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English to Chinese: Sylvia's Lovers General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English The Excerpts from Sylvia's Lovers
Sylvia's Lovers Trial
On the north-eastern shores of England there is a town called Monkshaven, containing at the present day about fifteen thousand inhabitants. There were, however, but half the number at the end of the last century, and it was at that period that the events narrated in the following pages occurred.
Monkshaven was a name not unknown in the history of England, and traditions of its having been the landing-place of a throneless queen were current in the town. At that time there had been a fortified castle on the heights above it, the site of which was now occupied by a deserted manor-house; and at an even earlier date than the arrival of the queen and coeval with the most ancient remains of the castle, a great monastery had stood on those cliffs, overlooking the vast ocean that blended with the distant sky. Monkshaven itself was built by the side of the Dee, just where the river falls into the German Ocean. The principal street of the town ran parallel to the stream, and smaller lanes branched out of this, and straggled up the sides of the steep hill, between which and the river the houses were pent in. There was a bridge across the Dee, and consequently a Bridge Street running at right angles to the High Street; and on the south side of the stream there were a few houses of more pretension, around which lay gardens and fields. It was on this side of the town that the local aristocracy lived. And who were the great people of this small town? Not the younger branches of the county families that held hereditary state in their manor-houses on the wild bleak moors, that shut in Monkshaven almost as effectually on the land side as ever the waters did on the sea-board. No; these old families kept aloof from the unsavoury yet adventurous trade which brought wealth to generation after generation of certain families in Monkshaven.
English to Chinese: THE SONS OF MAXWELL PERKINS General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
To: Fitzgerald
From: Perkins
TLS, l p. Princeton
Aug. 19, 1918.
Lieutenant F. Scott Fitzgerald,
Hq. Co. 67th Infantry,
Camp Sheridan, Ala.
Dear Sir
We have been reading “The Romantic Egoist”(1) with a very unusual degree of interest;in fact no ms. novel has come to us for a long time that seemed to display so much originality, and it is therefore hard for us to conclude that we cannot offer to publish it as it stands at present. Of course, in this we are considerably influenced by the prevailing conditions, including a governmental limitation on the number of publications and very severe manufacturing costs which make profitable publication far more difficult than ordinarily: but we are also influenced by certain characteristics of the novel itself. We generally avoid criticism as beyond our function and as likely to be for that reason not unjustly resented by an author but we should like to risk some very general comments this time because, if they seemed to you so far in point that you applied them to a revision of the ms.,we should welcome a chance to reconsider its publication.
The chief of these is that the story does not seem to us to work up to a conclusion;- neither the hero`s career nor his character are shown to be brought to any stage which justifies an ending. This may be intentional on your part for it is certainly not untrue to life; but it leaves the reader distinctly disappointed and dissatisfied since he has expected him to arrive somewhere either in an actual sense by his response to the war perhaps, or in a psychological one by "finding himself”,as for instance Pendennis(2) is brought to do. He does go to the war, but in almost the same spirit that he went to college and school,because it is simply the thing to do. It seems to us in short that the story does not culminate in anything as it must to justify the readers interest as he follows it; and that it might be made to do so quite consistently with the characters and with its earlier stages.
It seems to us too that not enough significance is given to some of those salient incidents and scenes, such as the affairs with girls. We do not suggest that you should resort to artificiality by giving a significance inconsistent with that of the life of boys of the age of the hero, but that it would be well if the high points were heightened so far as justifiable; and perhaps this effect could partly be gained by pruning away detail you might find could be spared elsewhere. Quite possibly all that we have said is covered by your own criticism of the ms, as at present a little “crude” and that the revision you contemplate will itself remove the basis of our criticism, and if when you make this you allow us a second reading we shall gladly give it. We do not want anything we have said to make you think we failed to get your idea in the book,we certainly do not wish you to “conventionalize” it by any means in either form or manner, but only to do those things which it seems to us important to intensify its effect and so satisfy a reader that he will recommend it,which is the great thing to accomplish toward a success.
We know how busy you are and how absorbed you must be in your present work, and it is rather difficult to think of you as being able to do this revising too; but as you have yourself spoken of it we have less hesitation in making suggestions toward it and in sending back the ms;- we hope we shall see it again and we shall then reread it immediately,- in fact our present delay was due to a misapprehension which led us to think you did not care about an early decision.
Very truly yours,
Charles Scribner`s Sons(3)
(1). Fitzgerald’s original title for the novel that became This Side of Paradise
formed a fast revision and resubmitted the novel, but it was again rejected.
(2).The title hero of William Makepeace Thackcray’s 1848-50 novel.
(3).This signature is in Perkins’s hand.
From: Fitzgerald
ALS, 2 pp. Princeton
599 Summit Ave
St. Paul, Minnesota
July 26th, 1919
Dear Mr. Perkins:
After four months attempt to write commercial copy by day and painful half-hearted imitations of popular literature by night I decided that it was one thing or another. So I gave up getting married and went home.
Yesterday I finished the first draft of a novel called THE EDUCATION OF A PERSONAGE.
It is in no sense a revision of the ill-fated Romantic Egotist(1) but it contains some of the former material improved and worked over and bears a strong family resemblance besides.
But while the other was a tedius, disconnected casserole this is definate attempt at a big novel and I really believe I have hit it, as immediatly I stopped
English to Chinese: NYPD boosts data warehouse to snare bad guys faster General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - English NYPD boosts data warehouse to snare bad guys faster
'Criminal data integration' links fingerprint databases, speeds process from weeks to seconds
By Eric Lai
The New York Police Department, the recipient of a steady stream of plaudits since launching its Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC) more than a year ago, is continuing to build up the data warehouse underpinning it.
Already under way is the addition of more data sources and real-time alerts to the IBM-built data warehouse used by the RTCC and the rest of the 37,000-officer force. The data warehouse will also accelerate the NYPD's famed CompStat crime-mapping tool, though it won't replace it.
"We're in a war, so we need to give our guys in the front lines the best tools possible," said CIO James Onalfo. The NYPD has spent about $300 million in the past three years on new technology tools.
One of those tools was the RTCC, which was built by systems integrator Dimension Data Holdings PLC and launched in June 2005. The RTCC is essentially a centralized help desk tasked with providing quick data to the department's 8,000 detectives, who used the tool and solved 74% of all homicides last year.
Though the RTCC has garnered more publicity, the IBM-built data warehouse underpinning it is more fundamental to the entire NYPD.
In the first phase, completed in the middle of 2005, several years of historical data, including complaints, arrests, stops, "question and frisks," criminal summons, shootings and homicides, was imported into an IBM DB2 8 database running on a pair of IBM P650 eight-way AIX servers, according to Christine Tyler, an associate partner in the public-sector practice at IBM's Global Business Services division. The second phase, which just finished, brought in complaint records going back to 1995 and arrest data going back to 1990, Tyler said. That now includes free text notes in the arrest records.
"Now we can look for things like a silver gun or a name on a tattoo, or search for a person's name," Onalfo said.
Those databases weren't easy to import. The NYPD has about 55 databases scattered in various locations, most using older technologies such as FoxPro, Microsoft Access, flat file storage and even mainframe-era technologies such as VSAM and Adabas that Tyler joked only "old ladies" like herself are still familiar with.
The third phase, which the NYPD is now beginning, involves connecting additional data sources from within the NYPD and from outside agencies. In doing so, the NYPD is moving from homegrown data integration software based on Cobol to Informatica Corp.'s PowerCenter tools.
"We won't initially save time, but our investment is reusable, so it will lower future development [costs]," Tyler said.
Informatica is already used to send 911 emergency call data to the RTCC, which transmits alerts straight to detectives in the field. For the data warehouse, Informatica will help integrate sources such as the fingerprint databases run by New York state and the FBI, speeding up a fingerprint matching process that can take up to three weeks to one that is completed in seconds, Onalfo said.
Other real-time features in the works include generating alerts when a "stop and frisk" report matches a name in an outstanding warrant in the data warehouse. New York is even considering emulating a city of London project and setting up thousands of cameras at major intersections around the city to scan license plates in real time, Tyler said (see "Closed-circuit TV may aid London bombing investigation). The data warehouse would be able to match those license plates and generate alerts if matches are made.
"Like the private sector, the NYPD data warehouse appears to be all about CDI -- except in this case, it's not customer data integration, it's criminal data integration," said James Kobielus, an analyst at Sterling, Va.-based Current Analysis Inc.
Kobielus, who had not been briefed by the NYPD, said the department's drive for real time is a good idea and parallels what many Fortune 500 firms are doing today. To ensure no latency, however, he recommended that the NYPD consider adding management and monitoring tools as the private-sector organizations are doing.
The data warehouse, currently 80GB in size and accessible through Cognos 8 business intelligence tools, should grow to about 400GB by the time the third phase is completed, Tyler said.
Onalfo said he would eventually like the data warehouse to serve as a central information hub for as many as 30 local government agencies, the district attorney's office and police departments in neighboring Nassau and Westchester counties. The data warehouse will also take over CompStat, launched in 1994 and credited widely for helping reduce crime in the city. Currently, it takes two to three employees at each precinct a full day to prepare weekly crime-trend reports. Eventually, precincts will be able to generate reports in a weekly, daily or even real-time fashion via dashboards that commanding officers can monitor.
To speed up getting data from reports still mostly written on pen and paper, the NYPD is trying special wireless pens and pads from IBM that let officers continue to handwrite reports in the field even as the data is simultaneously uploaded digitally into a precinct server, Onalfo said.
Asked whether this massive centralization of data should arouse privacy concerns, Onalfo said that procedures such as proper warrants are still required to search for data. "It's a well-controlled process. Even I don't have the ability to look at data," he said.
As for data theft or exposure due to mobile devices that the NYPD is slowly rolling out to police officers, Onalfo said that laptops and handheld devices will eventually be protected by a combination of smart cards, fingerprint-based biometrics and passwords.
Translation - Chinese 纽约市警察局通过数据仓库更快抓捕罪犯
English to Chinese: Hong Kong: A corrupt police force haunted by its criminal record General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Hong Kong: A corrupt police force haunted by its criminal record
Stephen Vines
Corruption has once more raised its ugly head within the Hong Kong police. The authorities have moved quickly to try to deal with it, but Stephen Vines in Hong Kong sees worrying signs for the future.
The Hong Kong government is worried. It issued a statement this week saying it was determined to maintain the police force "as one of the finest, upholding law and order, with integrity, honesty and professionalism".
The statement came as a response to "views expressed by various people concerning a number of incidents". Top of the list are the embarrassing circumstances under which the police have been forced to freeze all promotions following the arrest of eight officers on corruption charges connected with promotion boards.
These arrests have sent shock waves through both the police force and the public who fear that the rampant corruption which made the police notorious during the Seventies is re-emerging.
Few details have been given about the arrests by Hong Kong's powerful Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), but it has been confirmed that officers, including two chief inspectors, are suspected of bribery offences in connection with promotions to the rank of sergeant. Decisions over the promotion of more than 1,000 officers have been frozen while investigations are in progress.
The ICAC appears to be making a clear statement that despite the change of sovereignty it is still in business.
Hong Kong has an unusually large police force, with 438 policemen for every 100,000 members of the public, one of the highest ratios in the world.
The high level of policing is given as one reason for low levels of crime, but it was not so long ago that a great deal of crime was generated by the police force itself. Desk sergeants in local police stations became millionaires as they controlled the distribution of bribes and allocation of protection rackets.
The force was so riddled with corruption that post-war colonial governments avoided confronting the issue, fearing it would lead to the total breakdown of law and order. So powerful were corrupt policemen in the Sixties that they succeeded in getting a committee of inquiry to lay the blame for a series of riots on the territory's few prominent anti-police corruption campaigners.
However, public unease about the police was growing and the government was forced to respond. Investigations into the corruption of very senior officers revealed that they had ferreted away millions of dollars. The most notorious culprit was a Briton, former senior superintendent Peter Godber. Even after his arrest he managed to board a plane for Singapore and return to Britain. The public was outraged and campaigned for his return to face trial.
The Godber case broke the floodgates of public frustration with police corruption, which stretched down to the smallest stall holder having to pay off local constables to remain in business. Sir Murray MacLehose, who was then governor, decided that confidence could only be restored by the establishment of the ICAC. When it came into being in 1974 it was overwhelmed with inquiries into police corruption. A way was found to bring Godber back from London and he was extradited on charges of accepting a bribe for the promotion of a police officer.
Godber's conviction opened the door for aggressive prosecutions of police officers by the ICAC. Many corrupt sergeants fled to Taiwan, where there was no extradition treaty. The arrest of police officers peaked in 1977, provoking the nearest Hong Kong has come to a police revolt, when the ICAC headquarters was besieged by angry members of the force demanding the release of their colleagues.
A dangerous stand-off developed. The government offered a partial amnesty to get the police back to work. It virtually let off all officers suspected of more minor crimes committed before the beginning of the year. The controversial amnesty was only partially mitigated by a change to the police law giving the Commissioner of Police summary dismissal powers.
The experience of the Seventies is embedded in Hong Kong's folk memory. Countless surveys have shown that one of the biggest worries about last July's transfer of power was that it would lead to an upsurge of corruption, especially among the police, who have secured a far better reputation in recent years. A survey conducted by the ICAC, a year before the handover, found three-quarters of those questioned believed the commission's role "would become more important as 1997 drew near". Just before the handover, the ICAC recorded a disturbing increase in reports of corruption in public bodies and government departments but not in the police.
The public is worried that the bad old days might be coming back, although astonishingly, the new government has responded to this concern by suggesting that the main watchdog, the ICAC, should be shorn of the word "Independent" in its English title.
English to Chinese: Hierarchy of the Nigerian Legal System General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Hierarchy of the Nigerian Legal System
The Nigerian constitution recognizes courts as either Federal or State courts. A primary difference between both is that the President appoints Justices/Judges to federal courts, while State Governors appoint Judges to state courts. All appointments (federal or state) are based on the recommendations of the National Judicial Council.[citation needed]
The Federal courts are: the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal and the Federal High Court.
