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Sample translations submitted: 1
Bulgarian to English: Cement Packing Operation General field: Other
Source text - Bulgarian Тези заявки за ремонти са доста стари и голяма част от количествата са изчерпани. Аз не мога да редуцирам или да спра ремонтите защото вероятността да не изпълним нарядите е много голяма. На ден на нас са ни необходими около 700бр палета , а реално получаваме годни от клиенти около 350бр. Наличности други нямам. Покриването на останалата част е от доставка на ремонтирани.
Translation - English These PRs for pallets repair are pretty old and most of the quantities have been exhausted. I can’t stop or reduce the repair process since the possibility of us not being able to complete the quota is highly likely. We need 700 pallets/day, but only receive around 350 good-for-use per day. We have no other availability.
The repair process takes care of the other 350 needed.
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Aug 2009.
Here is a brief autobiography of myself: I was born in Bulgaria, but lived most of my life in Canada (20 yrs) since I was a child. I have a Bachelor of Science University Degree (York University, Toronto, Canada)with Honours in Kinesiology and Health Science. My family and I moved back to Bulgaria 2 years ago, and since doing so, it has been my English, not my University Degree, that has given me various employment opportunities. I am currently employed by the biggest cement- producing plant in Bulgaria, Zlatna Panega Cement (owned by the Greek TITAN Group)where all dealings and daily communications are bi-lingual (EN/BG). Translations, both oral and written, are part of my every-day experience.
This should be enough for now. I hope I've provided you with some insight.