Member since Jan '17

Working languages:
English to Italian
French to Italian

Carmela Palombi

Local time: 07:27 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian Native in Italian
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I worked in telecommunications for 17 years at ERICSSON TELECOMUNICAZIONI Spa, from the 16th of November 1992 to the 31st of July 2009.

I was formerly hired as the Customer Support area’s assistant, a role I kept until 1998.
I was later appointed as performance quality reporter within the Support and Project Italian Global Response Centre, that supports local and foreign customers worldwide, which position I kept until the end of my experience at Ericsson.

I'm currently working as a freelance translator from English and French into Italian; in this role I’ ve been translating and editing a number of documents and presentations related to ICT, cookery, electronics, art, crafts, machinery, safety sheets, handbooks, certificates and game fishing.

<a href=""> <img src="[BADGE IMAGE PATH]" alt="I work with Trados Studio 2021"/></a>

Keywords: english, italian, literature, cinema, computers, telecommunications, sport fishing, angling, translations, cookery. See more.english, italian, literature, cinema, computers, telecommunications, sport fishing, angling, translations, cookery, theatre, fiction, telecomunicazioni, pesca sportiva, inglese, italiano, traduzioni, poesia, letteratura, teatro, cucina, narrativa, fumetti, comics, français, italien, littérature, cinéma, poésie, télécommunications, cuisine, traduction, pêche, pêche sportive, pêche à la ligne, letteratura, traduzioni, traduzione, traduzione letteraria, cucina, gastronomia, teatro, narrativa, gastronomy, gastronomie, IT, ICT, Information technology, General, Général, Generale, line fishing, carp fishing, fly fishing, casting, spinning, mouche, roubaisienne, french, fishing tackle, bande dessinée, théâtre, roman, attrezzature da pesca, marketing, e-commerce, technical, technique, Sw, Software, industrial robot, pumps, engines, gdpr, certificates, birth, naissance, marriage, mariage, criminal records, casier judiciaire, certificats, sécurité, privacy, policy, confidentialité, informativa, riservatezza, truck, manuel, camion, manuale, handbook, manual, operation, operation&maintenance. See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 1, 2024

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