The State courts include: the High Court of a State, the Customary Court of Appeal of a State and the Sharia Court of Appeal of a State. Each of the states (currently thirty-six) is constitutionally allowed to have all of these courts. However, the predominantly muslim northern states tend to have Sharia courts rather than Customary courts. The predominantly christian southern states tend to have Customary courts and not Sharia courts.[citation needed]
Due to the fact that the Nigerian capital (known as happy town or The Federal Capital Territory, FCT) is not a state, it has no Governor. Its courts that are equivalent to the state courts have their Judges appointed by the President and are thus federal courts. The FCT courts are: the High Court of the FCT, the Customary Court of Appeal of the FCT and the Sharia Court of Appeal of the FCT.[citation needed]
Tier 1 Court: Supreme Court[edit]
The Supreme Court of Nigeria is the highest court in Nigeria. It is based in the capital, Abuja. The Supreme Court is mainly a court of appellate jurisdiction and is the final appeal court in the country. It also has original jurisdiction in State vs. State and State vs. Federal Government cases. The Supreme Court is headed by a Chief Justice who is assisted by other Justices. The appointment of the Chief Justice and Justices requires confirmation by the Senate.[citation needed]
Tier 2 Court: Court of Appeal[edit]
The next highest court is the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal is located in Abuja. However, in order to bring the administration of justice closer to the people, the Court of Appeal has multiple divisions (currently sixteen) in various parts of the country. The head of the Court of Appeal has the title: President of the Appeal Court. He/She is assisted by Justices. Only the appointment of the President of the Appeal Court requires Senate confirmation.[citation needed]
The Court of Appeal is mainly a court of appellate jurisdiction, however it has original jurisdiction for presidential and vice-presidential election petitions. [2] The Federal Court of Appeal is where the multiple legal systems (English, Customary and Sharia) of Nigeria converge. It is constitutionally required to have at least three Judges who are versed in Customary law and at least three Judges who are versed in Islamic personal law.[citation needed]
Judgements from the tier 2 court can be appealed to the Supreme Court (the tier 1 court). [2]
Tier 3 Courts[edit]
Just below the Federal Court of Appeal are the tier 3 courts. They include: (1) the Federal High Court and (2) the High Court of a state/FCT, (3) the Customary Court of Appeal of a state/FCT and (4) the Sharia Court of Appeal of a state/FCT. [3]
The Federal High Court is based in Abuja. In order to bring the administration of justice closer to the people it has a division in each of the thirty-six states of the country. The Federal High Court is generally a court of original jurisdiction. However, it has appellate jurisdiction from tribunals such as the Tax Appeal Tribunal. It is presided over by a Chief Judge who is assisted by other Judges.[citation needed]
The High Court of a state/FCT is the highest English law court in a state or the FCT. The High Court of a state/FCT and the Federal High Court have similar powers. Due to the fact that there is a division of the Federal High Court in each state and that each state has its own High Court, there is usually some confusion as to which court is which. For example, in Lagos state, there is a Federal High Court, Lagos and a High Court of Lagos State (sometimes referred to as The Lagos State High Court). It is presided over by a Chief Judge who is assisted by other Judges.[citation needed]
The Customary Court of Appeal of a state/FCT is the highest Customary law court in a state/FCT. It is presided over by a Judge who has the title: President of the Customary Court of Appeal of the state/FCT and is assisted by other Judges.[citation needed]
The Sharia Court of Appeal of a state/FCT is the highest Sharia law court in a state/FCT. It is presided over by a Grand Khadi who is assisted by other Khadis.[citation needed]
Judgements from the tier 3 courts can be appealed to the tier 2 court (Federal Court of Appeal).[citation needed]
Tier 4 Courts: State Courts[edit]
The lowest courts in the country are all state courts (there is no federal court in this group). They include (i) the Magistrate Courts that handle English law cases (ii) the Customary Courts that handle Customary law cases and (iii) the Sharia Courts that handle Sharia law cases.[citation needed]
Judgements from the tier 4 courts can be appealed only to their respective higher tier 3 courts (e.g. judgements from the English law Magistrates Court can only be appealed to the tier 3 English law court (the High Court of a state/FCT).[citation needed]
Other Courts[edit]
Election Tribunals[edit]
There are two types of election tribunals viz.: (1) National Assembly Election Tribunals that deal with petitions from the Senate and House of Representatives elections and (2) Governorship and Legislative Election Tribunals that deal with petitions from the Gubernatorial and State House of Assembly elections. Election tribunals are set up by the President of the Federal Court of Appeal in consultation with the Chief Judges of the High Courts of the states, Presidents of the Customary Courts of Appeal of the states and/or Grand Khadis of the Sharia Courts of Appeal of the states.[citation needed]
Code of Conduct Tribunal[edit]
The Code Of Conduct Tribunal is established by the Chapter C15 Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal Act, No. 1 of 1989 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 with commencement date of 1 January 1991, which "provide for the establishment of the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal to deal with complaints of Corruption by public servants for the breaches of its provisions.[citation needed]
The Code Of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) shall consist of a chairman and two other members, whose chairman shall be a person who has held or is qualified to hold office as a Judge of a superior court of record in Nigeria and shall receive such remuneration as may be prescribed by law. The chairman and other members of the Tribunal shall be appointed by the President on the recommendation of the National Judicial Council. The tenure of office of the CCT chairman and members shall expired when he attains the age of seventy years.[citation needed]
A person holding the office of chairman or member of the Code Of Conduct Tribunal shall not be removed from his office or appointment by the President except upon an address supported by two-thirds majority of each House of the National Assembly of Nigeria praying that he be so removed for inability to discharge the functions of the office in question (whether arising from infirmity of mind or body) or for misconduct or for contravention of the Act. A person holding the office of chairman or member of the Tribunal shall not be removed from office before retiring age, save in accordance with the provisions of the section of the Act.[4]
Judgements from the Code Of Conduct Tribunal can be appealed to the tier 2 court (Federal Court of Appeal)
English to Chinese: The Research of Professor Dawn Song,University of California, Berkeley General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers (general)
Source text - English Dawn Song
Computer Science Division
University of California, Berkeley
Research Interests: Deep learning and security. Deep learning and program synthesis and analysis. Computer security, privacy, and applied cryptography, including security and privacy issues in systems, software, networking, and databases. Analysis of and defense against malicious code. Using program analysis, algorithms design, and machine learning for security and privacy.
Research Projects in Deep Learning (Coming soon)
List of Recent and Past Research Projects in Computer Security
CS294 Special Topics in Deep Learning, with Trevor Darrell and Sergey Levine, Fall 16
Job Openings
Positions are available for postdocs, research staff, staff programmers, and interns, in areas in security, privacy, and deep learning. If you are interested in applying for a position, please fill out the form here . Please do not send me emails directly.
For Berkeley undergrads, we enjoy having undergrads participate in our research projects to gain research experience. To be selected, normally we expect the students to have a GPA of at least 3.7 in EECS or math major or have extensive experience in areas related to the project. If interested, please apply through the URAP program. You are also welcome to fill in the form mentioned above at any time. Please do not send me emails directly unless instructed.
Dawn Song's Bio
Dawn Song is Professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley. Prior to joining UC Berkeley, she was an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University from 2002 to 2007. Her research interest lies in security and privacy issues in computer systems and networks, including areas ranging from software security, networking security, database security, distributed systems security, to applied cryptography. She is the recipient of various awards including the MacArthur Fellowship, the Guggenheim Fellowship, the NSF CAREER Award, the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the MIT Technology Review TR-35 Award, the IBM Faculty Award, the George Tallman Ladd Research Award, the Okawa Foundation Research Award, the Li Ka Shing Foundation Women in Science Distinguished Lecture Series Award, and Best Paper Awards from top conferences.
Professional Activities
I'm serving on the steering committee for:
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)
I've co-organized the following workshops/conferences:
ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop, Nov 2009.
NSF Workshop on Next Generation Secure Internet, July 2005.
DHS/ARO Workshop on Malware Detection, Aug 2005.
DIMACS Workshop on Cryptography: Theory and Practice, 2004.
I've served on the program committees for the following conferences:
VEE 2010
MobiSys 2010
IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium 2010
IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium 2008
EuroSys 2007
Symposium on Recent Advance in Intrusion Detection (RAID) 2007
ACM Computer and Communication Security Symposium (CCS) 2006
Symposium on Recent Advance in Intrusion Detection (RAID) 2006
Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) 2006
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2006
ACM Computer and Communication Security Symposium (CCS) 2005
Symposium on Recent Advance in Intrusion Detection (RAID) 2005
Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet (SRUTI) 2005
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2005
IEEE InfoCom 2005
ACM Sensor Networks & Systems Conference (SenSys) 2004
ACM Computer & Communication Security Symposium (CCS) 2004
7th Information Security Conference, June 2004
International Applied Cryptography and Networking Security Conference, June 2004
13th International World Wide Web Conference, May 2004
11th USENIX Security Symposium, August 2003
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 2003
12th International World Wide Web Conference, May 2003
10th Annual Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium, February 2003
Past Projects
Source Transformation for Software and Systems Security
Efficient and Accurate Detection of Integer-based Attacks.
David Brumley, Tzi-cker Chiueh, Rob Johnson, Huijia Lin, and Dawn Song. In Proceedings of NDSS, Feb 2007.
Privtrans: Automatic Privilege Separation
David Brumley and Dawn Song. In USENIX Security Symposium 2004.
Networking Security
Streaming Algorithm Design
New Streaming Algorithms for Superspreader Detection
Shobha Venkataraman, Dawn Song, Phil Gibbons, and Avrim Blum. In Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium, Feb 2005.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Defense
FIT: Fast Internet Traceback
Abraham Yaar, Adrian Perrig, and Dawn Song. In IEEE InfoCom, March 2005.
SIFF: An Endhost Capability Mechanism to Mitigate DDoS Flooding Attacks
Abraham Yaar, Adrian Perrig, and Dawn Song. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2004, May 2004.
Pi: A Path Identification Mechanism to Defend against DDoS Attacks.
Avi Yaar, Adrian Perrig, and Dawn Song. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2003.
Advanced and Authenticated Marking Schemes for IP Traceback
D. Song and A. Perrig. In IEEE Infocomm 2001.
Host-based Intrusion Detection
Behavioral Distance Measurement Using Hidden Markov Models.
Debin Gao, Michael K. Reiter and Dawn Song In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID 2006), Hamburg, Germany, September 2006.
Behavioral Distance for Intrusion Detection
Debin Gao, Mike Reiter and Dawn Song. Symposium on Recent Advance in Intrusion Detection (RAID), Sep 2005.
Gray-box Extraction of Execution Graphs for Anomaly Detection
Debin Gao, Mike Reiter, and Dawn Song. In ACM Computer and Communication Security (CCS) 2004 .
Graybox Program Tracking for Hostbased Intrusion Detection
Debin Gao, Mike Reiter, and Dawn Song. In USENIX Security Symposium 2004.
Secure Sensor Networks
Secure Hierarchical In-Network Aggregation in Sensor Networks.
Haowen Chan, Adrian Perrig, and Dawn Song. ACM CCS, November 2006.
The Sybil attack in sensor networks: analysis & defenses.
James Newsome, Runting Shi, Dawn Song, and Adrian Perrig. In 3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2004), April 2004
GEM: Graph Embedding for Routing and Data-Centric Storage in Sensor Networks without Geographic Information.
James Newsome and Dawn Song. In ACM SenSys (Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems), November 2003.
SIA: Secure Information Aggregation in Sensor Networks.
Bartosz Przydatek, Dawn Song, and Adrian Perrig. In ACM SenSys (Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems), November 2003.
Random Key Predistribution Schemes for Sensor Networks
Haowen Chan, Adrian Perrig, and Dawn Song. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2003.
Past Teaching
CS294-116 Secure and Intelligent Computing, Fall 15
CS294-101 Cutting-Edge Web Technologies, Spring 15
CS161 Computer Security, Spring 15
CS161 Computer Security, Fall 12
CS194 Building Your Next-generation Education Technologies, Fall 12
CS161 Computer Security, Spring 12
CS294 Technologies for Education and Learning at Large Scale, Spr\ ing 12
CS261 Computer Security, Spring 11
CS294-65 Privacy Technologies: From Theory to Practice, Spring 11
CS294-50 Advanced Topics in Computer Security, Spring 10
CS161 Computer Security, Spring 08, Fall 08
CS294-24: Privacy and Security Enhancing Technologies, Fall 07
CS294-25: Current Berkeley Research in Programming Systems, co-taught with \ Ras Bodik, Koushik Sen, Sanjit Seshia, and Kathy Yelick, Fall 07
Dawn Song's Former Students and Postdocs
Graduated PhD Students
Juan Caballero (2010), IMDEA-Software
Min Gyung Kang (2010), Google
David Brumley (2008), Assistant Prof., CMU
Shobha Venkataraman (2008), AT&T Research Lab
James Newsome (2008), Bosch Research
Debin Gao (2007), Assistant Prof., Singapore Management University
Lea Kissner (2006), Google
Graduated Postdocs
Adam Barth (2010), Google
Zhenkai Liang (2008), Assistant Prof., National University of Singapore
Graduated Visiting Students
Heng Yin (2009), Assistant Prof., Syracuse University
Graduated MS Students
Cody Hartwig (2008), Microsoft
Haris Kampouris (2007), Oracle
Xeno Kovah (2007), MITER
English to Chinese: Comprehensive Credit Line Guarantee Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Comprehensive Credit Line Guarantee Contract
Chapter 1 General Provisions
In order to ensure the implementation of the Comprehensive Credit Line Agreement No.XXXX (hereinafter referred to as the "Comprehensive Credit Line Agreement") entered into on June 28, 2010 by and between XXXX (hereinafter referred to as the "Credit Receiver")and the Credit Grantor, the Guarantor agrees to provide a maximum joint and several guarantee to the Credit Grantor so as to ensure that the Credit Receiver will pay off all of its debts incurred under the Comprehensive Credit Line Agreement on time and in full.
Upon examination, the Credit Grantor agrees to accept the guarantee provided by the Guarantor. Based on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the State, this Contract is hereby formulated with a view to specifying the rights and obligations of the Guarantor and the Credit Grantor.
Chapter 2 Definitions
Article 1 In this Contract, unless the context otherwise requires or unless otherwise explained contextually:
Main contract: shall mean the Comprehensive Credit Line Agreement entered into by and between the Credit Grantor and the Credit Receiver and the specific credit facility contract or agreement entered into by and between the Credit Grantor and the Credit Receiver with respect to each specific credit facility on the basis of the Comprehensive Credit Line Agreement.
