Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Oct 20 '17 ita>eng Che se ne fa What good is ... pro closed ok
- Mar 28 '13 eng>ita movie butter mettermi con le spalle al muro pro closed no
4 Mar 28 '13 eng>ita freaking own ma, (@#*!), almeno ametti pro closed no
4 Feb 25 '13 ita>eng Acqua davanti, venti di dietro fair winds and following seas pro closed ok
- Aug 24 '12 eng>ita Should I get that Vado io? easy closed no
4 Aug 24 '12 eng>ita living makes you thinner la vita ci consuma easy closed ok
- Oct 5 '11 eng>ita I assumed you wouldn't be eating ho dato per scontato che non avresti mangiato easy closed no
- Aug 28 '11 eng>ita Plod ahead, and over cliff. Like lemming. Ma sì...Vai pure avanti come un mulo e buttati dal burrone! pro closed no
- May 3 '11 eng>ita mean-looking dall'aria crudele pro closed ok
- Apr 27 '11 eng>ita and fifty cents’ll get you a cup of coffee non riusciresti neanche a rapinare un distibutore automatico pro closed no
4 Jan 26 '11 eng>ita Soggies specialisti pro closed no
4 Jan 23 '11 eng>ita Doocéd hot! dannatamente caldo pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '11 ita>eng un bottiglia di birra da sessantasei a 66 cl bottle of beer pro closed ok
4 Oct 28 '10 ita>eng Neoplasio Cervelli Tumor Brainiowicz pro closed ok
- Oct 28 '10 eng>ita Goodbye and good riddance! addio, passo e chiudo! / che liberazione! pro closed no
- Oct 27 '10 eng>ita claiming too much for Sto forse pretendendo troppo/esagerando? pro closed no
4 Oct 26 '10 ita>eng vittrice militar fortuna victorious military destiny pro closed no
- Sep 7 '10 eng>ita ballast peso pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '10 eng>ita aerosolic ormai si respira ovunque pro closed no
- Aug 28 '10 eng>ita twisting in ingurgitando pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '10 eng>ita cast calco pro closed no
4 Aug 18 '10 eng>ita to sort over fare una cernita pro closed ok
4 Aug 14 '10 eng>ita heart full il cuore gonfio easy closed no
- Aug 6 '10 eng>ita to drive home rincarare la dose pro closed no
- Jul 27 '10 ita>eng Ha da passa’ a’ nuttata There's still a full night ahead... pro closed ok
- Jul 26 '10 eng>ita the shape almond tipped occhi a mandorla pro closed no
- Jul 19 '10 ita>eng che nothing but easy closed ok
- Jul 12 '10 ita>eng polvere d'acqua watery haze pro closed no
4 Jun 27 '10 eng>ita pour over riversarsi easy closed ok
- Jun 27 '10 eng>ita to have in someone avere risorse (nascoste) pro closed ok
- Jun 17 '10 eng>ita bad to toenails era profondamente marcio, dalla testa ai piedi pro closed ok
- Sep 23 '06 eng>ita Shore Leave fuori a cena pro closed ok
4 Sep 19 '06 eng>ita a.p.a. Associazione Stampa Amatoriale/Dilettantistica pro closed ok
- May 12 '06 ita>eng misericordia good heavens! pro closed no
4 Apr 13 '06 eng>ita competition-wallah impiegato statale pro closed ok
- Feb 20 '06 ita>eng ....alzare il gran pavese to get ready for celabrations pro closed ok
4 Feb 8 '06 eng>ita Cooper’s Hill joke scherzo da ingegneri (indigeni) pro closed no
- Feb 6 '06 ita>eng personaggio specchio the author's self-portrait easy closed ok
4 Jan 16 '06 eng>ita a stay-at-home carpool mom una mamma a tempo pieno pro closed no
- Jan 9 '06 eng>ita shrug off sminuire pro closed no
3 Dec 22 '05 eng>ita self-absorption egoismo pro closed ok
3 Dec 22 '05 eng>ita taxing oneroso/faticosissimo pro closed ok
3 Dec 22 '05 eng>ita straighjacket camicia di forza pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '05 eng>ita Dilute alleggerire pro closed no
- Jul 1 '05 ita>eng un pò di pane per l'anima soul nourishment easy closed no
4 Jun 16 '05 ita>eng Convinti di narcotizzarci con quattro tette al vento, cosi la poesia mostra .. So sure they could stun us by flaunting their breasts pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered