We live in a multicultural world, where people communicate using different languages, Whether it is for busies s or for personal use, translation have always provided the background for developing strong relationships.
What I can provide for the following pairs: English to Romanian, English to French, French to Romanian, French to English:
- translation
- revision
- proofreading
Some of the works performed are listed below:
Information, Communication technologies:
- software – marketing materials, web pages, instructions manuals
- instruction manuals, service manuals, technical specifications,
- business plans, strategic plans, feasibility studies, marketing plans
- system management implementation - documentation on various management systems, case studies, best practices, benchmark studies
- ISPA funding documentation plans
- marketing materials – company presentations, product presentations, multimedia presentations, brochures, catalogues
- marketing and advertising books
- instruction materials, handbooks, for various plant machinery
- statutes, registration documents for the Chamber of Commerce, registration certificates, invoices
- court orders, criminal judgments, criminal records, warrants,
- insurance documents, contracts, power of attorney
- birth certificates, diplomas, notifications
The range of translation services is extending to other fields, such as:
- business administration
- science
- social sciences
Customer Benefits:
- professional services
- accuracy in translation
- timely delivery of services
- use of CAT tools (TRADOS)
- communication with the client during translation process, for responding to all needs and requirements
Delivery of Translation
- Translations will be drawn up in MS Word or Adobe Reader format
- The work can be electronically mailed or by using regular mail
- Available versions: on CD or printed version
Main Translation Projects:
• Automotive - service instructions, owner’s manuals, service booklets, brochures, localization for a palm computer used for diagnosis, websites, localization for diagnosis equipment (client General Motors Europe, Opel, Chevrolet, Volvo, Volvo Trucks, Volvo
Construction Equipment, Saab, Komatsu Forklift, Kalmar Industries) (ongoing collaboration, more than 4.000.000 words already translated)
• Home appliances, controllers, security systems, HMIs, air conditioning systems, press frames – operation and maintenance manuals, other technical documentation (clients: FKI Logistek, Daikin, Ufesa, Weber-Stephen Products Co, Hach, Extract Technology, B&W Aumund Group, Micronics Engineered Filtration, ODL, Mine Safety Appliances (MSA), Tetra Pak, Duijvelaar Pompen)
• Rubber industry equipment – technical documentation (client VMI Group)
• Logistics: warehousing system specifications (client: FKI Logistex, 100.000 words)
• Cryogenic installations - technical documentation (client National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies - ICSI Rm.-Valcea, ongoing collaboration)
• EU Affairs: leaflets, websites, posters, legislation summaries (client: various EU bodies, ongoing collaboration), 340.000 words.
• Software localization and website translation: www.efax.com.ro (EN-RO, 14.000 words, revision), Deutsche Telekom, internet manager application, EN-RO, 8.000 words, translation, Amplusnet products (EN-RO, RO-EN, 6.000 words, translation, revision, QA testing), Daikin websites, EN-RO, 25.000 words, translation, www.exsmokers.eu, EN-RO, 28.000 words, revision); Huawei phones and smartphones (EN-RO, translation and proofreading, bug checking, 30.000 words, software strings, GUI elements, user guides).
• Energy: hydropower plant revamping projects (En-RO operation manuals, MSDS, service manuals, assembly instructions, various component manufacturers, project management, terminologist, translator, reviser, approx. 1.000.000 words)
• HR: employee surveys, website content (EN-RO, RO-EN, approx. 20.000 words, translator, editor, QA).
• | This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Total pts earned: 4 (All PRO level)
| Language (PRO) | English to Romanian | 4 | Top general field (PRO) | Tech/Engineering | 4 | Top specific field (PRO) | Mechanics / Mech Engineering | 4 | See all points earned > |