Specific credit facility contract or agreement: shall mean a contract or agreement entered into by and between the Credit Grantor and the Credit Receiver with respect to a single specific credit facility in cases where the Credit Grantor extends lines of credit in local and foreign currencies to in the form of loans, trade financing, discounts, acceptances, letters of credit, letters of guarantee, factoring, guarantees and other on-and off-balance sheet items (collectively “Specific Credit Facilities”) to the Credit Receiver.
Chapter 3 Principal Creditor's Right Secured
Article 2 The principal creditor's right guaranteed by the Guarantor consists of all creditor's rights arising under all the specific credit facility contracts or agreements entered into by and between the Credit Grantor and the Credit Receiver on the basis of the Comprehensive Credit Line Agreement. The maximum principal balance under the principal creditor's right guaranteed is the maximum line of credit agreed upon in the Comprehensive Credit Line Agreement, namely RMB twenty-seven million.
Under any of the following circumstances, creditor's rights under the main contract shall be established:
(1) The time limit for establishing creditor's rights as agreed upon in the main contract expires;
(2) There is no possibility of a new creditor's right arising;
(3) The main contract is terminated by the Credit Grantor and the Credit Receiver, or this Contract is terminated by the Credit Grantor and the Guarantor;
(4) The Credit Receiver or the Guarantor is declared bankrupt or is subject to cancellation, revocation, deregistration or dissolution;
(5) Any such other circumstances in which creditor's rights are established as provided for by law.
Chapter 4 Mode of Guarantee
Article 3 The guarantee provided hereunder by the Guarantor is a joint and several guarantee.
Chapter 5 Scope of Guarantee
Article 4 The scope of guarantee hereunder covers: the principal and interest on debt (including legal interest, contractual interest and default interest), compound interest, handling charges, liquidated damages, compensatory damages, costs and expenses incurred in enforcing creditor's rights(including but not limited to legal costs , attorney fees , notary fees and enforcement costs) and all other fees and charges (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Guaranteed Debts”) that the Credit Receiver shall reimburse the Credit Grantor for or pay to the Credit Grantor under the main contract.
Article 5 Any proof used by the Credit Grantor to show the existence of any guaranteed debt or any payable hereunder, unless manifestly erroneous, shall be conclusive evidence of the debtor-creditor relationship between the Credit Receiver and the Credit Grantor and binding on the Guarantor.
Chapter 6 Guarantee Period
Article 6 The guarantee period for each specific credit facility under the Comprehensive Credit Line Agreement shall be calculated separately and shall be two years from the date of the expiration of the time limit within which the Credit Receiver is required to fulfill its obligations as agreed upon in the specific credit facility contract or agreement (or the early termination date if the specific credit facility contract or agreement is terminated early due to the occurrence of an event stipulated by law or a pre-agreed event).
Chapter 7 Documents That the Guarantor Shall Submit
Article 7 The Guarantor shall ensure that Credit Grantor has received the following documents submitted by the Guarantor before the Credit Receiver uses a specific credit facility provided by Credit Grantor under the main contract for the first time:
1. An original copy of this contract that has been validly signed or sealed by the legal representative of the Guarantor or his or her authorized agent and stamped with its official seal;
2. The Articles of Association of the Guarantor or documents evidencing approval of its establishment and the Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person of the Guarantor that has undergone the latest annual inspection, or its Certificate of Public Institution with Legal Person Status, or any other documents that can prove the lawful existence of the Guarantor;
3. Financial statements or other materials proving the creditworthiness of the Guarantor;
4. A resolution of the board of directors of the Guarantor or another internal body of the Guarantor that has the right to decide matters pertaining to this Guarantee indicating its approval of provision of a guarantee as per this Contract;
5. Such other documents as the Credit Grantor may reasonably request the Guarantor to provide.
If only a photocopy of any of the above documents is provided, the Guarantor must confirm that the photocopy is a truthful, complete and valid copy of the original by affixing thereto its official seal.
Chapter 8 Guarantor's Representations and Warranties
Article 8 The Guarantor hereby make the following representations and warranties to the Credit Grantor:
1. Guarantor is a legal entity/an organization of a different nature duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of China, has Independent capacity for civil conduct and has the full power, authority and right to bear civil liability with all of its assets and engage in business activities.
2. The Guarantor has the full power, authority and right to enter into Contract and conduct transactions under this Contract, and has taken all necessary corporate and other action and procured all necessary consents to authorize the execution and performance of this Contract. This Contract shall be validly signed by the legal representative of the Guarantor or his or her authorized agent.
3. The Guarantor has carefully read and fully understood the contents of the main contract and this Contract and the acceptance of the main contract. The Guarantor entered into and performed this Contract of its own free will and all of its representations hereunder are true.
4. All the documents, data, reports, and certificates provided by the Guarantor to the Credit Grantor are accurate, truthful, complete and valid, and all the photocopies provided correspond to the original documents.
5. The Guarantor has obtained all government approvals and third-party consents necessary for it to enter into this Contract. Its execution and performance of this Contract does not and will not violate the Guarantor's incorporation documents/approval documents (if any) and any other contract or agreement to which it is a party. The guarantee under this Contract will not be subject to any restrictions.
6. In order to ensure the legality, validity or enforceability of this Contract, the Guarantor has completed or will complete all required registration, recordation or notarization procedures.
7. This Contract is legitimate and valid and constitutes a legally binding obligation on the part of the Guarantor.
8. No litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings are taking place which involve the Guarantor or any of its major productive assets and could have a material adverse effect on the Guarantor's financial position or the Guarantor's ability to perform its obligations under this Contract.
9. No event of default or potential event of default with respect to Guarantor has occurred and is continuing.
Article 9 The above representations and warranties of the Guarantor shall remain true and correct during the term of this Contract, and the Guarantor will make more documents available to Grantor upon request at any time.
Chapter 9 Guarantor's Commitments
Article 10 Before all the Guaranteed Debts are paid off, the Guarantor shall comply with the following provisions:
1. The Guarantor shall promptly notify the Credit Grantor any of the following events:
(1) The occurrence of any event of default;
(2) Any litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings involving the Guarantor or any of its major productive assets;
(3) The Guarantor has suffered a deterioration in its financial situation, has suspended its operations or has had its operations suspended, has gone out of business, is declared bankrupt or dissolved, has had its Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person/Certificate of Public Institution with Legal Person Status revoked or has been cancelled.
2. During the term of this Contract, as long as any debt remains unpaid, without the prior written consent of the Credit Grantor, the Guarantor may not enter into any joint operation, contracting, leasing, merger, division or shareholding system reform arrangements or any other arrangements involving changing its mode of operation and ownership structure; if the Guarantor really needs to enter into any joint operation, contracting, leasing, merger, division or shareholding system reform arrangements or any other arrangements involving changing its mode of operation and ownership structure due to adjustments to relevant policies or laws of the State, the Guarantor shall obtain the prior written consent of Credit Grantor, and arrange its responsibilities and obligations in relation to the provision of a guarantee under this Contract in such manner as is satisfactory to the Credit Grantor.
3. During the term of this Contract, as long as any debt remains unpaid, except with the prior written consent of the Credit Grantor, the Guarantor may not sell, transfer, divide or otherwise dispose of any of its major productive assets.
4. During the term of this Contract, before all the Guaranteed Debts are paid off, the Guarantor will not pursue recovery of any monies it has paid to the Credit Grantor on behalf of the Credit Receiver or any other debts the Credit Receiver may owe to it from the Credit Receiver or assert any rights against the Credit Receiver in connection therewith.
5. During the term of this Contract, if the Guarantor registers any change with the industrial and commercial administrative authority, it shall serve a written notice thereof upon the Credit Grantor within ten working days of the Credit Grantor after the change and deliver a photocopy of the relevant registration document to the Credit Grantor.
6. If the Credit Receiver fails to pay any guaranteed debt that has matured on time, the Guarantor shall, within seven working days of the Credit Grantor from the date of receipt of a written payment notice from the Credit Grantor, unconditionally pay the debt to the Credit Grantor on behalf of the Credit Receiver in the manner required by the Credit Grantor.
7. If the Guarantor fails to pay any sum under this Contract on time as required by the Credit Grantor, the Credit Grantor shall have the right to deduct the sum directly from any account the Guarantor has opened with the Credit Grantor or any other branch in the system of the Credit Grantor without the prior consent of the Guarantor.
8. Upon the Credit Grantor's request, the Guarantor shall immediately reimburse or compensate the Credit Grantor for the following costs, expenses and losses:
(1) All costs and expenses incurred by the Credit Grantor in enforcing its rights hereunder (including but not limited to attorney fees, legal costs, enforcement costs and all other actual expenses); and
(2) Any other loss caused to the Credit Grantor by the Guarantor's breach of this Contract.
Chapter 10 Nature and Effectiveness of Guarantee
Article 11 The guarantee established by this Contract is independent of any other guarantees obtained by the Credit Grantor for the Guaranteed Debts. Before exercising any of its rights hereunder, the Credit Grantor is not required to first enforce any guarantee it holds (be it a material guarantee or personal guarantee), nor is it required to first seek any remedy against the Credit Receiver or any other third party.
Chapter 11 Event of Default
Article 12 The occurrence of any of the following events and matters shall constitute an event of default on the part of the Guarantor hereunder:
1. Any event of default occurs under the main contract;
2. Any representation, warranty or undertaking made by the Guarantor under this Contract is deemed to be inaccurate or untruthful;
3. Any part of the main contract is no longer fully legitimate and valid for whatever reason, or is terminated or restricted for whatever reason;
4. The Guarantor suspends or ceases its operations, enters bankruptcy, liquidation, shutdown or other similar proceedings, or an application is filed for a declaration of bankruptcy and the liquidation of the Guarantor or the Guarantor has it operations stopped or suspended by a competent authority;
5. Any significant judicial, arbitration and administrative proceeding is instituted against the Guarantor or any of its major productive assets;
6. The Guarantor breaches any of its obligations hereunder or any other event occurs which the Credit Grantor thinks will have a serious adverse effect on the Credit Grantor's rights hereunder.
Article 13 After the occurrence of any of the above events of default, the Credit Grantor shall have the right to take, as the case may be, any one or more of the following measures:
1. Exercise any remedy for breach of contract to which the Credit Grantor is entitled to under the main contract and this Contract;
2. Require the Guarantor to discharge its responsibilities in relation to the provision of a guarantee as stipulated herein;
3. Enforce any other security interests the Credit Grantor may be entitled to in respect of the Guaranteed Debts.
Chapter 12 Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 14 Without the prior consent of the Credit Grantor, the Guarantor may not transfer or otherwise dispose of all or part of its obligations hereunder.
Article 15 The Credit Grantor giving the Guarantor any grace period, concession or respite shall not affect, impair or limit any rights the Credit Grantor has hereunder and pursuant to relevant laws and regulations; shall not be deemed a waiver by the Credit Grantor of its rights and interests hereunder or affect any of the Guarantor's responsibilities and obligations hereunder.
Article 16 If, at any time, any provision hereof is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall in no way be affected or impaired thereby.
Article 17 Under this Contract, the Guarantor shall pay the Guaranteed Debts in full and may neither claim any offsets nor impose any conditions.
Article 18 Any notice or request sent by either Party to the other to relation to this Contract shall be made in writing and sent to the relevant Party's address or facsimile number set forth on the first page hereof. If either party's changes its address or facsimile number, it shall promptly notify the other.
Any document exchanged between the Parties, if delivered by hand, shall be deemed to have been served at the time of delivery; if sent by registered post, shall be deemed to have been served three days after the registered letter is sent; if sent by facsimile transmission, shall be deemed to have been served at the time of transmission.
Chapter 13 Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
Article 19 This Contract and any matter covered by this Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of China.
Article 20 Any and all disputes arising out of the performance of this Contract or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly consultations between the Parties. If such consultations fail, either Party may file a lawsuit in a people's court in the place where the Credit Grantor resides.
Chapter 14 Entry into Force, Modification and Termination of this Contract
Article 21 This Contract shall enter into force on the date the legal representatives of the Parties or their authorized agents sign or seal it and affix thereto the official seals of the Parties.
Article 22 After the entry into force of this Contract, neither Party may modify or prematurely terminate this Contract without authorization. Where any modification or termination of this Contract is required, such modification or termination shall be subject to mutual agreement between the Guarantor and the Credit Grantor and a written agreement shall be entered into in regard thereto. Prior to the entry into the agreement, the provisions of this Contract shall remain valid.
Chapter 15 Annexes
Article 23 As for any matter not covered herein, the Guarantor and the Credit Grantor may enter into a separate written agreement, which shall be annxed to this Contract. The annexes thereto shall constitute an integral part of this Contract and have the same legal force and effect as though they were incorporated in the body of this Contract.
Article 24 Annexes to this Contract include:
Chapter 16 Supplementary Provisions
Article 25 This Contract is made out in three copies which have the same legal force and effect, one for the Guarantor, two for the Credit Grantor.
Article 26 This Contract is entered into this 28th day of June, 2010, by and between the Guarantor and the Credit Grantor in Jinan.
Article 27 The Parties agree to notarize this Contract and undertake to give this Contract enforceability. In the event that the Credit Receiver or the Guarantor fails to perform or fully perform its obligations hereunder or a situation prescribed by relevant laws and regulations or agreed upon herein where the Credit Grantor seeks the enforcement of its creditor's rights or security rights arises, the Credit Grantor shall have the right to directly apply to the people's court with jurisdiction for enforcement. The Credit Receiver and the Guarantor will not raise any objection to any application for enforcement the Credit Grantor makes hereunder. (This provision is optional. The Parties choose [__2__] in this Contract. 1 to use it; 2. not to use it.)
English to Chinese: The History,impact and Emerging trends of Social networking service General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Science (general)
Source text - English The History,impact and Emerging trends of Social networking service
The potential for computer networking to facilitate newly improved forms of computer-mediated social interaction was suggested early on. Efforts to support social networks via computer-mediated communication were made in many early online services, including Usenet,ARPANET, LISTSERV, and bulletin board services (BBS). Many prototypical features of social networking sites were also present in online services such as America Online, Prodigy, CompuServe, ChatNet, and The WELL.
Early social networking on the World Wide Web began in the form of generalized online communities such as (1995), Geocities (1994) and (1995). Many of these early communities focused on bringing people together to interact with each other through chat rooms, and encouraged users to share personal information and ideas via personal webpages by providing easy-to-use publishing tools and free or inexpensive webspace. Some communities – such as – took a different approach by simply having people link to each other via email addresses. PlanetAll started in 1996.
In the late 1990s, user profiles became a central feature of social networking sites, allowing users to compile lists of "friends" and search for other users with similar interests. New social networking methods were developed by the end of the 1990s, and many sites began to develop more advanced features for users to find and manage friends.This newer generation of social networking sites began to flourish with the emergence of in 1997, followed by Makeoutclub in 2000, Hub Culture and Friendster in 2002,and soon became part of the Internet mainstream. However, thanks to the nation's high Internet penetration rate, the first mass social networking site was the South Korean service, Cyworld, launched as a blog-based site in 1999 and social networking features added in 2001. It also became one of the first companies to profit from the sale of virtual goods.Friendster was followed by MySpace and LinkedIn a year later, and eventually Bebo. Friendster became very popular in the Pacific Islands. Orkut became the first popular social networking service in Brazil (although most of its very first users were from the United States) and quickly grew in popularity in India (Madhavan, 2007). Attesting to the rapid increase in social networking sites' popularity, by 2005, it was reported that Myspace was getting more page views than Google. Facebook, launched in 2004, became the largest social networking site in the world[23] in early 2009.[24] Facebook was first introduced as a Harvard social networking site, expanding to other universities and eventually, anyone. The term social media was introduced and soon became widespread.
Social impact
Main article: Social impact of the Internet § Social networking and entertainment
Web-based social networking services make it possible to connect people who share interests and activities across political, economic, and geographic borders.Through e-mail and instant messaging, online communities are created where a gift economy and reciprocal altruism are encouraged through cooperation. Information is suited to a gift economy, as information is a nonrival good and can be gifted at practically no cost. Scholars have noted that the term "social" cannot account for technological features of the social network platforms alone. Hence, the level of network sociability should determine by the actual performances of its users. According to the communication theory of uses and gratifications, an increasing amount of individuals are looking to the Internet and social media to fulfill cognitive, affective, personal integrative, social integrative, and tension free needs. With Internet technology as a supplement to fulfill needs, it is in turn affecting every day life, including relationships, school, church, entertainment, and family. Companies are using social media as a way to learn about potential employees' personalities and behavior. In numerous situations a candidate who might otherwise have been hired has been rejected due to offensive or otherwise unseemly photos or comments posted to social networks or appearing on a newsfeed.
Facebook and other social networking tools are increasingly the object of scholarly research. Scholars in many fields have begun to investigate the impact of social networking sites, investigating how such sites may play into issues of identity, privacy, social capital, youth culture, and education. Research has also suggested that individuals add offline friends on Facebook to maintain contact and often this blurs the lines between work and home lives. According to a study in 2015, 63% of the users of Facebook or Twitter in the USA consider these networks to be their main source of news, with entertainment news being the most seen. In the times of breaking news, Twitter users are more likely to stay invested in the story. In some cases when the news story is more political, users may be more likely to voice their opinion on a linked Facebook story with a comment or like, while Twitter users will just follow the sites feed and/ or retweet the article.
A 2015 study shows that 85% of people aged 18 to 34 use social networking sites for their purchase decision making. While over 65% of people aged 55 and over rely on word of mouth. Several websites are beginning to tap into the power of the social networking model for philanthropy. Such models provide a means for connecting otherwise fragmented industries and small organizations without the resources to reach a broader audience with interested users. Social networks are providing a different way for individuals to communicate digitally. These communities of hypertexts allow for the sharing of information and ideas, an old concept placed in a digital environment. In 2011, HCL Technologies conducted research that showed that 50% of British employers had banned the use of social networking sites/services during office hours.
Research has provided us with mixed results as to whether or not a person's involvement in social networking can affect their feelings of loneliness. Studies have indicated that how a person chooses to use social networking can change their feelings of loneliness in either a negative or positive way. Some companies with mobile workers have encouraged their workers to use social networking to feel connected, educators are using it to keep connected with their students and individuals are benefiting from social networking to keep connect with already close relationships that they've developed under circumstances that would otherwise make it difficult to do so. Each social networking user is able to create a community that centers around a personal identity they choose to create online. In his book Digital Identities: Creating and Communicating the Online Self, Rob Cover argues that social networking's foundation in Web 2.0, high-speed networking shifts online representation to one which is both visual and relational to other people, complexifying the identity process for younger people and creating new forms of anxiety. In 2016, news reports stated that excessive usage of SNS sites may be associated with an increase in the rates of depression, to almost triple the rate for non-SNS users. Experts worldwide[which?] have said that 2030 people who use SNS more have higher levels of depression than those who use SNS less.
Emerging trends
“ The things you share are things that make you look good, things which you are happy to tie into your identity. ”
— Hilary Mason, chief data scientist, bitly, VentureBeat, 2012
While the popularity of social networking consistently rises, new uses for the technology are frequently being observed. At the forefront of emerging trends in social networking sites is the concept of "real-time web" and "location-based." Real-time allows users to contribute contents, which is then broadcast as it is being uploaded - the concept is analogous to live radio and television broadcasts. Twitter set the trend for "real-time" services, wherein users can broadcast to the world what they are doing, or what is on their minds within a 140-character limit. Facebook followed suit with their "Live Feed" where users' activities are streamed as soon as it happens. While Twitter focuses on words, Clixtr, another real-time service, focuses on group photo sharing wherein users can update their photo streams with photos while at an event. Facebook, however, remains the largest photo sharing site - Facebook application and photo aggregator Pixable estimates that Facebook will have 100 billion photos by Summer 2012 . In April, 2012, the image-based social media network Pinterest had become the third largest social network in the United States.
Companies have begun to merge business technologies and solutions, such as cloud computing, with social networking concepts. Instead of connecting individuals based on social interest, companies are developing interactive communities that connect individuals based on shared business needs or experiences. Many provide specialized networking tools and applications that can be accessed via their websites, such as LinkedIn. Others companies, such as, have been steadily developing a more "socialized" feel to their career center sites to harness some of the power of social networking sites. These more business related sites have their own nomenclature for the most part but the most common naming conventions are "Vocational Networking Sites" or "Vocational Media Networks", with the former more closely tied to individual networking relationships based on social networking principles.
Foursquare gained popularity as it allowed for users to "check-in" to places that they are frequenting at that moment. Gowalla is another such service that functions in much the same way that Foursquare does, leveraging the GPS in phones to create a location-based user experience. Clixtr, though in the real-time space, is also a location-based social networking site, since events created by users are automatically geotagged, and users can view events occurring nearby through the Clixtr iPhone app. Recently, Yelp announced its entrance into the location-based social networking space through check-ins with their mobile app; whether or not this becomes detrimental to Foursquare or Gowalla is yet to be seen, as it is still considered a new space in the Internet technology industry.
One popular use for this new technology is social networking between businesses. Companies have found that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are great ways to build their brand image. According to Jody Nimetz, author of Marketing Jive, there are five major uses for businesses and social media: to create brand awareness, as an online reputation management tool, for recruiting, to learn about new technologies and competitors, and as a lead generation tool to intercept potential prospects. These companies are able to drive traffic to their own online sites while encouraging their consumers and clients to have discussions on how to improve or change products or services. As of September 2013, 71% of online adults use Facebook, 17% use Instagram, 21% use Pinterest, and 22% use LinkedIn.
Translation - Chinese 社交网络服务的历史、影响及新兴趋势
促进计算机为中介社会交往新改进形式的计算机网络的潜力很早就被提及。很多较早的在线服务为了支持通过以计算机为中介通讯的社交网络做出了很多努力,包括新闻组、美国高级研究计划署网络、专题通信服务,以及BBS。很多社交网络站点的早期特性同样在美国在线、Prodigy, CompuServe, ChatNet, and The WELL等在线服务中得到体现。
互联网早期社交网络是以聚合在线社区的形式开始的,例如 (1995), Geocities (1994) and (1995)。这些早期网络社区注重在聊天室聚拢人群相互交流,鼓励用户在个人主页通过容易使用的推送工具及免费便宜的网页空间来分享个人信息和想法。有些网络社区,例如,采用了不同的方式,仅仅是通过电子邮件地址将人们链接在一起。1996年,PlanetAll开始服务。
English to Chinese: THE DIARY of Virginia Woolf General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Friday 1 January
To start this diary rightly, it should begin on the last day of the old year, when,at breakfast, I received a letter from Mrs Hallett. She said that she had had to dismiss Lily at a moments notice, owing to her misbehaviour. We naturally supposed that a certain kind of misbehaviour was meant; a married gardener, I hazarded. Our speculations made us both uncomfortable all day. Now this morning I hear from Lily herself. She writes, very calmly, that she left because Mrs Hallett was ‘insulting’ to her; having been given a day & nights holiday, she came back at 8.30 a.m. ‘not early enough’. What is the truth?
This, I guess: Mrs H. is an old angry woman, meticulous, indeed as we knew tyrannical, about her servants; & Lily honestly meant no wrong. But I have written for particulars—another lady wanting a character at once. Then I had to write to Mrs Waterlow about the chimney sweeping charges foisted on us,such a letter as comes naturally to the strong character, but not to the weak.
And then we tramped to the Co-ops. in rain & cold to protest against their bookkeeping. Manager a bored languid young man, repeating rather than defending himself. Half way home we heard “British warship … British warship” & found that the Formidable has been sunk in the channel. We were kept awake last night by New Year Bells.
At first I thought they were ringing for avictory.
Saturday 2 January
This is the kind of day which if it were possible to choose an altogether average sample of our life, I should select. We breakfast; I interview Mrs Le Grys. She complains of the huge Belgian appetites, & their preference for food fried in butter.
“They never give one anything” she remarked. The Count,taking Xmas dinner with them, insisted, after Pork & Turkey, that he wanted a third meat. Therefore Mrs Le G. hopes that the war will soon be over.
If theyeat thus in their exile, how must they eat at home, she wonders? After this,L. & I both settle down to our scribbling. He finishes his Folk Story review,& I do about 4 pages of poor Effie’s story; we lunch; & read the papers, agree that there is no news. I read Guy Mannering upstairs for 20 minutes; & then we take Max [a dog] for a walk. Halfway up to the Bridge, we found ourselves cut off by the river, which rose visibly, with a little ebb & flow, like the pulse of a heart.
Indeed, the road we had come along was crossed, after 5 minutes,by a stream several inches deep. One of the queer things about the suburbs is that the vilest little red villas are always let, & that not one of them has an open window, or an uncurtained window. I expect that people take a pride in their curtains, & there is great rivalry among neighbours. One house had curtains of yellow silk, striped with lace insertion.
The rooms inside must be in semi-darkness; & I suppose rank with the smell of meat & human beings. I believe that being curtained is a mark of respectability—Sophie used to insist upon it. And then I did my marketing. Saturday night is the great buying night; & some counters are besieged by three rows of women. I always choose the empty shops, where I suppose, one pays ?[d] a lb. more. And then we had tea, & honey & cream; & now L. is typewriting his article; & we shall read all the evening & go to bed.
Translation - Chinese 1月1日,星期五
English to Chinese: Mrs. Dalloway General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.For Lucy had her work cut out for her. The doors would be taken off their hinges; Rumpelmayer’s men were coming. And then, thought Clarissa Dalloway, what a morning—fresh as if issued to children on a beach. What a lark! What a plunge! For so it had always seemed to her when, with a little squeak of the hinges, which she could hear now, she had burst open the French windows and plunged at Bourton into the open air. How fresh, how calm, stiller than this of course, the air was in the early morning; like the flap of a wave; the kiss of a wave; chill and sharp and yet (for a girl of eighteen as she then was) solemn,feeling as she did, standing there at the open window, that something awful was about to happen; looking at the flowers, at the trees with the smoke winding off them and the rooks rising, falling; standing and looking until Peter Walsh said, “Musing among the vegetables?”— was that it?—“I prefer men to cauliflowers”—was that it?
He must have said it at breakfast one morning when she had gone out on to the terrace—Peter Walsh. He would be back from India one of these days, June or July, she forgot which, for his letters were awfully dull; it was his sayings one remembered; his eyes, his pocket-knife, his smile, his grumpiness and, when millions of things had utterly vanished—how strange it was!—a few sayings like this about cabbages. She stiffened a little on the kerb, waiting for Durtnall’s van to pass.A charming woman, Scrope Purvis thought her (knowing her as one does know people who live next door to one in Westminster); a touch of the bird about her, of the jay, blue-green, light, vivacious, though she was over fifty, and grown very white since her illness.
There she perched, never seeing him, waiting to cross, very upright.For having lived in Westminster—how many years now? over twenty,—one feels even in the midst of the traffic, or waking at night, Clarissa was positive, a particular hush, or solemnity; an indescribable pause;a suspense (but that might be her heart, affected, they said, by influenza) before Big Ben strikes. There! Out it boomed. First a warning, musical; then the hour, irrevocable.
The leaden circles dissolved in the air. Such fools we are, she thought, crossing Victoria Street. ForHeaven only knows why one loves it so, how one sees it so, making it up, building it round one, tumbling it, creating it every moment afresh; but the veriest frumps, the most dejected of miseries sitting on doorsteps (drink their downfall) do the same; can’t be dealt with, she felt positive, by Acts of Parliament for that very reason: they love life.In people’s eyes, in the swing, tramp, and trudge; in the bellow and the uproar; the carriages, motor cars, omnibuses,vans, sandwich men shuffling and swinging; brass bands; barrel organs; in the triumph and the jingle and the strange high singing of some aeroplane overhead was what she loved; life; London; this moment of June.
Translation - Chinese 达洛维夫人说她自己会买花的。为了她,露西把自个的事情都放下了。所有的门将被从合叶上卸下来,朗普美尔家的男人们就要到了。克拉丽莎·达洛维想,多好的一个清晨啊,新鲜的就像沙滩上刚生下的婴儿。好一个百灵鸟!跳的多欢快!听着合叶轻微的吱呀声,猛地打开落地窗,投入伯顿新鲜空气的怀抱,这些对她来说总是这么美好。新鲜,安详,好不宁静,这早晨的空气;像波浪的拍打和轻吻;在当时只是18岁姑娘的她,站在开着的窗前,感到了寒冷,尖锐和阴郁,感到不好的事情将要发生;看着花朵,看着树,轻烟蕴绕,白鸦翻飞;站着,看着,直到彼得·沃尔什说,“必须要站在蔬菜堆里吗?”是这样吗?“比起花椰菜来,我更喜欢男人。”是这样吗?
English to Chinese: Armageddon 2419 A.D. By Philip Francis Nowlan General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English The favorite American method of propulsion was knownas "rocketing." The rocket is what I would describe, from my 20thCentury comprehension of the matter, as an extremely powerful gas blast,atomically produced through the stimulation of chemical action. Scientists oftoday regard it as a childishly simple reaction, but by that very virtue, mosteconomical and efficient.
But tomorrow, Wilma explained, she would go back to work in the cloth plant, where she would take charge of one of the syntheticprocesses by which those wonderful substitutes for woven fabrics of wool, cotton and silk are produced. At the end of another two weeks, she would beback on military duty again, perhaps at the same work, or maybe as a "contact guard," on duty where the territory of the Wyomings merged with that of the Delawares, or the "Susquannas" or one of the halfdozen other "gangs" in that section of the country which I knew as Pennsylvania and New York States.
Wilma cleared up for me the mystery of those flyingleaps which she and her assailants had made, and explained in the followingmanner the inertron belt balances weight: "jumpers" were in commonuse at the time I "awoke," though they were costly, for at that timeinertron had not been produced in very great quantity. They were very useful inthe forest. They were belts, strapped high under the arms, containing an amountof inertron adjusted to the wearer's weight and purposes: In effect they made a man weigh as little as he desired; two pounds if he liked.
"Floaters" are a later development of "jumpers"--rocket motors encased in inertron blocks and strapped tothe back in such a way that the wearer floats, when drifting, facing slightly downward. With his motor in operation, he moves like a diver, head foremost, controlling his direction by twisting his body and by movements of his outstretched arms and hands. Ballast weights locked in the front of the beltadjust weight and lift. Some men prefer a few ounces of weight in floating, using a slight motor thrust to overcome this. Others prefer a buoyancy balanceof a few ounces. The inadvertent dropping of weight is not a serious matter.The motor thrust always can be used to descend. But as an extra precaution, incase the motor should fail, for any reason, there are built into every belt anumber of detachable sections, one more of which can be discarded to balanceoff any loss in weight.
English to Chinese: Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English GREEN WILLOW
Tomodata, the youngsamurai,owed allegiance to the Lord of Noto. He was a soldier, a courtier, and a poet.He had a sweet voice and a beautiful face, a noble form and a very winningaddress. He was a graceful dancer, and excelled in every manly sport. He waswealthy and generous and kind. He was beloved by rich and by poor.
Now hisdaimyo, the Lord ofNoto, wanted a man to undertake a mission of trust. He chose Tomodata, andcalled him to his presence.
“Are you loyal?” said thedaimyo.
“My lord, you know it,” answered Tomodata.
“Do you love me, then?” asked thedaimyo.
“Ay, my good lord,” said Tomodata,kneeling before him.
“Then carry my message,” said thedaimyo.“Ride and do not spare your beast. Ride straight, and fear not the mountains northe enemies’ country. Stay not for storm nor any other thing. Lose your life;but betray not your trust. Above all, do not look any maid between the eyes.Ride, and bring me word again quickly.”
Thus spoke the Lord of Noto.
So Tomodata got him to horse, and away herode upon his quest. Obedient to his lord’s commands, he spared not his goodbeast. He rode straight, and was not afraid of the steep mountain passes nor ofthe enemies’ country. Ere he had been three days upon the road the autumntempest burst, for it was the ninth month. Down poured the rain in a torrent.Tomodata bowed his head and rode on. The wind howled in the pine-tree branches.It blew a typhoon. The good horse trembled and could scarcely keep its feet,but Tomodata spoke to it and urged it on. His own cloak he drew close about himand held it so that it might not blow away, and in this wise he rode on.
The fierce storm swept away many afamiliar landmark of the road, and buffeted the_samurai_sothat he became weary almost to fainting. Noontide was as dark as twilight,twilight was as dark as night, and when night fell it was as black as the nightof Yomi, where lost souls wander and cry. By this time Tomodata had lost hisway in a wild, lonely place, where, as it seemed to him, no human soulinhabited. His horse could carry him no longer, and he wandered on foot throughbogs and marshes, through rocky and thorny tracks, until he fell into deepdespair.
“Alack!” he cried, “must I die in thiswilderness and the quest of the Lord of Noto be unfulfilled?”
At this moment the great winds blew awaythe clouds of the sky, so that the moon shone very brightly forth, and by thesudden light Tomodata saw a little hill on his right hand. Upon the hill was asmall thatched cottage, and before the cottage grew three green weeping-willowtrees.
“Now, indeed, the gods be thanked!” saidTomodata, and he climbed the hill in no time. Light shone from the chinks ofthe cottage door, and smoke curled out of a hole in the roof. The three willowtrees swayed and flung out their green streamers in the wind. Tomodata threwhis horse’s rein over a branch of one of them, and called for admittance to thelonged-for shelter.
At once the cottage door was opened by anold woman, very poorly but neatly clad.
“Who rides abroad upon such a night?” sheasked, “and what wills he here?”
“I am a weary traveller, lost andbenighted upon your lonely moor. My name is Tomodata. I am a_samurai_inthe service of the Lord of Noto, upon whose business I ride. Show mehospitality for the love of the gods. I crave food and shelter for myself andmy horse.”
As the young man stood speaking the waterstreamed from his garments. He reeled a little, and put out a hand to hold onby the side-post of the door.
“Come in, come in, young sir!” cried theold woman, full of pity. “Come in to the warm fire. You are very welcome. Wehave but coarse fare to offer, but it shall be set before you with greatgood-will. As to your horse, I see you have delivered him tomy daughter; he is in good hands.”
At this Tomodata turned sharply round.Just behind him, in the dim light, stood a very young girl with the horse’srein thrown over her arm. Her garments were blown about and her long loose hairstreamed out upon the wind. The_samurai_wondered how she had comethere. Then the old woman drew him into the cottage and shut the door. Beforethe fire sat the good man of the house, and the two old people did the verybest they could for Tomodata. They gave him dry garments, comforted him withhot rice wine, and quickly prepared a good supper for him.
Presently the daughter of the house camein, and retired behind a screen to comb her hair and to dress afresh. Then shecame forth to wait upon him. She wore a blue robe of homespun cotton. Her feetwere bare. Her hair was not tied nor confined in any way, but lay along hersmooth cheeks, and hung, straight and long and black, to her very knees. Shewas slender and graceful. Tomodata judged her to be about fifteen years old,and knew well that she was the fairest maiden he had ever seen.
At length she knelt at his side to pourwine into his cup. She held the wine- bottle in two hands and bent her head.Tomodata turned to look at her. When she had made an end of pouring the wineand had set down the bottle, their glances met, and Tomodata looked at her full[5]between theeyes, for he forgot altogether the warning of hisdaimyo, the Lordof Noto.
“Maiden,” he said, “what is your name?”
She answered: “They call me the GreenWillow.”
“The dearest name on earth,” he said, and againhe looked her between the eyes. And because he looked so long her face grewrosy red, from chin to forehead, and though she smiled her eyes filled withtears.
Ah me, for the Lord of Noto’s quest!
Then Tomodata made this little song:
“Long-haired maiden,do you know
That with the reddawn I must go
?Do you wish mefar away?
Cruel long-hairedmaiden, say—
Long-hairedmaiden, if you know
That with the reddawn I must go,
Why, oh why, doyou blush so?”
And the maiden, the Green Willow,answered:
“The dawn comesif I will or no;
Never leave me,never go.
My sleeve shallhide the blush away.
The dawn comes ifI will or no;
Never leave me,never go.
Lord, I lift mylong sleeve so....”
“Oh, Green Willow, Green Willow ...”sighed Tomodata.
English to Chinese: Wives and Daughters By Elizabeth Gaskell General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English In a country there was a shire, and in that shire there was a town, and in that town there was a house, and in that house there was a room, and in that room there was a bed, and in that bed there lay a little girl; wide awake and longing to get up, but not daring to do so for fear of the unseen power in the next room—a certain Betty, whose slumbers must not be disturbed until six o'clock struck, when she wakened of herself "as sure as clockwork," and left the household very little peace afterwards. It was a June morning, and early as it was, the room was full of sunny warmth and light.
On the drawers opposite to the little white dimity bed in which Molly Gibson lay, was a primitive kind of bonnet-stand on which was hung a bonnet, carefully covered over from any chance of dust with a large cotton handkerchief, of so heavy and serviceable a texture that if the thing underneath it had been a flimsy fabric of gauze and lace and flowers, it would have been altogether "scomfished" (again to quote from Betty's vocabulary). But the bonnet was made of solid straw, and its only trimming was a plain white ribbon put over the crown, and forming the strings. Still, there was a neat little quilling inside, every plait of which Molly knew, for had she not made it herself the evening before, with infinite pains? and was there not a little blue bow in this quilling, the very first bit of such finery Molly had ever had the prospect of wearing?
Six o'clock now! the pleasant, brisk ringing of the church bells told that; calling every one to their daily work, as they had done for hundreds of years. Up jumped Molly, and ran with her bare little feet across the room, and lifted off the handkerchief and saw once again the bonnet; the pledge of the gay bright day to come. Then to the window, and after some tugging she opened the casement, and let in the sweet morning air. The dew was already off the flowers in the garden below, but still rising from the long hay-grass in the meadows directly beyond. At one side lay the little town of Hollingford, into a street of which Mr. Gibson's front door opened; and delicate columns, and little puffs of smoke were already beginning to rise from many a cottage chimney where some housewife was already up, and preparing breakfast for the bread-winner of the family.
Translation - Chinese 有小女孩早上醒了过来躺在床上,想起床又不敢起,怕打扰了隔壁房间的贝蒂的休息。贝蒂要一直睡到6点才会准时醒来,她醒之后,整个房间将不再消停。这是一个六月的清晨,房间里充满了温暖和阳光。
English to Chinese: North and South By Elizabeth Gaskell
Source text - English By the soft green light in the woody glade,
On the banks of moss where thy childhood played;
By the household tree, thro' which thine eye
First looked in love to the summer sky.'
Margaret was once more in her morning dress, travelling quietly home with her father, who had come up to assist at the wedding. Her mother had been detained at home by a multitude of half-reasons, none of which anybody fully understood, except Mr. Hale, who was perfectly aware that all his arguments in favour of a grey satin gown, which was midway between oldness and newness, had proved unavailing; and that, as he had not the money to equip his wife afresh, from top to toe, she would not show herself at her only sister's only child's wedding.
If Mrs. Shaw had guessed at the real reason why Mrs. Hale did not accompany her husband, she would have showered down gowns upon her; but it was nearly twenty years since Mrs. Shaw had been the poor, pretty Miss Beresford, and she had really forgotten all grievances except that of the unhappiness arising from disparity of age in married life, on which she could descant by the half-hour. Dearest Maria had married the man of her heart, only eight years older than herself, with the sweetest temper, and that blue-black hair one so seldom sees.
Mr. Hale was one of the most delightful preachers she had ever heard, and a perfect model of a parish priest. Perhaps it was not quite a logical deduction from all these premises, but it was still Mrs. Shaw's characteristic conclusion, as she thought over her sister's lot: 'Married for love, what can dearest
Maria have to wish for in this world?' Mrs. Hale, if she spoke truth, might have answered with a ready-made list, 'a silver-grey glace silk, a white chip bonnet, oh! dozens of things for the wedding, and hundreds of things for the house.'
Margaret only knew that her mother had not found it convenient to come, and she was not sorry to think that their meeting and greeting would take place at Helstone parsonage, rather than, during the confusion of the last two or three days, in the house in Harley Street, where she herself had had to play the part of Figaro, and was wanted everywhere at one and the same time. Her mind and body ached now with the recollection of all she had done and said within the last forty-eight hours. The farewells so hurriedly taken, amongst all the other good-byes, of those she had lived with so long, oppressed her now with a sad regret for the times that were no more; it did not signify what those times had been, they were gone never to return.
Margaret's heart felt more heavy than she could ever have thought it possible in going to her own dear home, the place and the life she had longed for for years—at that time of all times for yearning and longing, just before the sharp senses lose their outlines in sleep. She took her mind away with a wrench from the recollection of the past to the bright serene contemplation of the hopeful future. Her eyes began to see, not visions of what had been, but the sight actually before her; her dear father leaning back asleep in the railway carriage. His blue-black hair was grey now, and lay thinly over his brows.
The bones of his face were plainly to be seen—too plainly for beauty, if his features had been less finely cut; as it was, they had a grace if not a comeliness of their own. The face was in repose; but it was rather rest after weariness, than the serene calm of the countenance of one who led a placid, contented life.
Margaret was painfully struck by the worn, anxious expression; and she went back over the open and avowed circumstances of her father's life, to find the cause for the lines that spoke so plainly of habitual distress and depression.
Translation - Chinese 林中空地的柔软绿光旁,
Translation - Chinese The mechanism of atmospheric oscillation on Rainstorm
Figure No.7 shows the the time series of average OLR departure, 3-10 days oscillation and 10-20 days oscillation OLR in Hainan Island area (107.5 degrees -112.5 degrees E, 17.5 degrees -22.5 degrees N).In 2008, 3-10 day oscillation amplitude is greater than the 10-20 day oscillation amplitude. The greatest oscillation amplitude occurred in late September to early October. There were two negative peaks happened during October 3rd to 5th and October 11st to 14th, corresponding to two heavy rainfalls.During the same period, there are obvious negative peaks in the 10-20 day oscillation and the second negative peaks are stronger than the first one. Under the adjustment of the 10-20 day oscillation, the intensity of the second heavy precipitation in 2008 is greater than the first one.In 2010, the amplitude difference of the two types of oscillation is small and the amplitude of 10-20 day oscillation in the strong precipitation period is large. The two negative peaks happened during October 3rd to 5th and October 11st to 14th, corresponding to two heavy rainfalls.During the 2011 precipitation period, the 3-10 days oscillation was the main factor, and the amplitude decreased gradually. The two negative peaks happened about September 29th and October 3rd, corresponding to two heavy rainfalls.
It can be seen from the above that the autumn rainstorm period of 2008, 2010, 2011 were corresponding to the negative peaks of oscillation. An oscillation period is divided into 8 phases,Phase 1 refers to the phase of oscillation’s changing from negative to positive, which indicates that the convection turns from active to inactive;Phase 3 corresponds to the positive peak of oscillation, which corresponds to the least active phase of convection;Phase 5 is the phase of the transition from positive to negative, which indicates the transition from inactive to active;Phase 7 is the negative peak of the oscillation;Phase 2,4,6,8 corresponds to the period where the oscillation is either the maximum or the minimum. According to the above definition, between two precipitations in 2008, the 3-10 day oscillation has 2 main cycles, corresponding to two atmospheric oscillation adjustments; the 10-20 day oscillation has 2 main cycles in 2010; the 3-10 day oscillation has 3 cycles in 2011 and the first and second cycles were larger than the third one.
English to Chinese: The “sea shock” phenomenon experienced by a sailing ship in East Japan
Source text - English 日本海以东洋面所经历的“海震”现象
The “sea shock” phenomenon experienced by a sailing ship in East Japan
The purpose of this study is to analyze a “sea shock” phenomenon experienced by a sailing ship in East Japan. A ferry experienced sea shocks while sailing off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture. We measured ship motion caused by sea shocks by examining seabed oscillation. Such measurements provided very valuable data. The conclusions obtained in the present study are that ship motion caused by sea shocks has high-frequency oscillation. In particular, the acceleration in the z direction is remarkable.
1. Introduction
The entire Pacific coastal region of the Tohoku district from the prefectures of Aomori, Miyagi, and Fukushima, extending to Ibaraki was widely affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011. The strong tremor of this earthquake continued for a long time. In the coastal areas, a historically unparalleled tidal wave generated because of this earthquake, causing extensive damage. At least 15,856 people were killed and 3,070 remain missing. In addition, tsunami damaged the reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, thereby releasing an unprecedented quantity of radioactive material.
As a result, a debate about the advantages and disadvantages of the operation and use of domestic nuclear power plants is being conducted worldwide. Ports in various locations, which are the logistics centers for the Pacific coast of the Tohoku district, incurred severe damage and there was a significant decrease in use of these ports for receiving and shipping goods. This decrease in functioning has also affected various locations in the country, and its aftereffects on distribution channels have been felt throughout Japan.
With the objective of evaluating sea wave safety for a car ferry in navigable waters off the coast of the Tohoku district, we have conducted long-term research on the jolting of cars on board, and a rushing weighted survey. This ship, which was under way in the open sea off Miyagi Prefecture, encountered this earthquake close to its epicenter.
In general, earthquake motion experienced by a navigable vessel is called a seaquake (or sea shock). Bessho et al. assumed, for seaquakes, that the vertical ground motion of the sea floor propagates as a compressional (longitudinal) wave in water (1). Yoshimura et al. cited an encyclopedic definition of a seaquake as follows (2): “A seaquake is when a vessel feels an earthquake while on the sea surface, and because the earthquake motion becomes a sound wave and travels through the sea water to arrive at a ship, a ship which is almost directly above the epicenter will feel short, vertical motion. When the seaquake is severe, there is the risk of shipwreck.”
There are several factors that should be considered from past investigations performed for the design of quake-free offshore structures. [Remark 2] In particular, research on the response characteristics of floating structures during seaquakes has been conducted for the construction and design of very large (ocean-going) floating structures (VLFS) (3)(4)(5).
A rarely experienced problem in seaquakes research is reproducibility; therefore, such studies are extremely uncommon. There are a few studies in which seaquakes have actually been measured; records consist of navigators remarks.
The “sea shock” phenomenon experienced by a sailing ship in East Japan
The purpose of this study is to analyze a “sea shock” phenomenon experienced by a sailing ship in East Japan. A ferry experienced sea shocks while sailing off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture. We measured ship motion caused by sea shocks by examining seabed oscillation. Such measurements provided very valuable data. The conclusions obtained in the present study are that ship motion caused by sea shocks has high-frequency oscillation. In particular, the acceleration in the z direction is remarkable.
1. Introduction
The entire Pacific coastal region of the Tohoku district from the prefectures of Aomori, Miyagi, and Fukushima, extending to Ibaraki was widely affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011. The strong tremor of this earthquake continued for a long time. In the coastal areas, a historically unparalleled tidal wave generated because of this earthquake, causing extensive damage. At least 15,856 people were killed and 3,070 remain missing. In addition, tsunami damaged the reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, thereby releasing an unprecedented quantity of radioactive material.
As a result, a debate about the advantages and disadvantages of the operation and use of domestic nuclear power plants is being conducted worldwide. Ports in various locations, which are the logistics centers for the Pacific coast of the Tohoku district, incurred severe damage and there was a significant decrease in use of these ports for receiving and shipping goods. This decrease in functioning has also affected various locations in the country, and its aftereffects on distribution channels have been felt throughout Japan.
With the objective of evaluating sea wave safety for a car ferry in navigable waters off the coast of the Tohoku district, we have conducted long-term research on the jolting of cars on board, and a rushing weighted survey. This ship, which was under way in the open sea off Miyagi Prefecture, encountered this earthquake close to its epicenter.
In general, earthquake motion experienced by a navigable vessel is called a seaquake (or sea shock). Bessho et al. assumed, for seaquakes, that the vertical ground motion of the sea floor propagates as a compressional (longitudinal) wave in water (1). Yoshimura et al. cited an encyclopedic definition of a seaquake as follows (2): “A seaquake is when a vessel feels an earthquake while on the sea surface, and because the earthquake motion becomes a sound wave and travels through the sea water to arrive at a ship, a ship which is almost directly above the epicenter will feel short, vertical motion. When the seaquake is severe, there is the risk of shipwreck.”
There are several factors that should be considered from past investigations performed for the design of quake-free offshore structures. [Remark 2] In particular, research on the response characteristics of floating structures during seaquakes has been conducted for the construction and design of very large (ocean-going) floating structures (VLFS) (3)(4)(5).
A rarely experienced problem in seaquakes research is reproducibility; therefore, such studies are extremely uncommon. There are a few studies in which seaquakes have actually been measured; records consist of navigators remarks.
English to Chinese: Option Residential Loans Pty Ltd General Terms and Conditions General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Option Residential Loans Pty Ltd General Terms and Conditions
1.1 These are the Option Residential Loans Pty Ltd General Terms and Conditions version 1 incorporated into loan contracts referring to these terms and conditions. They form part of your loan contract.
1.2 This document does not contain all the pre-contractual information required to be given to you. You must read this document together with your loan contract.
1.3 Words printed like this have a special meaning - see your loan contract and this document.
1.4 If there is any conflict between your loan contract and this document, the terms of your loan contract prevail. If there is any conflict between any provisions of any security or guarantee and this document and the loan contract, the terms of this document and the loan contract prevail.
1.5 The amount you owe us means the total amount outstanding from time to time in respect of all your accounts including all accrued interest, fees and charges including where applicable those that accrue on partial or total repayment.
1.6 The final repayment date means the last date of your loan term as set out in your loan contract, the date on which the repayment is due as a result of your default, the date on which you elect to repay the amount you owe us, or such other date which we agree with you.
1.7 A business day is a day that is not a Saturday or Sunday, or a New South Wales, or Commonwealth public holiday on which banks are generally not open to conduct business in New South Wales.
Translation - English This paper presents a new algorithm.
Based on the Boosting integrated learning algorithm and the integrate the base classifier of the KMuser mean clustering algorithm, this new algorithm realized the goal of enhancing the weak learner as a strong learner.
On such basis, this study will expand the data of a single crime case to general 110 police intelligence data which reflects the social comprehensive problem , and carries out model test and verification by using one city's police intelligence spatio-temporal data.
The results show that this algorithm, compared with the commonly used SMOTEBoosting algorithm, can reduce the number of mean square errors in unbalanced data and meanwhile also reduce the overall mean square error of the data.By this way ,the warning accuracy is improved.
English to Chinese: Religion and Terrorism General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - English Religion and Terrorism
In this meticulous and most readable work, a number of shibboleths are done serious damage. If you are one who is wedded to any of the following propositions, you will find substantial evidence that will shake your beliefs: that Shiite Islamists will not work with Sunni Islamists in support of terror; that religiously-rooted Islamists will not work closely with secular Arab nationalist organizations or secular rogue state governments in connection with terrorism; that there is a substantial distinction between the terrorist and the charitable wings of such organizations as HAMAS and Hizballah; that drug rings and other major international criminal enterprises have little to do with terrorism; that although corruption exists in the Palestinian Authority the amounts stolen are relatively small (millions not billions) and this has little to do with terrorism; that terrorist funding is a serious problem but not one that involves such places as Herndon, Virginia, and Charlotte, North Carolina.
On the contrary—there is ample evidence in this volume: that there is close cooperation on terrorism and its funding across both religious-secular and religious-religious divides; that the distinction between HAMAS’s and Hizballah’s charitable and terrorist wings, relied upon by European governments and many in the media, is not even a serviceable fig leaf; that there are close ties between the internationaldrug trade and terrorism; that Yasser Arafat has become a billionaire, and a very successful funder of terror, by stealing from the Palestinian people; and that we have serious problems with terrorist funding from U.S. sources, due in part to a past reluctance to scrutinize adequately Wahabi and Islamist“charities”in the U.S.
Translation - Chinese 在这本关注细节、值得阅读的书里面,陈述了一些各教派制造的严重损坏。如果你真正深入研究以下文章中的任何一个观点,你将会发现实实在在的一些实证,动摇你的以下信念:什叶派穆斯林不会与逊尼派穆斯林合作,共同支持恐怖主义;具有虔诚信仰的穆斯林不会与世俗阿拉伯民族主义者组织或世俗流氓国家的政府合作,与恐怖注意发生联系;恐怖主义与诸如哈马斯、真主党等组织的慈善机构之间存在显著的区别;毒品犯罪组织、其他国际犯罪集团与恐怖主义没有什么关系;尽管巴勒斯坦民族权利机构中存在腐败问题,但被贪污的金钱数量相对较小(只是几百万,而不是几十亿),这些腐败问题和恐怖主义没有什么关系;恐怖主义分子筹集资金是一个严重的问题,但不是一个涉及到赫恩登、弗吉尼亚和北卡罗莱纳的夏洛特等地恐怖主义行为的问题。
Translation - English Mr. Zhang binglin is a great researcher
Undoubtedly, Mr. Zhang binglin is a great researcher, thinker and also a revolutionist in Chinese modern history. The name of Republic of China derives from his article, What is Republic of China?, which he published in a newspaper named Minbao in 1907. Mr. Zhou Shuren has written a famous essay to salute Mr.Zhang. This essay, Something About Mr. Zhang binglin, is included in The Third Anthology of Qiejieting Essays, an excellent anthology of Mr.Zhou. Mr.Zhou Shuren wrote in this essay: Mr. Zhang binglin is my tutor, he is a revolutionist with abound knowledge. When Yuan Shih-kai was trying to become another Emperor of China, Mr. Zhang binglin came to the office of the President, where Yuan Shih-kai was living, to lash out at Yuan on Yuan's attempt to steal the power from the people and throw the medal of honor, which Yuan gave to him, just like throw a fan pendant back to Yuan. Nobody can do that again. Mr. Zhang binglin has been wanted 7 times and arrested 3 times by the corrupt Yuan's government and never ever gave up his dogged determination about revolution. Nobody can do that again. He is an excellent successor of our great predecessor and the moral model of our young generation. Truly and heartfully, Mr. Zhou Shuren thought Mr. Zhang binglin as an outstanding scholar. But Mr. Zhou Shuren said, the contributions Mr. Zhang binglin gave to the history of revolution are bigger than those to the history of academic. Been through a lot of things, Mr. Zhang binglin felt very tired about politics and wars,retired to be a dormant scholar completely cut himself off from the world by a erect wall built by his own hands and other people's help. Mr. Zhou Shuren said those were irresponsible behaviors and he didn’t agree with them.
English to Chinese: commodity explanation General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English 商品说明
commodity explanation
1. Kittie X569JKS 2-Meal Automatic Feeder
• The c20 is designed to feed one or two cats, kittens or small dogs when you are away.
• Food is kept fresh in two easy-clean compartments sealed by closely fitting lids, and cooled by a built-in ice pack
• Two large food bowls each hold 450g wet food
• This bath mat helps prevent your little one from slipping during bath time
• Rubber suctions on the reverse which grips the bath and prevents movement
• Loveable seaside characters
• Sturdy plastic case for easy storage.
• Contains combination pliers, a hammer, a Philips screwdriver, a slotted screwdriver, a wire stripper, a file and 11 hex keys.
• Heavy-duty tools in chrome-plated carbon steel for all the DIY jobs around the house.
5. PetsLand KKIPL548 Animal Housing 53 x 92 x 53cm
• A rainbow runner exercise wheel helps your pet stay in shape
• The see-through tubing connects the different spaces to let you watch your hamster, gerbil or other small pet explore his new home for hours
• Made from stainless steel (blades) and soft grip acrylic (handles)
• Comprises Chef Knife, Bread Knife, Carving Knife, Utility Knife, & Paring Knife
• Dishwasher safe and blades can easily be re-sharpened
• Blades can cut through anything cleanly
• Latex free and hypoallergenic
• The fast and friendly way to soothe minor cuts and grazes- perfect for little explorers!
• Explorer printed plasters in 2 sizes
• Turning tears to smiles, Dora's pretty and colorful plasters get children back in action
• The sharp stainless steel blades are ideal for chopping and pureeing any fruit or vegetable.
• The CH250I has a safety lock and contains easy-to-clean, removable, dishwasher-safe parts.
• Suitable for hot and cold food.
9. Cokup BJKO8965 Microwave Plate Cover Ø 23 cm Set of 2
• Microwavable plate cover with an integral air vent to allow steam to escape
• Ideal for reheating meals and avoiding splashes on the inside of the microwave
• Now your two mini heroes can join forces and discuss superhero strategy side by side
• With stars for your little spacemen and dots for your dotty divas
• Suitable from birth
• Headhuggers and raincover included
• One-hand recline with 4 recline positions and adjustable handle height
• The c20 is designed to feed one or two cats, kittens or small dogs when you are away.
• Food is kept fresh in two easy-clean compartments sealed by closely fitting lids, and cooled by a built-in ice pack
• Two large food bowls each hold 450g wet food
• This bath mat helps prevent your little one from slipping during bath time
• Rubber suctions on the reverse which grips the bath and prevents movement
• Loveable seaside characters
• Sturdy plastic case for easy storage.
• Contains combination pliers, a hammer, a Philips screwdriver, a slotted screwdriver, a wire stripper, a file and 11 hex keys.
• Heavy-duty tools in chrome-plated carbon steel for all the DIY jobs around the house.
5. PetsLand KKIPL548 Animal Housing 53 x 92 x 53cm
• A rainbow runner exercise wheel helps your pet stay in shape
• The see-through tubing connects the different spaces to let you watch your hamster, gerbil or other small pet explore his new home for hours
• Made from stainless steel (blades) and soft grip acrylic (handles)
• Comprises Chef Knife, Bread Knife, Carving Knife, Utility Knife, & Paring Knife
• Dishwasher safe and blades can easily be re-sharpened
• Blades can cut through anything cleanly
• Latex free and hypoallergenic
• The fast and friendly way to soothe minor cuts and grazes- perfect for little explorers!
• Explorer printed plasters in 2 sizes
• Turning tears to smiles, Dora's pretty and colorful plasters get children back in action
• The sharp stainless steel blades are ideal for chopping and pureeing any fruit or vegetable.
• The CH250I has a safety lock and contains easy-to-clean, removable, dishwasher-safe parts.
• Suitable for hot and cold food.
9. Cokup BJKO8965 Microwave Plate Cover Ø 23 cm Set of 2
• Microwavable plate cover with an integral air vent to allow steam to escape
• Ideal for reheating meals and avoiding splashes on the inside of the microwave
• Now your two mini heroes can join forces and discuss superhero strategy side by side
• With stars for your little spacemen and dots for your dotty divas
• Suitable from birth
• Headhuggers and raincover included
• One-hand recline with 4 recline positions and adjustable handle height
English to Chinese: Payment Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Payment Agreement
1)I, XXX, holder of Peoples Republic of China Passport Number GXXX, Account Holder and Duly Authorized Signatory hereinafter referred to as “Authorized Transactional Signatory “ and/or “Payer” and/or “Client” and/or “Investor”, acting with full responsibility, hereby irrevocably and unconditionally, without protest or notification, without prejudice, recourse, or delay, guarantee to pay the fees entitled to the facilitation Consultants listed on this document, via wire transfer, at the time of settlement made by the Platform to myself (the Investor) to the authorized and nominated profit receiving account of each weekly profit payment. This Fee Agreement is my irrevocable pay order to the Consultants and is, and shall remain, an integral part of my commitment as Signatory of the private financial transaction, and which shall be so lodged with the platform entity for reference. Further, the platform entity XXX. as represented in the accompanying Private Structured Program Agreement, is hereby given authority to commit and disburse the subject consultancy fees simultaneously when transactional proceeds are disbursed to our profit receiving account. This pay order shall remain in effect until this transaction, including any renewals, extensions and additions are fully completed.
3) I, (NAME), under penalty of perjury, with full individual responsibility, hereby irrevocably, confirm that neither myself, nor anyone else associated with my organization or corporation have been convicted of a felony, either within the United States or anywhere in the world where that crime would be considered equal to a US felony. To the best of my knowledge I am not nor are any of my associates considered to be terrorists or on any watch list with the United States Department of Homeland Security.
4) These funds are authentic and verifiable. I am not aware of any matter which could or might cause the non-validation of these funds and I hereby indemnify the Program Manager and/or assignees, intermediaries, or other parties involved, against any claims, demands, civil and/or criminal in nature, and liabilities, damages, or expenses including without limitation any attorney’s fees which may arise, whether in whole or in part, caused by reason of reliance upon this sworn declaration.
5) E-mail, facsimile copies or photocopies of documents or agreements pertaining to this subject are declared and regarded as valid and equal to the original, provided they are represented by proper signatories. Originals may be obtained upon request.
6) I hereby declare that I am fully aware of the information received from you is in direct response to my request, and is not in any way considered or intended to be a solicitation of funds of any sort, or any type of offering, and is intended for our general knowledge only. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that you have not solicited in any way.
Translation - Chinese
English to Chinese: Subtitles of Documentary General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English Subtitles of Documentary
1: 01:00:08.22 01:00:11.17 02.25 57
#Mali. West Africa.
2: 01:00:12.12 01:00:17.26 05.14 109
#Portrait of a parched land where the desert
spreads out in austere lines
3: 01:00:18.01 01:00:21.04 03.03 62
#and magnificent distances.
4: 01:00:21.27 01:00:27.22 05.25 117
#A land poor as dirt,
touched by things hard and lonesome
5: 01:00:27.27 01:00:30.14 02.17 51
#and yet rich in expression.
6: 01:00:30.19 01:00:34.07 03.18 72
#Where life has lost none of its flavor
7: 01:00:34.27 01:00:38.01 03.04 63
#and none of its ancient wonder.
8: 01:00:47.09 01:00:53.14 06.05 123
#In the north lies the last place
on the last map: Timbuktu by name.
9: 01:00:53.19 01:00:58.12 04.23 95
#One hundred and fifty miles southeast,
bursting from the Sahel desert
10: 01:00:58.17 01:01:04.18 05.29 119
#like a prodigious paw is a stone monolith
called the Hand of Fatima.
11: 01:01:04.23 01:01:09.13 04.20 93
#Named so for the five finger-like shadows
reaching across the sand
12: 01:01:09.18 01:01:13.08 03.20 73
#when the sun sets behind
the great rock.
13: 01:01:15.00 01:01:18.17 03.17 71
#To climbers, the Hand of Fatima is a dream
14: 01:01:18.22 01:01:24.12 05.20 113
#for the soaring faces and jutting roofs
on its half-mile high central tower.
15: 01:01:24.17 01:01:28.29 04.12 88
#and a nightmare for daytime temperatures
topping 100 degrees
16: 01:01:29.04 01:01:35.03 05.29 119
#and the brutal harmattan winds
known to drive man and beast insane.
17: 01:01:36.15 01:01:41.11 04.26 97
#Eight thousand miles west a group of five
climbers, riggers and photographers
18: 01:01:41.16 01:01:46.19 05.03 102
#set off from Los Angeles, California
for Mali's capital city of Bamako
19: 01:01:46.24 01:01:49.27 03.03 62
#and that's where our story begins.
20: 01:01:55.29 01:01:58.09 02.10 47
Here we are in lovely Bamako.
21: 01:01:58.14 01:02:02.16 04.00 80
It was well over 24 hours of flying
to get here.
22: 01:02:02.21 01:02:09.00 06.09 126
It's not a quick trip.
You don't just hop over to Bamako.
23: 01:02:09.11 01:02:12.05 02.24 56
I'm excited to meet more of the people,
24: 01:02:12.10 01:02:15.00 02.20 53
and I'm really excited
to get north to where the climbing is.
25: 01:02:15.12 01:02:18.17 03.05 63
And with our eventual goal being
reaching the Hand of Fatima
26: 01:02:18.22 01:02:23.11 04.19 93
and climbing on the largest freestanding
tower in the world.
27: 01:02:26.26 01:02:30.00 03.04 63
Climbing is really my life.
It's my lifestyle.
28: 01:02:30.05 01:02:34.12 04.07 85
It's what I focus on pretty much 24/7.
I climb almost 365 days a year.
29: 01:02:34.17 01:02:37.15 02.28 59
I'm just totally passionate about it
and I love it with all my heart.
30: 01:02:37.28 01:02:43.00 05.02 101
And it's really what give my life its meaning
and its purpose.
31: 01:02:50.10 01:02:52.18 02.08 45
I was accompanied by two Americans,
32: 01:02:52.23 01:02:55.24 03.01 61
Jimmy Chin,
a professional still photographer,
33: 01:02:55.29 01:02:59.04 03.05 63
one of the greatest adventure
still photographers in the world.
34: 01:03:01.04 01:03:04.18 03.14 69
And also Evan Howe who will be helping him
get the ropes and position
35: 01:03:04.23 01:03:09.24 05.01 101
in these totally dangerous locales and
helping Jimmy to get these amazing shots.
36: 01:03:10.12 01:03:13.17 03.05 63
Noah is leading us with
the adventure company that we've hired.
37: 01:03:13.22 01:03:15.22 02.00 40
We wouldn't have gotten
out of town without him.
38: 01:03:15.27 01:03:18.17 02.20 53
- We are going to change money now.
- Okay.
39: 01:03:21.24 01:03:23.29 02.05 43
we had to exchange some money.
40: 01:03:24.04 01:03:27.10 03.06 64
We could have done this in an official bank,
but they give you a lousy rate.
41: 01:03:27.15 01:03:30.04 02.19 53
So with the help of No
we were able to contact some people
42: 01:03:30.09 01:03:32.09 02.00 40
who exchange money on the black market.
43: 01:03:32.14 01:03:34.25 02.11 47
The only problem with this is that
it can be sketchy.
44: 01:03:35.00 01:03:37.29 02.29 59
You could end up in a Malian prison
or robbed.
45: 01:03:38.04 01:03:40.27 02.23 55
The guys that we traded the money with
were looking pretty pimping
46: 01:03:41.02 01:03:45.05 04.03 82
and they were definitely
some sketchy-looking folks.
47: 01:03:45.10 01:03:47.10 02.00 40
I was pretty happy
when we walked out with the money
48: 01:03:47.15 01:03:50.02 02.17 51
and didn't end up touring a Malian prison.
49: 01:03:52.01 01:03:55.24 03.23 75
All right. Well,
we got hundreds of thousands of CFA now.
50: 01:03:55.29 01:03:59.02 03.03 62
Nothing can totally prepare you
for Bamako.
51: 01:03:59.07 01:04:03.15 04.06 84
I mean,
it's just beyond any of my expectations,
52: 01:04:03.20 01:04:06.13 02.23 55
or any of, you know, my preconceptions.
Translation - Chinese Subtitles of Documentary
1: 01:00:08.22 01:00:11.17 02.25 57
#Mali. West Africa.
2: 01:00:12.12 01:00:17.26 05.14 109
#Portrait of a parched land where the desert
spreads out in austere lines
3: 01:00:18.01 01:00:21.04 03.03 62
#and magnificent distances.
4: 01:00:21.27 01:00:27.22 05.25 117
#A land poor as dirt,
touched by things hard and lonesome
5: 01:00:27.27 01:00:30.14 02.17 51
#and yet rich in expression.
6: 01:00:30.19 01:00:34.07 03.18 72
#Where life has lost none of its flavor
7: 01:00:34.27 01:00:38.01 03.04 63
#and none of its ancient wonder.
8: 01:00:47.09 01:00:53.14 06.05 123
#In the north lies the last place
on the last map: Timbuktu by name.
9: 01:00:53.19 01:00:58.12 04.23 95
#One hundred and fifty miles southeast,
bursting from the Sahel desert
10: 01:00:58.17 01:01:04.18 05.29 119
#like a prodigious paw is a stone monolith
called the Hand of Fatima.
11: 01:01:04.23 01:01:09.13 04.20 93
#Named so for the five finger-like shadows
reaching across the sand
12: 01:01:09.18 01:01:13.08 03.20 73
#when the sun sets behind
the great rock.
13: 01:01:15.00 01:01:18.17 03.17 71
#To climbers, the Hand of Fatima is a dream
14: 01:01:18.22 01:01:24.12 05.20 113
#for the soaring faces and jutting roofs
on its half-mile high central tower.
15: 01:01:24.17 01:01:28.29 04.12 88
#and a nightmare for daytime temperatures
topping 100 degrees
16: 01:01:29.04 01:01:35.03 05.29 119
#and the brutal harmattan winds
known to drive man and beast insane.
17: 01:01:36.15 01:01:41.11 04.26 97
#Eight thousand miles west a group of five
climbers, riggers and photographers
18: 01:01:41.16 01:01:46.19 05.03 102
#set off from Los Angeles, California
for Mali's capital city of Bamako
19: 01:01:46.24 01:01:49.27 03.03 62
#and that's where our story begins.
20: 01:01:55.29 01:01:58.09 02.10 47
Here we are in lovely Bamako.
21: 01:01:58.14 01:02:02.16 04.00 80
It was well over 24 hours of flying
to get here.
22: 01:02:02.21 01:02:09.00 06.09 126
It's not a quick trip.
You don't just hop over to Bamako.
23: 01:02:09.11 01:02:12.05 02.24 56
I'm excited to meet more of the people,
24: 01:02:12.10 01:02:15.00 02.20 53
and I'm really excited
to get north to where the climbing is.
25: 01:02:15.12 01:02:18.17 03.05 63
And with our eventual goal being
reaching the Hand of Fatima
26: 01:02:18.22 01:02:23.11 04.19 93
and climbing on the largest freestanding
tower in the world.
27: 01:02:26.26 01:02:30.00 03.04 63
Climbing is really my life.
It's my lifestyle.
28: 01:02:30.05 01:02:34.12 04.07 85
It's what I focus on pretty much 24/7.
I climb almost 365 days a year.
29: 01:02:34.17 01:02:37.15 02.28 59
I'm just totally passionate about it
and I love it with all my heart.
30: 01:02:37.28 01:02:43.00 05.02 101
And it's really what give my life its meaning
and its purpose.
31: 01:02:50.10 01:02:52.18 02.08 45
I was accompanied by two Americans,
32: 01:02:52.23 01:02:55.24 03.01 61
Jimmy Chin,
a professional still photographer,
33: 01:02:55.29 01:02:59.04 03.05 63
one of the greatest adventure
still photographers in the world.
34: 01:03:01.04 01:03:04.18 03.14 69
And also Evan Howe who will be helping him
get the ropes and position
35: 01:03:04.23 01:03:09.24 05.01 101
in these totally dangerous locales and
helping Jimmy to get these amazing shots.
36: 01:03:10.12 01:03:13.17 03.05 63
Noah is leading us with
the adventure company that we've hired.
37: 01:03:13.22 01:03:15.22 02.00 40
We wouldn't have gotten
out of town without him.
38: 01:03:15.27 01:03:18.17 02.20 53
- We are going to change money now.
- Okay.
39: 01:03:21.24 01:03:23.29 02.05 43
we had to exchange some money.
40: 01:03:24.04 01:03:27.10 03.06 64
We could have done this in an official bank,
but they give you a lousy rate.
41: 01:03:27.15 01:03:30.04 02.19 53
So with the help of No
we were able to contact some people
42: 01:03:30.09 01:03:32.09 02.00 40
who exchange money on the black market.
43: 01:03:32.14 01:03:34.25 02.11 47
The only problem with this is that
it can be sketchy.
