- Jan 31 '02 deu>eng etw. mit etw. abstimmen coordinate/clear/agree with pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered