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Translation Volume: 5 pages Completed: Mar 2006 Languages:
Corporate Reporting and Risk Management Translation
Corporate Reporting Software
Finance (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 876 words Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: Spanish to English
Two documents: cultural excursions and travel communications (South America)
Two translations of South American texts exploring cultural events such as Tango and day excursions in Uruguay, Argentina. Mainly general terms and vocab, although some degree of specialist knowledge needed re topics: tango, pampas y gauchos. Also very rich, elaborate terminology and vocab.
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1500 words Duration: Dec 2005 Languages: Spanish to English
Tranlsation of title deeds (legal) for English client
Translation of title deeds (escritura) re plot of land in the south of Spain. Legal document with, in the main part, highly specialised terminolgy.
Law: Contract(s)
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
7 entries
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Euro (eur), Pounds sterling (gbp), U. S. dollars (usd)
Sample translations submitted: 4
Spanish to English: Medical Device - Prevention of air embolism when administering IV medication
Source text - Spanish Una embolia gaseosa puede causar la muerte o lesiones graves al paciente. No conecte el paciente al Sistema de infusión XXXX compatible con RM hasta que todo el aire haya sido purgado de la ruta del fluido. Lea atentamente las instrucciones de instalación. La perforación de los componentes del equipo puede dar lugar a embolias gaseosas.
• La reutilización de componentes desechables o no adoptar técnicas asépticas puede provocar una contaminación biológica. Deseche los componentes correctamente después de usarlos.
• El uso de componentes dañados o procedentes de un envoltorio abierto o dañado puede causar lesiones al paciente o al usuario. Inspeccione visualmente el paquete y su contenido antes de cada uso.
• No utilice el equipo de administración durante más de 4 horas - Sustituya el conector aséptico cada 24 horas o según las directrices del CDC.
• Desechable y de un solo uso. No reesterilizar.
• No utilizar si faltan los protectores de los extremos.
• En caso de necesitar una administración rápida, no conecte a una línea IV existente con un tubo de diámetro muy pequeño.
• Al administrar más de un fluido o medicamento, conecte siempre el tratamiento más importante a la bomba primaria de XXXX. Con ello se asegurará de que el fluido de esta bomba esté cebado hasta la punta de la línea primaria para su administración inmediata al paciente.
• Al enviar dos o más fluidos a la línea IV primaria, no conecte ésta al paciente hasta que se haya completado la instalación y el cebado de ambas líneas IV.
Translation - English An air embolism can be fatal or can cause the patient serious injury. Do not connect the patient up to the RM compatible XXXX infusion System until all the air has been purged from the fluid path. Read the installation instructions carefully. Perforation of the delivery components can cause air embolisms.
•Reusing disposable components or failure to adopt sterile procedures can lead to biological contamination. Discard the components correctly after use.
•Using damaged components or those from an open packet can harm the patient or user. Visually inspect the packet and its contents before each use.
•Do not use the delivery set for more than 4 hours – replace the sterilized connector every 24 hours or in accordance with the guidelines from the CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, US)
•Disposable and for single-use only. Do not re-sterilize.
•Do not use if the protector caps are missing.
•If administration needs to be carried out quickly, do not connect to an existing IV (intravenous) line with very small-diameter tubing.
•When administering more fluid or medication, always connect the principal treatment to the main XXXX pump. Doing so ensures that the fluid from this pump is primed up to the end of the main line for its immediate administration to the patient.
•When delivering two or more fluids to the main IV line, do not connect it to the patient until the installation and priming of both IV lines has been completed.
Source text - Spanish FUNDAMENTO: La infección fúngica profunda (IFP) es una de las causas más importantes de muerte en el receptor de un trasplante de hídago (TH). El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características de la IFP en el programa de TH de nuestra institución, con especial referencia a los aspectos diferenciales entre la infección candidiásica (IC) y la no candidiásica (INC).
PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de 21 pacientes sometidos a una TH entre febrero de 1987 y de diciembre 1995. El diagnóstico de IFP requirió la evidencia histológica de invasión tisular o la presencia de un cultivo positivo para hongos de una muestra tisular profunda o de un fluido usualmente estéril. La esofagitis candidiásica no se consideró IFP. Se realizó profilaxis antifúngica con nistatina o fluconazol, dependiendo del período estudiado.
RESULTADOS: Veintiún de los 356 pacientes (6 %) desarrollaron 23 episodios de IFP. Diez episodios fueron producidos por Candida spp., 8 por Aspergillus spp., 4 por Zygomicetos y uno por Cryptococcus. El 57 % de los episodios de IFP (el 80 % de la IC y el 38 % de la INC; p < 0,05) se presentaron dentro de los primeros 3 meses tras el trasplante y sólo cinco aparecieron tras el sexto mes. Diecisiete de los 21 pacientes (17 %) fallecieron y en 15 de ellos (72 %) la IFP fue considerada la causa principal de la muerte; 15 pacientes que fallecieron no recibieron tratamiento con anfotericina B (n = 6), o recibieron dosis acumuladas menores de 500 mg. Seis pacientes recibieron una dosis acumulada mayor de 1,5 g (media, 3,2 g) y se curaron cuatro de ellos. La mortalidad entre los pacientes que no desarrollaron una IFP fue del 26 % (p < 0,001).
CONCLUSIONES: La IFP fue una complicación rara, pero con una elevada mortalidad, en nuestra población de receptores de un TU. La frecuencia de la IC fue progresivamente disminuyendo, siendo globalmente la INC la predominante. El tratamiento con anfotericina fue relativamente eficaz cuando se pudieron administrar dosis elevadas del fármaco.
Translation - English BACKGROUND: Deep fungal infection (DFI) is one of the principal causes of death in the liver transplant (LT) recipient. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of DFI in the LT program of our institution, with particular reference to the differential aspects between Candida infection (CI) and non-Candida infection (NCI).
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective study of the medical history of 21 patients who underwent a LT between February 1987 and December 1995. The DFI diagnosis required histological evidence of tissue invasion, or the presence of a positive fungus culture from a deep tissue sample or from normally sterile fluid. Candida esophagitis was not considered to be a DFI. Depending on the time period studied, antifungal prophylaxis was carried out with Nystatin or Fluconazole.
RESULTS: Twenty-one of the 356 patients (6%) developed 23 episodes of DFI. Ten episodes were caused by Candida spp., 8 by Aspergillus spp., 4 by Zygomycetes and 1 by Cryptococcus. 57% of DFI episodes (80% Candida infection and 38% non-Candida infection; p < 0.05) occurred in the first three months following the transplant and only five episodes appeared after the sixth month. Seventeen of the 21 patients (17%) died and in 15 of them (72%), DFI was considered the principal cause of death; 15 of the patients who died did not receive treatment with Amphotericin B (n = 6), or they received accumulated doses of less than 500 mg. Six patients received an accumulated dose greater than 1.5 g (average: 3.2 g) and four of them recovered. Mortality in patients who did not develop DFI was 26% (p < 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: DFI was a rare complication, but with a higher level of mortality, in our population of LT (sic) recipients. CI frequency was gradually decreasing; overall non-Candida infection was predominant. Treatment with Amphotericin was relatively effective when increased doses of the drug were administered.
Spanish to English: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Spanish Mañana saldremos a descubrir la ciudad que ya nos cobija, pasearla, encontrarla, seguro que para alguno también redescubrirla, en cualquier caso vivirla, cada uno desde su óptica difícilmente coincidente con la de los demás.
Esta noche permítenos deseártela excelente y proponerte antes de ir a dormir que des unos primeros pasos con los textos que a este suceden, mañana seguro el tuyo será distinto.
Ten unas muy buenas noches, descansa, mañana viviremos un día de caballos y carros, de pampa y de sus gauchos.
La pampa se extiende, sin interrupciones, desde Río Grande do Sul (Brasil) hasta el sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires. De oriente a occidente desde las costas atlántícas de la Banda Oriental del Uruguay hasta las estribaciones y el pie de la altiplanicie boliviana. "Así como el escenario del gaucho abarca tan lato territorio, este contiene desde las fértiles lomas uruguayas, las praderas mesopotámicas de ricos y abundantes pastoso hasta las sabanas salitrosas del norte argentino los pantanos chaquenos y el pie de los Andes, cuyas cimas nevadas son con el grito penetrante y dolorido del cóndor y la planta firme del guanaco, una de las "grandes ovejas de la tierra", expresión que usaban los cronistas españoles de la conquista para designar las llamas, las alpacas y los guanacos"
Es el momento de deciros, de decirnos, gracias, gracias por todo, por haber entre todos llegado hasta aquí. El camino sigue, pero hoy Buenos Aires nos dice: hasta pronto.
Probablemente, el conquistador vasco Juan de Garay no habría imaginado, allá por junio de 1580, que aquella cuadrícula de calles que había trazado, tal como recomendaban las Leyes de Indias dictadas por el emperador Carlos I, sobre una extensa llanura como en ningún lugar antes había visto y al borde del Río de la Plata se convertiría en un fenomenal conglomerado urbano, hogar de millones de inmigrantes de todos los continentes, de todas las razas y todos los credos.
Buenos Aires, la Reina del Plata, ciudad con una gran vida económica, cultural y política, escenario de prácticamente todos los acontecimientos trascendentes de la vida argentina es, sin ninguna duda, un destino de interés para todo aquel viajero en busca de nuevos espacios, de nuevos horizontes. Esperamos que es su medida, con sus inquietudes, también con sus expectativas les haya satisfecho.
Translation - English Tomorrow, we head out to discover the city that is already giving us shelter. We will walk around it, discover it, indeed some will be rediscovering it, but in any event we will enjoy it, each of us from our own unique perspective.
Allow us to wish you a wonderful evening, and suggest that before you go to sleep, you browse the texts that follow this one. Undoubtedly tomorrow your experience will be one of its kind.
Have a very pleasant evening, rest, and tomorrow we will enjoy a day of horses and wagons, of pampas (vast plains in S. America) and gauchos (cowboys native to S. America).
The pampas, or plains, stretch endlessly, from Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) up to the south of the province of Buenos Aires; from east to west, from the Atlantic coasts of the Banda Oriental of Uruguay up to the foothills and lower part of the Bolivian highland plains. The gaucho's stage covers such a vast area. Within it lie the fertile Uruguayan hills, the rich and lavish Mesopotamian grasslands which extend to the saltpetre savannahs of North Argentina, the Chaco marshes and the base of the Andes, whose snowy peaks echo with the piercing, distressed cry of a condor and the steady step of the guanaco (wild llama): “one of the biggest ewes of the land”. This phrase was used by Spanish historians during the conquest (of Latin America) to refer to llamas, alpacas and guanacos.
The time has come to thank you, to thank each other. Thanks for everything, thanks for, among other things, having brought us here. The journey continues, but for today Buenos Aires wishes us farewell, until the next time!
In all likelihood, the Basque conquistador Juan de Garay would not have imagined back in June 1580, that the grid of streets he mapped out, as advised by the Leyes de Indias announced by the Emperor Carlos I, would be transformed from a vast plain aside the Rio de Plata (Silver River), the like of which had never been seen before, into an immense urban conglomeration, home to millions of immigrants from all continents, and from every race and creed.
Buenos Aires, la Reina del Plata (the Silver Queen), is a city of great economic, social and political spirit, a venue for virtually all notable events in Argentine life, and is undoubtedly a fascinating destination for the traveller in search of new locations and horizons. We hope that it is to your taste and that any concerns have been dispelled and that your expectations have been met.
Source text - Spanish Las áreas de negocio que más se benefician de la adopción del estándar XBRL son las que producen y consumen información financiera de otras empresas, tanto a la hora de enviar información a reguladores, bancos y accionistas, como a los propios departamentos financieros de la organización, que elaboran informes consolidados para uso interno y reporting entre filiales. Las Entidades Financieras exigen que se les envíe puntualmente información financiera y operacional, de modo que puedan mantener sus operaciones, como por ejemplo los préstamos para poder evaluar el riesgo de las operaciones. Los acuerdos de Basilea II exigen al sector financiero nuevos retos en cuanto al control del riesgo. XBRL se impone, por tanto, como una tecnología capaz de aportar soluciones para estandarizar y hacer más fácil y eficiente la adopción de estos nuevos procesos.
Una de las principales ventajas de XBRL está en la mejora de los procesos de reporting interno. Cuando el reporting interno no se gestiona adecuadamente, dificulta la toma de decisiones correctas. Si se mejora el reporting interno de las Entidades, aumenta la productividad de la organización, de manera que la toma decisiones es más eficaz y aumenta la rentabilidad de la organización. Si la entidad financiera adopta XBRL, tanto para el reporting interno como para el externo, se obtendrán mayores beneficios, relacionados con la rapidez en el tratamiento de datos, la eficacia en el análisis y la transparencia de la información financiera; no sólo hacia fuera de la organización sino también hacia dentro.
Existen varias razones para la aplicación de XBRL. La primera y quizás más inmediata es la automatización de procesos y la agregación de datos financieros y contables para el reporting a las diferentes subsidiarias. La automatización implica una minimización de los costes, eliminando tiempo y esfuerzo manual, así como los posibles errores en la introducción y revisión de datos. Los sistemas de información o reporting internos pueden ser integrados de manera más rápida y efectiva en relación a los costes gracias a la estandarización en el formato de datos. Algo similar sucede en el proceso de publicación de informes para analistas, bancos, etc.
Los grandes grupos y las Entidades pueden agilizar sus procesos de reporting externo y realizar la transmisión electrónica de estados financieros reglamentarios a las autoridades reguladoras de los mercados. Además, XBRL contribuye en gran manera a que las Entidades Financieras puedan adoptar de forma más eficiente los requerimientos de Basilea II relacionados con la recopilación y análisis de estados financieros de sus clientes.
Entre los beneficios que aporta el estándar XBRL, cabe citar la posibilidad de intercambio y reutilización de la información financiera de forma automática entre aplicaciones y sistemas informáticos; la eliminación del riesgo de errores que representa la reintroducción de datos, debido a que esta actividad ya no es necesaria; la reducción de costes de preparación, consolidación, distribución y análisis de los estados financieros; y en definitiva, la mayor rapidez en la toma de decisiones al disponer de información más precisa, fiable y a tiempo.
Translation - English The areas of business that benefit most from the implementation of the XBRL standard are those that produce and use financial information from other companies, both at the time when information is sent to regulators, banks and shareholders, and for the individual financial departments of the organisation, whereby consolidated statements are prepared for internal use and for reporting among subsidiaries. Financial Institutions require financial and operational information to be sent on-time, so that they can maintain their operations, for example loans, in order that they can evaluate the associated risk. As regards risk control, the Basel II agreements provide the financial sector with new challenges. XBRL is, therefore, a necessary piece of technology, able to provide solutions for standardizing, facilitating and making the adoption of these new processes more efficient.
One of the main advantages of XBRL is in its improvement of the internal reporting processes. When internal reporting is not managed adequately, correct decision-making is hard. If internal reporting for institutions is improved, the organisation's productivity increases, in a way that makes decision-making more effective and increases the organisation’s profitability. If the financial institution adopts XBRL, both for internal and external reporting, greater benefit, relating to the speed of data processing, the efficiency of analysis and the transparency of financial information, can be achieved, not only outside of the organisation but also internally.
There are several reasons for adopting XBRL. The first, and perhaps most immediate, is process automation and aggregation of financial and accounting information for reporting at the different subsidiaries. Automation leads to cost minimization that reduces the amount of time and manual effort, in addition to the possible errors of data entry and checking. Information systems or internal reporting can be integrated faster and more effectively in relation to costs, due to the standardization of the data format. Something similar takes place in the report publication process for analysts, banks etc.
Big groups and institutions can streamline their external reporting processes and perform electronic transmission of statutory financial statements to the regulatory authorities. XBRL also contributes significantly to the financial institutions’ ability to adopt effectively the Basel II requirements, relating to the collection and analysis of their clients’ financial statements.
Among the benefits of the XBRL standard, the following are worthy of mention: the possibility of exchanging and reusing financial information automatically between applications and computer systems; the elimination of the risk of errors involved with re-entry of data, since this activity is no longer necessary; the reduction of set-up costs, consolidation, distribution and analysis of the financial statements; and finally, access to the most precise, reliable and on-time information for faster decision-making.
English (University of Kent at Canterbury) Spanish to English (University of Kent at Canterbury) Spanish to English (University of Kent at Canterbury) Spanish to English (Chartered Institute of Linguists) English (University of Kent at Canterbury)
I am a highly experienced and professional freelance translator. My mother tongue is English and my level of Spanish is near native. I was awarded a BA (hons) degree in Spanish with Translation in August 2000. This degree was based in England for three years and Seville, Spain for one year. The year in Seville was spent studying at the University of Seville (Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales). I also hold an MBA (Masters in Business Adminstration). I have acquired a great deal of expertise in most areas of business and management, particularly in the field of accountancy and finance. My MBA was based in Kent, England and San Sebastian, Basque Country. Studying in both England and Spain has been key to my successful translation career. In addition to a strong financial and legal background, I have worked as a medical translator for major pharmaceutical companies, including Wyeth Pharmaceuticals and Mannkind Corporation among many others. In recognition of my abilities as a medical translator, I received certification (certification in medical translation) from a multinational translation company, and last year I was awarded IOL membership .
BA (hons) Spanish Translation, 07/2000. University of Portsmouth.
MBA (Masters in Business Administration), 07/2005 KBS - University of Kent, UK
Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate, TEFL 08/1999. Linguarama, Birmingham (UK).
ACIL Membership and Designation (IOL Associate membership).
Below are examples of my most frequent work (in no order):
1. Short documents: letters, forms, certificates etc
2. Marketing/Advertising/Tourism
3. Social/Political documents
4. General Business: banking, accountancy, finance, HRM
5. Legal: contracts, warranties, deeds
6. Technical: operating instructions, manuals
7. Medical: pharmaceutical, medical reports, patient cards, informed consent forms
8. Computer: software manuals, user menus, web-sites RECENT PROJECTS:
- Translation of Title Deeds of a Spanish property for a manufacturing company in Birmingham, England
- Numerous translations of property rental and sale particulars for a prestigous property UK company
- Medical translation for a US pharmaceutical company researching diabetes products
- Marketing brochures for a leading computer software and hardware provider
- Genetics translation - gene transfer and stem cell research
- Medical Devices - research on the "prevention of air embolisms when administering IV medication"
- Medical brochure - Investigator's brochure on new antidepressant drug (>85,000 words)
Major clients include:
All quotations will be based on source text word count (when the text is available in electronic format). I beleive I offer competitive rates, which are agreed before starting a project and I welcome communication and feedback throughout any given project.
I know my own capacity and never take on too many projects at one time. This allows me to work quickly and accurately. Although I speak other languages (e.g. French, Italian), I normally only translate from Spanish to English.
I recognise the importance of appropriate style, impeccable grammar,spelling and accuracy.
If you would like to see samples of my work please view My Portfolio. above. If you would like me to take a look at any translation work or if you have any queries, please feel free to e-mail me at: [email protected]
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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
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With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
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Spanish to English
Specialty fields
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Finance (general)
Tourism & Travel
Law: Contract(s)
Other fields
Keywords: Welsh, medical translator, Spanish translator, Business Language Services, Wales, BLS, medical translation, experienced, Adam Burman, interpreting. See more.Welsh, medical translator, Spanish translator, Business Language Services, Wales, BLS, medical translation, experienced, Adam Burman, interpreting, informed consent, specialist, clinical trials, traductor, medicina, pharmaceuticals, certification, Burman, español, ingles, Spanish, translator, English, UK, based, freelance, legal, accountancy, contabilidad, finance, medical, general, business, legal, law, spain, uk, traductor, social sciences, MBA, medical, Member of IOL, certified, BA, MBA, ACIL, reliable, degree, fast service, good rates, certified, qualified, professional, free, quote.. See less.
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