Working languages:
Croatian to English
English to Croatian
Italian to Croatian


Local time: 08:20 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Croatian Native in Croatian
Feedback from
clients and colleagues

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Account type Freelancer and outsourcer
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Translation, Interpreting
Specializes in:
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama


KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 32, Questions answered: 10
Translation education Bachelor's degree - University of law in Croatia, Split
Experience Years of experience: 19. Registered at Aug 2011. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Microsoft Word
I live in Split, Croatia and I always have been enthusiast for languages. For years I have developed my language skills, and it ended in translating some doctorates, also giving lessons to many of those who had problems with their language-knowledge.
I do not have diplomas of any kind related to translation jobs, I am lawyer with bar exam and musician, but this is one of my favorite hobbies and jobs that I might get here would be done in the most professional way. People find me reliable person, so be free to find out for your self. :)
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 32
(All PRO level)

Top languages (PRO)
English to Croatian28
Croatian to English4
Top general fields (PRO)
Social Sciences12
Top specific fields (PRO)
Mechanics / Mech Engineering12
Business/Commerce (general)8
Law: Contract(s)4
Medical: Cardiology4
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.4

See all points earned >
Keywords: translator, english, croatian, bosnian, serbian,

Profile last updated
Sep 3, 2013