Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 3 '08 ita>eng macro aspetti dell'accoglienza main aspects of (passenger) welcome services pro closed ok
4 May 29 '08 ita>eng parco nautico watersports and boating facilities pro closed ok
4 May 27 '08 ita>eng reale (in context) regal pro closed ok
- May 14 '08 ita>eng cardoncelli (baby) cardoons pro closed ok
4 May 14 '08 ita>eng carette alla marina tramp ships pro closed ok
- Apr 17 '08 ita>eng mare angolare view of the sea from the corner/sideways view of the sea pro closed ok
- Feb 2 '08 ita>eng ricchi tonnarelli (young/small) tuna pro closed ok
4 Feb 2 '08 ita>eng grappe morbide, secche, barricate, torbate smooth, dry, oaked, peaty grappas pro closed ok
4 Jan 22 '08 ita>eng si raggomitola su se stessa curls up for the night pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered