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English to Persian (Farsi) - Standard rate: 0.07 USD per word / 20 USD per hour Persian (Farsi) to English - Standard rate: 0.07 USD per word / 20 USD per hour
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English to Persian (Farsi): The Politics of Knowledge in Premodern Islam General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - English Edward Said has previously stated that the one adjective he would use not to modify but to emphasize the task of being a social critic would be ‘‘oppositional,’’1 and there were a few Saljūq notables who fully qualified as oppositional social critics. These were not a homogenous group but rather consisted of many figures operating outside the major religio-political alliances of this time period.While some Sufis (and more importantly, their descendants) such as Abū Saīd-i Abī ءl-Khayr and Aḥmad-i Jām aligned themselves with the Saljūqs, others resisted lending their baraka to legitimizing the Saljūqs. Some of the ‘‘outsiders’’ were neither Shāfiī nor Ḥanafī but Ḥanbalīs, like Khwāja Abd Allāh Anṣārī.2 He was a pious soul who remained a perpetual outsider to the Saljūq regime and was regularly harassed.We are told that due to his critique of the Asharī theologians, Anṣārī was threatened with death on five separate occasions and was exiled three times. This time period also witnessed the defiant figure of Ayn al-Quḍāt Hamadānī.
He certainly had all the qualifications to be a powerful insider and an active participant in legitimizing the Saljūqs: he was Shāfiī-Asharī, a judge, a Sufi, a popular preacher, etc. However, this was one dissident who used his baraka not to bargain with the Saljūqs but to rise against them, defiantly contesting their legitimacy. He called into question the association of religious scholars with them, the economic underpinnings of their system, and the very legitimacy of their rule. In doing so, he presented the most thorough contestation of Saljūq authority in this period. He was the embodiment of an oppositional social critic in the Saljūq era.
Translation - Persian (Farsi) ادوارد سعيد زمانی گفته بود که از ميان تمام ويژگي هايي که يک ناقد اجتماعی بايد داشته باشد، «مخالف-خوانی» از همه مهمتر است. در ميان چهره های شناخته¬شده دوران سلجوقی، تنها معدودی را می توان در رديف منتقدان اجتماعی «مخالف خوان» به شمار آورد. اين عده، گروهی يک دست نبودند و تنها ويژگی مشترک شان بيرون بودن از ائتلاف سياسی-مذهبی حاکم بود. در حالی که بعضی صوفيان (و مهم تر از همه، اعقابشان) مثل ابوسعيد ابوالخير و احمد جام متحد سلجوقيان ديگر، اين سلسله را مشروع نمی دانستند و دعای خير خود را از آنان دريغ می داشتند. بعضی «غيرخودی¬ها» مثل خواجه عبدالله انصاری، نه شافعی و نه حنفی، بلکه حنبلی بودند. اين انسان وارسته، همواره فاصله خود را با رژيم سلجوقی حفظ می کرد و به همين دليل پيوسته مورد آزار و اذيت قرار می گرفت. گفته می شود که انصاری به دليل نقدی که بر مکتب اشعری ايراد کرد، پنج بار به مرگ تهديد شد و سه بار نيز تن به تبعيد سپرد.
ديگر چهره ناآرام اين دوره، عين القضات همدانی است. بدون شک عين القضات با تمام ويژگی هايي که داشت می توانست چهره درباري قدرتمندی شود و نقش فعالی در مشروعيت بخشی به سلجوقيان بازی کند: او فقيهی شافعی اشعری، قاضی، صوفی، واعظی مردمی و... بود. با اين همه، عين القضات وجهه خود را نه به سود سلجوقيان که عليه آنان به کار گرفت و مشروعيتشان را به چالش کشيد. او همراهی فقيهان را با سلسله سلجوقی، زيرساخت اقتصادی نظام آنها، و مشروعيتشان را برای حکمرانی بر مسلمانان زير سؤال برد. به اين ترتيب، عين القضات گسترده ترين شکل مخالفت با اقتدار سلجوقی را در اين دوره نمايندگی می کرد. او تجسم يک منتقد اجتماعی مخالف خوان در عهد سلجوقی بود.
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Jul 2014.
I have been working as a translator for more than 15 years now. I have translated 200+ book reviews, 20+ articles and 5+ books, for one of which I won the IRI's "Book of the Season" prize in 2010.
Keywords: Persian, Farsi, Philosophy, Religion, Social Science, Humanities, Politics, Government, International Relations, Ethics. See more.Persian, Farsi, Philosophy, Religion, Social Science, Humanities, Politics, Government, International Relations, Ethics, Computer, Software, Hardware, IT, Information Technology, Film, TV, Series, Movie. See less.