English to Serbian: Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan Z General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Hardware | |
Source text - English Memory wise NVIDIA equipped the GeForce GTX Titan Z with 7 Gbps memory, the fastest GDDR5 memory you can find on a graphics card today. The GeForce Titan Z ships with a total of 12 GB of this memory, providing up to 336 GB/sec (x2) of peak memory bandwidth. That is a huge partition of memory, yet do realise that each GPU can address a maximum of 6 GB only. Combined with GPU Boost 2.0 you will see this product boosting towards the 876 MHz range. The reference clock for Titan Z is kept low at 705 MHz. The clocks need to remain low for the card to be able to deal with the intense heat two GPUs produce, but it is also done to keep the product in line power consumption wise. For the GeForce GTX Titan Z, monitor outputs include Dual-DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort outputs. | Translation - Serbian Memorijski, NVIDIA je opremila GeForce GTX Titan Z sa 7 Gbps memorijom, najbrzom GDDR5 memorijom koju mozete pronaci na grafickoj kartici danas. GeForce Titan Z se otpremljuje sa 12 GB memorije, nudeci do 336 GB/sec (x2) krajnjeg propusnog opsega memorije. To je ogroman deo memorije, ali treba razumeti da svaka GPU moze pristupiti maksimumu od samo 6 GB. U kombinaciji sa GPU Boost 2.0 videcete da proizvod gura do oko 867 MHz. Referntni klok za Titan Z se drzi nisko na 705 MHz. Klokovi moraju ostati niski da bi kartica mogla da se nosi sa intenzivnom toplotom koju dva GPU-a proizvode, ali je takodje uradjeno da bi proizvod imao umerenu potrosnju elektricne energije. Za GeForce GTX Titan Z, izalzi za monitor ukljucuju Dual-DVI, HDMI i DisplayPort Izlaze. |