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Source text - Catalan L'Eduard de petit eta molt aixerit
aquí està tot cofoï i força distret el noi.
Amb el pare Guàrdia Civil,
el jove ja era molt varonil.
Té la sort que li agrada l'esport
per un cop que anaren maldades
"tranquils q'el que ve és el meu pare."
Vés tu qui ho diria,
es van conéixer al tramvia
"ets trompeta" digué ella,
dállà va sortir la maca parella.
Casament a Rius i Taulet
i dinar a Can Joanet
on ella li deia
"sshh!! més baixet!!"
De la guerra es va escapar
per veure la primera filla arribar.
Més tard nárribaren dos:
la Mari Tere i la Dolors.
Els 40 recordant
concerts de xiulet va donant
ja no xiula temps ençà,
del Col.legi d'arbitres és el degà.
Fulls d'afaitar, motllures o carbó,
què més li dona, és un bon venedor.
Som al seixanta-vuit
les nétes ja son aquí
una al març l'altra al novembre
mireu quina cosa més tendre.
Tres són els néts,
com els tres mosqueters;
si ara us els trobeu,
segur no els coneixeu.
I vet aquí un gos, vet aquí un gat,
els 90 han arribat.
Avi, pare, marit, germà,
tothom que el coneix l'ha déstimar.
Translation - English The life of Mr. Velasco.
When Edward was little he was very energetic,
here you can see him all happy and entertained.
His father was a Guardia Civil,
from a young age such a strapping man.
He's lucky to enjoy sports,
once that things went wrong
"easy lads, it's my Dad coming up."
You would never have guessed
they met in the tram.
"You play the trumpet," said she,
and thus the handsome couple was born.
The marriage at Rius i Taulet,
then dinner at Can Joanet,
where she kept saying
"shhh! Keep your voice down!"
He fled from the war
to receive their first daughter.
And later they had two more:
Mari Tere and Dolors.
Remembering the 40s,
when he gave whistle concerts
he doesn't whistle any more,
as he's the oldest of all referees.
Shaving blades, frames or coal
he doesn't care, a good salesman can sell it all.
We're in sixty-eight
when the granddaughters arrive
one in march, one in november,
look at this picture, so tender.
Three grandsons
like three musketeers
if you saw them now
you wouldn't recognize one.
See here a dog, see here a cat,
90 years have gone past.
Gramps, Dad, Husband, Brother,
any who meet him will love the man.
Translator's note: an "auca" is a poem telling a story, usually somebody's life story, where each part is accompanied by a picture. This one was written by one of Mr Velasco's granddaughters to celebrate his 90th birthday. A lot of it doesn't make sense in the original either even with the pictures, not unless you happen to know the stories behind the verses.
T.N 2: Guardia Civil is one of the branches of the Spanish police.
Spanish to English: Creación de Ubicaciones en SAP
Source text - Spanish (tomado de un manual corporativo de SAP)
a.¿Qué se puede crear como ubicación?
En SAP, todas las Ubicaciones Técnicas de tipo Geográfico están ya creadas; no se deben crear más, sino únicamente usar las existentes.
Se pueden crear nuevas Ubicaciones de tipo Lógico, para facilitar la planificación y programación del mantenimiento de grupos de equipos.
b.Creación de una ubicación
Transacción: IL01
Escribir el nombre que se desea para la ubicación, el indicador de estructura (siempre "ECO") y si es geográfica (G) o lógica (L).
Se puede usar otra ubicación como modelo.
En el resto de las casillas de la pantalla, no rellenar nunca nada.
Dándole a enter SAP pasa a la siguiente pantalla, si no hay errores. Si el nombre es demasiado largo o falta algún dato, SAP nos lo dirá. En el gráfico, el nombre tiene tres letras de más.
Translation - English (from a SAP corporative white paper)
a.What can be created as a Location?
All Geographic locations have already been created in SAP; further ones should not be added, instead those already in place must be used.
New Locations which are Logical in nature can be created to rationalize planning and scheduling of maintenance work for Equipment groups.
b.How to create a Location
Transaction code: IL01
Write the location's name, the structure code (always "ECO") and whether it's geographic (G) or logic (L).
Another Location can be used as a template.
Always leave the rest of the cells on that screen blank.
Typing intro, SAP will move to the next screen if there are no errors. If the name is too long or there's missing data, SAP will warn us. In the picture shown, the name was three letters too long.
English to Spanish: Calculated Characteristics in SAP QM
Source text - English (taken from a SAP QM handbook)
Calculated Characteristics.
In the char (Y), the “Calculated” control setting has to be active.
Y has to be in the same inspection point as its variables (X1,X2...). It can be before or after, but valuation is easier/faster if it’s after.
Y and its Xs can have different units and amount of decimals.
The mathematical operators follow the usual rules and accept parenthesis.
A variable is defined in the form CN####, where CN is an available “function” (see table below) and #### is the number of the variable’s line in the operation.
Translation - Spanish (de un manual de SAP QM)
Características Calculadas Automáticamente.
En la característica "y", debe estar marcado el código "Calculada."
"y" debe estar en el mismo punto de inspección que sus variables (x1, x2...). Puede estar antes o después, pero la evaluación es más sencilla y rápida si está después.
"y" y sus "x"s pueden tener distintas unidades y cantidad de decimales.
Los operadores matemáticos funcionan normalmente y aceptan paréntesis.
Una variable se define con el formato CN####, donde CN es una "función" posible (véase la tabla siguiente) y #### es el número de la línea donde se encuentra la variable dentro de la operación.
Years of experience: 36. Registered at Mar 2009.
Spanish to English (SPAIN: EOI) English to Spanish (SPAIN: EOI) Catalan to English (SPAIN: Nivell C)
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Enterprise Architect, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
I'm a Chemical Engineer/Chemist; I'm from Spain but have spent more time abroad than at home since I graduated college, including 5 years in the USA and 1 in Scotland. Most of my experience as a translator and interpreter has taken place as part of other jobs: bilingual Chemistry teacher at the University of Miami, SAP consultant in a dozen countries (from Buenos Aires to Philadelphia and from Milano to Los Angeles; clients ranging from ecotourism to pharma), or even lab tech in factories where the warehouse guys would ask me to interpret for the truck drivers.
I have several language proficiency certificates, although no specific degree in translation (an issue I am currently correcting).
Keywords: QM, Quality Control, Quality Management, ISO9000, ISO9001, ISO9002, ISO12000, ISO14000, QS9000, ISO 9000. See more.QM, Quality Control, Quality Management, ISO9000, ISO9001, ISO9002, ISO12000, ISO14000, QS9000, ISO 9000, QS 9000, Gestión de la Calidad, Control de Calidad, PM, Plant Maintenance, Mantenimiento, SAP PM, SAP QM, SAP PP, Producción, Operaciones, spanish, english, inglés, castellano, español, catalan, catalán, català, ingeniería, engineering, chemistry, química. See less.