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English to Spanish: Managing Diversity in Organizations General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Management
Source text - English
Researchers in the field of human resource have identified a myriad of forces that are propelling most organizations towards diversity. Most of the most commonly considered aspects/ areas of diversity in the work place include ethnic race and gender. However, this definition of diversity has broadened to include other factors such as political affiliations, age, physical strength and abilities/features, sexual orientation/inclinations, educational background and so on. Managing all these aspects of diversity is proving to be a hard task especially since most organizations were previously rooted in ensuring that all employees complied to the same standard in terms of race, education and so on (Mor-Barak, 2005).
Several approaches have been suggested to help organizations in the successful appreciation and management of diversity. One of the most important considerations that organizations should take into account is the benefits that will be gained from encouraging diversity in their organization. Once all these benefits have been identified, it is much easier for the organization to whole heartedly to put frameworks that promote diversity in place (Gardenswartz & Rowe, 1998).
There are several ways in which such benefits can be identified. For instance, looking at how diversity has worked to the benefit of their competitors or other organizations in their line of business is always a first lesson in understanding the benefits of diversity. However, organizations also need to learn that the aspects of diversity that may work out well for one organization may not necessarily work out for all organizations.
Once companies or organizations have identified the specific benefits that diversity in their organization will achieve, it is time to take steps to create and encourage diversity. One such step includes ensuring that the recruitment of employees is a process that is both fair and diverse. Implementing this step requires organizations to move away from the common practice where organizations only recruit from within their line of business. Considering employment candidates who have knowledge and experience from diverse areas of study and experience works to the benefit of organizations since such employees bring with them creative ways of thinking that are out of the norm in the organization and it is a known fact that it is such out of the box thinking that propels organizations forward even while their competitors are faltering (Wong, 2001).
Translation - Spanish Los investigadores en el campo de recursos humanos han identificado una miríada de fuerzas que están impulsando a muchas organizaciones hacia la diversidad. La mayoría de los aspectos mas comúnmente considerados en las áreas de diversidad en el lugar de trabajo incluyen el género y la raza étnica. Sin embargo, esta definición de la diversidad se ha ampliado para incluir otros factores tales como la filiación política, edad, fuerza física y habilidades o características, la orientación sexual/inclinaciones, y así sucesivamente. Administrar todos estos aspectos de la diversidad está probando ser una tarea ardua, especialmente porque la mayoría de las organizaciones estaban anteriormente arraigadas en asegurar que todos los empleados cumplían el mismo estándar en términos de raza, educación, etc. (Mor-Barak, 2005).
Se han sugerido varios enfoques para ayudar a las organizaciones en el exitoso reconocimiento y gestión de la diversidad. Una de las consideraciones más importantes que las organizaciones deben tener en cuenta es los beneficios que serán adquiridos en fomentar la diversidad en su organización. Una vez que se han identificado todos estos beneficios, es mucho más fácil para la organización poner en practica los marcos que promueven la diversidad de manera mas comprometida (Gardenswartz & Rowe, 1998).
Hay varias maneras en que pueden identificarse esos beneficios. Por ejemplo, observando cómo la diversidad ha funcionado en beneficio de los competidores u otras organizaciones en su línea de negocio siempre es una primera lección en la comprensión de los beneficios de la diversidad. Sin embargo, las organizaciones también deben aprender que los aspectos de la diversidad que pueden funcionar bien para una organización no necesariamente funcionen para todas las organizaciones.
Una vez que las empresas u organizaciones han identificado los beneficios específicos que la diversidad en su organización logrará, es hora de tomar medidas para crear y fomentar la diversidad.
Un tal paso incluye garantizar que la contratación de empleados sea un proceso justo y diverso. La implementación de este paso requiere que las organizaciones se alejen de la práctica común en donde las organizaciones solo hacen contrataciones dentro de su línea de negocio. Tomar en cuenta a los candidatos de empleo que tengan conocimientos y experiencia en diversas áreas de estudio y experiencias funciona en beneficio de las organizaciones ya que esos empleados traen consigo formas creativas de pensamiento que están fuera de la norma en la organización y es un hecho conocido que es esa línea de pensamiento fuera del marco que impulsa hacia adelante las organizaciones incluso mientras sus competidores están trastabillando (Wong, 2001).
English to Spanish: Standards of Excellence – Page 2 General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English
2) Grade Point Average (GPA) - Students will be required to maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher for each school year from 9th – 12th grades. However, students should try to achieve this goal now, as doing so will make it much easier to do in high school.
3) Report Card Verification - Students are required to submit a copy of their report cards each marking period. Students should submit all report cards beginning this year, their 7th grade year, 2010-2011. Students may meet this requirement by :
bringing a copy of their report cards to either Mrs. Stauffer or Mrs. Spang at Ascend,
emailing their grades to [email protected] (by simply typing their grades into the body of an email),
posting their grades to our GDF AllStars Google Group, or
mailing a hard copy of their report cards to GDF at 21 Knoll Ridge Way, Oakland, CA 94619.
Grades should be submitted within two weeks of the students receiving them. If students are struggling, they must meet with the GDF Board of Directors to discuss why their grades have suffered, to find ways of improving them, to request any assistance that might be needed, and, if necessary, to explain why they should be allowed to remain in the GDF program.
4) Meeting Attendance – Students must attend a minimum of two (2) meetings per school year, in addition to our annual GDF picnic. Meeting times and locations will be provided at least one week in advance.
5) Community Service - Students will perform community service each year of high school (grades 9 through 12). Each student’s project will be discussed and approved by GDF, and can be completed in conjuction with any school community service requirements that may be in effect at their high schools. (In other words, if GDF students are required to complete community service projects at school, they can count this work as their GDF community service, too, if they so choose.)
Translation - Spanish
2) Promedio de calificación (GPA) - es un requisito que los estudiantes mantengan un promedio de calificación de 3.0 o más alto para cada año escolar del noveno al doceavo grado. Sin embargo, los alumnos deben tratar de alcanzar esta meta ahora, porque esto les facilitará hacerlo en la preparatoria.
3) Verificación de calificaciones - Es un requisito que los estudiantes nos entreguen una copia de sus boleta de calificaciones cada termino de periodo. Los alumnos deben entregar todas las boletas de calificaciones empezando este, su septimo grado, 2010- 2011. Se puede llenar este requisito con cualquiera de las siguientes opciones:
Trayendo una copia de su boleta de calificaciones al Mrs. S…. o a Mrs. P… a Ascend.
Mandando un e-mail con sus calificaciones a [email protected] (sólo habrá que escribir sus calificaciones en el cuerpo del e-mail),
Anunciando sus calificaciones en nuestro grupo de google del GDF Allstars, o
Mandando una copia en papel de su boleta de calificaciones al GDF a 21 Knoll Ridge Way, Oakland, CA 94619.
Las calificaciones deben de ser entregadas dentro de las dos primeras semanas que el estudiantes las reciba. Si el alumno esta teniendo dificultades, debe reunirsse con los miembros de la mesa directiva para hablar de las razones por las que sus calificaciones han sufrido para encontrar maneras de mejorarlas y pedir cualquier asistencia que pueda ser necesaria y si es necesario, para explicar porque los debemos mantener en el programa de GDF.
4) Asistencia de juntas – Los estudiantes deben asistir a un minimo de dos juntas por año escolar, ademas de nuestro picnic GDF anual. La hora y el lugar de las juntas serán anunciados por lo menos una semana por adelantado.
5) Servicio comunitario - Los estudiantes deberan realizar servicio comunitario cada año de la preparatoria (noveno a doceavo grado). Cada proyecto del estudiante será dialogado y aprovado por GDF y puede ser completado en conjunto con cualquier otro requisito de servicio comunitario que sus escuelas tengan.(En otras palabras, si es un requisito que complete servicio comunitario en su escuela, un estudiante GDF puede contar este trabajo como servicio GDF, si es que así lo decide)
Translation education
Other - National Hispanic University
Years of experience: 16. Registered at Nov 2010.
Translating experience
I started working as a freelance translator in January of 2011 as I was finishing the Translator and Interpretation program at the National Hispanic University, in San Jose California. I had been interpreting and translating for at least two years prior to this, working at a Legal nonprofit, where I routinely translated memos, declarations, flyers, presentations, lectures, press releases, etc., for mostly Spanish speaking clients. This allowed me to learn basic civil legal terminology in different areas of civil law like education, housing, and labor.
As a freelance translator I have done translations for nonprofits, a documentary script, training scripts for a grassroots organization and documents for schools and school districts. I have also worked with for profit organizations translating training scripts.
I am very interested in doing more work in the education translation field. As one of my minors in college I have attained the vocabulary required and I have stayed up to speed with the latest trends surrounding it. Language Skills
I am a native Spanish Speaker. I was born in Mexico and moved to the US when I was thirteen. Since then my world has revolved around English and it has nearly become my second native language. I speak both Spanish and English in academic and professional settings. I keep updated with Latin American culture and language through music, literature and travel. I frequently travel to Mexico and I have spent six months in Chile and 3 in Cuba for academic and language enrichement purposes. Memberships
Member for the ATA (American Translators Association) and the NCTA (Northern California Translators Association) Education
Translation and Interpretation certificate
National Hispanic University
Sociology and Spanish Double Bachelor’s Degree and,
Double Minor in Education and Psychology
University of California, Davis
Keywords: Native Spanish, fluent English, education, social sciences, sociology, labor unions, psychology, art, literature, travel. See more.Native Spanish, fluent English, education, social sciences, sociology, labor unions, psychology, art, literature, travel, editing, eficient, eficiente, libros, press releases, comunicados de prensa, Ingles, educacion, ciencias sociales, sindicatos, psicologia, arte, literatura. See less.