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Sample translations submitted: 7
Chinese: Equity Transfer Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - Chinese Conversion
The Company covenants to at all times reserve sufficient Class B Ordinary Shares or, if the reservation is insufficient, the Company shall promptly take all actions necessary to authorize such additional Class B Ordinary Shares, for issuance upon conversion of all Purchased Shares under the Transaction Documents.
Equity Pledge
Within four (4) months after the Closing, the pledge of 100% equity interests in the Domestic Company to the WFOE shall be completed to register at local counterparts of SAIC. The pledge of 100% equity interests in applicable Group Companies, which are held by the nominee(s) designated by the Founder, to applicable Group Companies wholly owned by the HK Subsidiary directly or indirectly shall be completed to register at local counterparts of SAIC in a timely manner.
Translation - Chinese 转股
Chinese: Arbitration General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Chinese Any controversy, claim or dispute of whatever nature arising between the Parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the construction, interpretation, performance, breach, termination, enforcement or validity of this Agreement or the arbitration provisions contained in this Agreement, whether such claim existed prior to or arises on or after the date of this Agreement, including the determination of the scope of this Agreement to arbitrate, which is not settled through negotiation or mediation may be referred by any of the Parties to, and (if so referred) shall be finally and exclusively resolved by the Singapore Arbitration Centre (“SAIC”) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre ("SIAC Rules") by a single arbitrator, selected from a list provided by SIAC according to its usual procedures, who is a licensed attorney with excellent academic and professional credentials who has practiced law for a least 15 years, specializing in general commercial litigation.
Translation - Chinese 双方之间因本协议发生的或与本协议有关的任何性质的争议、索赔或争论,或者与本协议或与本协议中的仲裁规定的解释、解读、执行或效力有关的任何性质的争议、索赔或争论,无论在本协议日期之前就已存在,还是在本协议日期当日或之后发生,包括未能通过协商或仲裁解决的本协议仲裁范围的界定,均可(且应)由任何一方提请新加坡仲裁中心(“SAIC”)(在提请仲裁的情况下)进行专属终局性仲裁,SIAC从其依常规程序编制的仲裁员名单中选派一名独立仲裁员(须为学业优秀且具备专业资质的执业律师,具有至少15年的执业经历且专门从事一般商事诉讼),根据《新加坡国际仲裁中心仲裁规则》(“SAIC规则”)进行仲裁。
Chinese: Articles of Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Chinese Severability. All provisions of this Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by Applicable Law. If any part of this Agreement for any reason shall be declared invalid or in conflict with any Applicable Law, such decision shall not affect the validity of any remaining portion, which shall remain in full force and effect. In the event that any material provision of this Agreement shall be stricken or declared invalid, Licensee and Licensor shall use their reasonable efforts to negotiate a mutually satisfactory amendment to this Agreement to replace the material provision declared to be invalid or in conflict with any law and replace the same by mutually acceptable provisions which, being valid, legal and enforceable, come closest to the intention of Licensee and Licensor underlying the invalid or unenforceable provision. If Licensee and Licensor fail to agree within ninety (90) days from the date on which the material provision was stricken or declared invalid, then Licensor reserves the right to terminate this Agreement upon written notice to Licensee.
Translation - Chinese 条款分割性。应在适用法律允许的最大范围内解释和执行本协议所有条款。本协议任何部分因任何原因被宣称无效或与适用法律相冲突的,本协议其余部分条款始终有效,效力不受影响。如果本协议任何实质性条款不可执行或被宣称无效,则被许可方和许可方应尽其合理努力商定更正本协议,达到双方满意,采用双方认可的有效、合法和可执行条款,替换无效或与任何法律冲突的实质性条款,但须保证该等有效、合法和可执行条款应最接近无效或不可执行条款项下被许可方和许可方的本意。在任何实质性条款被删除或被宣称无效之日后的九十(90)日内,被许可方和许可方未就此达成一致的,则许可方有权在书面通知被许可方后立即终止本协议。
Chinese: Life Science (Implant Surgery) General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Dentistry
Source text - Chinese This design verification is valid for PURE CI implants with a diameter of Ø4.1mm with all implant lengths. The critical stress in the ISO 14801 setup occurs at the embedding level and does not depend on the implant length or abutment height since the leverage arm defined by the ISO 14801 does not depend on abutment height. Implant length or abutment height is not considered to critically affect implant bending strength. As a conclusion, any implant length can be used for static and dynamic testing. The results from one implant length can be applied to all implants of the same type with the same connection and endosteal diameter.
In the specific case of ceramic implants, ceramic surfaces are prone to hydrothermal aging processes. Hydrothermal aging is not dependent on implant geometry and is equal for all implants made from the same material and processes. The mechanical properties after hydrothermal aging however are dependent on the implant type and diameter but not the endosteal length or abutment height. Therefore, any implant length can be tested to represent all other implant with the same type and diameter, independent of the implant length.
Translation - Chinese 本设计验证适用于直径Ø4.1毫米的PURE CI种植体(任意长度)。ISO 14801标准所述的临界应力出现在包埋面,由于ISO 14801标准定义的扭转力臂并不取决于基台高度,因此种植体长度或基台高度并不是临界应力的决定因素。在临床上,种植体抗弯强度不受种植体长度或基台高度的影响。总之,任何长度的种植体均可用于静态测试和动态测试。一种种植体长度的测试结果适用于具有同等接合度和相同骨内叶状体开口直径的所有同类种植体。
Chinese: Life Science (Cardiology) General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - Chinese 6. Myocardial Performance Index (MPI)
MPI = isovolumic relaxation time + isovolumic contraction time
RV ejection time
Careful measurement of RV ejection time, trans-tricuspid inflow time and cardiac cycle length are required to calculate this parameter.
7. Tricuspid Annular Tissue Doppler Imaging
Both systolic and diastolic tissue Doppler waveforms give information about right ventricular function.
More detail can be obtained from standard echo texts.
8. Tricuspid inflow pulsed wave Doppler flow profile
Together with Tissue Doppler Imaging, analysis of the E and A wave components of the Doppler waveform obtained at the level of the tricuspid valve leaflet tips contributes to assessment of right ventricular diastolic function.
Translation - Chinese 6. 心肌工作指数 (MPI)
MPI = 等容舒张时间 + 等容收缩时间
7. 三尖瓣环组织多普勒成像
8. 三尖瓣流入脉冲波多普勒血流剖面图
连同组织多普勒成像,对在三尖瓣小叶尖水平所得的多普勒波形,分析其 E 波和 A 波成分,有助于评估右室舒张功能。
Chinese: Marketing transcreation General field: Medical Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - Chinese Originally renowned for its shoe collections, L.K.Bennett rapidly became the ultimate destination for royalty, celebrities and stylish women alike, leading to the introduction of ready-to-wear collections in 1998.
The brand vision has evolved to ensure that fashion product is the key driver of the company.
The over 140 strong retail stores now form part of a design-driven international label with a luxury twist.
The distinctive handwriting stays strong with a dedicated in-house design team creating looks that appeal to the expanding customer base in the USA, Europe and the Middle East.
Chinese: marketing translation General field: Marketing Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - Chinese Crown Casino is one of the largest and most dazzling gaming facilities in the southern hemisphere. Crown offers an incredible array of gaming options in a vibrant and sophisticated setting. The main gaming floor of the casino stretches for more than half a kilometre and includes a series of smaller themed rooms designed to match the way you want to play. From the discreet and exclusive atmosphere of the Mahogany Room to the glamour of the Teak Room and the exciting colour of the West End, Crown delivers an unparalleled gaming experience.
Translation - Chinese 皇冠赌场在南半球一众博彩机构中雄踞榜首。皇冠设计的玩法从纷繁复杂的博彩过程中脱颖而出,令人叹为观止。赌场主建筑群蜿蜒500多米,各类主题鲜明的小型会所错落有致,玩家们可轻松解锁匹配自己钟爱的各类玩法。无论是低调严谨、氛围独特的Mahogany Room,还是极具魅力、奢华尽显的 Teak Room,甚至是色彩鲜明、活力四射的 West End,皇冠打造的博彩体验无可匹敌、无出其右。
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Shandong Institute of Business and Technology
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Nov 2011. Became a member: Jun 2023.
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A Chinese freelance localization translator with 8+ years of experience, specialized in legal, life science, business & marketing, finance, IT, environment, and mechanical engineering. Excellent command of localization skills. Have translated over 7,000,000 words, ranging from documents to websites.
Keywords: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, life sciences, legal, finance, computer,