44: 01:03:35.00 01:03:37.29 02.29 59
You could end up in a Malian prison
or robbed.
45: 01:03:38.04 01:03:40.27 02.23 55
The guys that we traded the money with
were looking pretty pimping
46: 01:03:41.02 01:03:45.05 04.03 82
and they were definitely
some sketchy-looking folks.
47: 01:03:45.10 01:03:47.10 02.00 40
I was pretty happy
when we walked out with the money
48: 01:03:47.15 01:03:50.02 02.17 51
and didn't end up touring a Malian prison.
49: 01:03:52.01 01:03:55.24 03.23 75
All right. Well,
we got hundreds of thousands of CFA now.
50: 01:03:55.29 01:03:59.02 03.03 62
Nothing can totally prepare you
for Bamako.
51: 01:03:59.07 01:04:03.15 04.06 84
I mean,
it's just beyond any of my expectations,
52: 01:04:03.20 01:04:06.13 02.23 55
or any of, you know, my preconceptions.
English to Chinese: Contract of Service General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English 服务合同
Contract of Service
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total salary due to an employee who terminates his contract of service with his employer under section 11or after giving due notice to the employer as required under section 10 shall be paid to him on the day on which the contract of service is terminated.
(2)Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total salary due to an employee who terminates his contract of service without giving prior notice to his employer as required under section 10, or, if notice has already been given under that section, but the employee terminates his contract of service without waiting for the expiry of the notice, shall be paid to him before the expiry of the 7th day after the day on which he terminates his contract of service.
(3)The employer may, subject to any order made by a court or the Commissioner to the contrary, deduct from the salary due to the employee such sum as the employee is liable to pay in lieu of prior notice under section 11(1).
Notwithstanding sections 22 and 23, no payment of salary or any other sum due to an employee on termination of service shall be made to the employee by the employer without the permission of the Comptroller of Income Tax under section 68(7) of the Income Tax Act (Cap. 134).
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total salary due to an employee who terminates his contract of service with his employer under section 11or after giving due notice to the employer as required under section 10 shall be paid to him on the day on which the contract of service is terminated.
(2)Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total salary due to an employee who terminates his contract of service without giving prior notice to his employer as required under section 10, or, if notice has already been given under that section, but the employee terminates his contract of service without waiting for the expiry of the notice, shall be paid to him before the expiry of the 7th day after the day on which he terminates his contract of service.
(3)The employer may, subject to any order made by a court or the Commissioner to the contrary, deduct from the salary due to the employee such sum as the employee is liable to pay in lieu of prior notice under section 11(1).
Notwithstanding sections 22 and 23, no payment of salary or any other sum due to an employee on termination of service shall be made to the employee by the employer without the permission of the Comptroller of Income Tax under section 68(7) of the Income Tax Act (Cap. 134).
English to Chinese: A Wayfarer in China - Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - English A Wayfarer in China - Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia
Author:Elizabeth Kimball Kendall
A WORD of explanation may help to an understanding of this record of a brief journey in China, in 1911, in the last quiet months beforethe revolution.
No one who has ever known the joy of hunting impressions of strange peoples and strange lands in the out-of-the-way corners of the world can ever feel quite freeagain, for he hears always a compelling voice that "calls him night andday" to go forth on the chase once more. Years ago, for a beginning, Ipursued impressions and experiences in the Far West on the frontier,—there was a frontier then. And since that time, whenever chance has offered, that has been my holiday pastime, among the Kentucky mountains, in the Taurus, in Montenegro, in India. Everywhere there is interest, for everywhere there is human nature, but whoever has once come under the spell of the Orient knows that hence forth there is no choice; foot loose, he must always turneastwards.
But reallyto see the East one must shun the half-Europeanized town and the treaty port,must leave behind the comforts of hotel and railway, and be ready to accept therough and the smooth of unbeaten trails. But the compensations are many:changing scenes, long days out of doors, freedom from the bondage of conventional life, and above all, the fascination of living among peoples ofprimitive simplicity and yet of a civilization so ancient that it makes all that is oldest in the West seem raw and crude and unfinished. So when two yearsago my feet sought again the "open road," it was towards the Eastthat I naturally turned, and this time it was China that called me. I did notgo in pursuit of any information in particular, but just to get for myself an impression of the country and the people. My idea of the Chinese had been derived, like that of most Americans, from books and chance observation of the handful of Kwangtung men who are earning their living among us by washing our clothes. Silent, inscrutable, they flit through the American scene, alien to the last. What lies behind the riddle of their impassive faces? Perhaps I could find an answer. Then, too, it was clear, even to the most unintelligent, that achange was coming over the East, though few realized how speedily. I longed to see the old China before I made ready to welcome the new. But not the China of the coast, for there the West had already left its stamp. So I turned to the interior, to the western provinces of Yunnan and Szechuan. Wonderful for scenery, important in commerce and politics, still unspoiled, there I couldfind what I wanted.
English to Chinese: LIVING OUT LOUD:SPORTS,CANCER,AND THE THINGS WORTH FIGHTING FOR. General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Good things do come from having cancer. It is a little strange to read that line out loud, but it was actually easy to write,because it’s true. At least for me. Since being diagnosed with leukemia in April 2014, my outlook on life has been inversely proportional to the effect my disease has had on my body. I have been able to touch people in ways I never thought possible.I have formed friendships with random strangers around the country who are battling their own enemy. I have savored every ounce of sunshine, of sea breeze, of buffalo shrimp, of private moments with my bride and children. Th e cancer has reinforced my passion for my life’s work and my desire to continue doing it.
Most of all, having cancer has made me more determined than I have ever been. I will beat the odds and I will beat leukemia and I sure as hell won’t let it stop me from living my life.I have always been a public figure because of my work in sports television and, yes, because of my fancy jackets. When I was diagnosed two years ago, I made the decision that I was notgoing to hide from the cancer or attempt to shield others from the news. I have lived my life out loud for decades and I was not going to change now.
I am as sunny in my outlook as my fanciful suits are bright and, as you will read, I have always been optimistic and fearless.But make no mistake: this battle has not been easy, and there have been some very dark days. No one wants to see me complain, see me in my worst moments, so I make sure I summon the strength to be positive when others are around.
When I was first approached about the idea of a book, I hesitated, for though I’m kind of like the Forrest Gump of the sporting world, like Forrest, I never intended to be the face of anything. In fact, I’ve always liked my role because I could be there without being the guy. Biographies are for heroes and famous people, I thought. But as strangers approached me on the street for photos, as patients sought counsel in the hallways of MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and as handwritten letters overwhelmed my mailbox daily, I agreed that if telling my story helps just a few folks looking for some meaning in this raw deal we call cancer, it would be worth it. Despite my determination to win the battle, I don’t know what is in store for me long- term, but I want people to know that even if they’re reading this after I’m gone, I never quit and neither should they.
What follows are the collected moments that have filled the journey of my life and my battle of the past two years, and,most important, reflections that were perhaps compelled by the situation in which I’ve found myself. I don’t have the answers,or a recipe for how to beat cancer or, more simply, how to live your life. All I can do is share my story.
I often think about the famous movie The Pride of the Yankees.It has always been one of my go-tos for inspiration. Duringthe final scene, where Gary Cooper delivers Lou Gehrig’s famous farewell speech, I always find myself leaning in . . .
People all say that I’ve had a bad break. But today . . . today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
The Iron Horse and I have something in common. What we might ’ve imagined a terminal diagnosis would do to our spirits,it summoned quite the opposite: the greatest appreciation for life imaginable.
Outside of the main entrance of MD Anderson Cancer Center sits a nondenominational chapel for families and patients,and resting in front of the chapel is a beautiful sculpture with an engraving of part of a Victor Hugo poem:
Be like the bird who
Halting in his flight
On limb too slight
Feels it give way beneath him
Yet sings Knowing he hath wings
I am the bird and I will keep singing until I can’t sing any longer— and then I will sing some more.
Translation - English Company A: its dealers have significantly reduced the ratio of trade-in business. Among its dealers, only LS keeps selling in large scale trade-in mode.
Company B: in 2016, the trade-in sales subsidy policy has been called off and replaced by the award policy which is based on the quarterly cumulative product sales.
There are few used equipments in the market now. The dealers are too carefully to import used equipments, moreover, another important reason is the product source deduction of trade-in recycled equipments.
1)Caution for UE import: at the end of 2016, the stockpile of UE in Shenzhen's market is 2871, a relatively low level for the historical same period.
2)Differentiation of customers: the purchase decision of customers with optimistic anticipation has been changed to new products instead of used ones, enhancing the needs for new products and weakening the needs for UE.
The project situation has been significantly changed.
a)Actual operating rate: the mandatory governmental requirement that the annual operation rates of all construction projects have to reach 30% pushed up actual operating rates.
b)Rate of disbursement: the requirement that all operating projects' disbursement rates have to reach 40% reversibly changed the financial status of many operation projects.
English to Chinese: Smart Expenses General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - English Smart Expenses
Smart Expenses are expenses where there is a match between two or more data points (manual entry, credit card, travel itenerary, and e-receipt).
The best match is beween credit card data, travel data, and e-receipt, but a match between credit card and manual entry would also qualify.
If an e-receipt matches any data point, the user will be presented with the Smart Expense screen to verify the match.
Your company must be enabled to accpet e-receipts, and you must opt in from Profile before e-receipts will show in Expense.
Translation - Chinese Smart Expense是指两个或多个数据点(如:手动输入、信用卡、旅游行程和电子收据)之间的匹配的费用。
如果电子收据与任何数据点存在匹配,用户将会在Smart Expense荧幕看到该匹配,并进行验证。
Chinese to English: Intel deep learning chip General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - Chinese 英特尔深度学习芯片
Intel deep learning chip
Translation - English AI_era: Intel is expected to present its deep learning chip in the first quarter of 2017. What are the main application scenarios of this new chip?
Rao: that could mainly be the acceleration of deep learning. Actually, the deep learning has no more than 20 primitives which is composed of two different time-consuming types, matrix product and convolution calculation. While the global tendency is that the work of data center is more and more in favour of deep learning, we have to develop new product optimized for deep learning. But It doesn't mean that the previous work need will disappear soon. We will spend more cycle time on deep learning to product more hardwares which can fulfill the need of data center.
AI_era: compared with NVIDIA's GPU, does Intel's deep learning chip have any difference in the data processing of sound, image,and 3D image?
Rao: Be familiar with deep learning, NVIDIA's chip is focused on the image rendering, but they are different with each other in nature. Up to now, GPU is the most suitable chip for us to accelerate the deep learning. That is why wu choose to accelerate the deep learning by using GPU. Moreover if we give more attention to deep learning itself, we may be able to develop optimized chip more suitable for deep learning. In the view of structure,the speed of deep learning acceleration by the chip from Intel is 10 times as fast as GPU。 When talking about computational power, the basic unit we compare is the number of multiply accumulate(MAC) operations, which is the number of possible number of MAC operations per second. The 17 nanometer technology adopted by GPU enables NVIDIA to provide 9 - 10 TP; we adopted 28 nanometer technology and what we can provide is more than 50 TP level.
English to Chinese: The Bobbsey Twins or, Merry Days Indoors and Out General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English The Bobbsey Twins or, Merry Days Indoors and Out
Freddie and Flossie were just the opposite of their larger brother and sister. Each was short and stout, with a fair, round face,light-blue eyes and fluffy golden hair. Sometimes Papa Bobbsey called Flossiehis little Fat Fairy, which always made her laugh. But Freddie didn't want tobe called a fairy, so his papa called him the Fat Fireman, which pleased him very much, and made him rush around the house shouting: "Fire! fire! Clearthe track for Number Two! Play away, boys, play away!" in a manner that seemed very lifelike.During the past year Freddie had seen two fires, and the work of the firemen had interested him deeply.
The Bobbsey family lived in the large town of Lakeport, situated at the head of Lake Metoka, a clear and beautiful sheet of water upon which the twins loved to go boating. Mr. Richard Bobbsey was alumber merchant, with a large yard and docks on the lake shore, and a saw and planing mill close by. The house was a quarter of a mile away, on a fashionable street and had a small but nice garden around it, and a barn in the rear, in which the children loved at times to play.
"I'm going to cut out a fancy table cover for my parlor table," said Nan. "It's going to be the finest table cover that ever was."
"Nice as Aunt Emily's?" questioned Bert."She's got a—a dandy, all worked in roses."
"This is going to be white, like the lace windowcurtains," replied Nan.
While Freddie and Flossie watched her with deep interest, she took a small square of tissue paper and folded it up several times. Then she cut curious- looking holes in the folded piecewith a sharp pair of scissors. When the paper was unfolded once more a truly beautiful pattern appeared.
"Oh, how lubby!"screamed Flossie. "Make me one, Nan!"
"And me, too," putin Freddie. "I want a real red one," and he brought forth a bit of red pin-wheel paper he had been saving.
"Oh, Freddie, let me have the red paper for my stairs," cried Bert, who had had his eyes on the sheet for some time.
"No, I want a table cover, like Nanny. You take the white paper."
"Whoever saw whitepaper on a stairs—I mean white carpet," said Flossie.
"I'll give you a marble for the paper, Freddie," continued Bert.
But Freddie shook his head."Want a table cover, nice as Aunt Em'ly," he answered. "Going toset a flower on the table too!" he added, and ran out of the room. When he came back he had a flower-pot in his hand half the size of his house, with a duster feather stuck in the dirt, for a flower.
"Well, I declare!"cried Nan, and burst out [Pg 5]laughing. "Oh, Freddie, how will we ever set that on such a little pasteboard table?"
"Can set itthere!" declared the little fellow, and before Nan could stop him theflower-pot went up and the pasteboard table came down and was mashed flat.
"Hullo! Freddie's breaking up housekeeping!" cried Bert.
"Oh, Freddie! do takethe flower-pot away!" came from Flossie. "It's too big to go into the house."
Freddie looked perplexed for a moment. "Going to play garden around the house. This is a—a lilactree!" And he set the flower-pot down close to Bert's elbow. Bert was now busy trying to put a paste board chimney on his house, and did not notice. A moment later Bert's elbow hit the flower-pot and down it went on the floor,breaking into several pieces and scattering the dirt over the rug.
Translation - Chinese 鲍勃西双胞胎
原书名:The Bobbsey Twins or, Merry Days Indoors and Out
Translation - English (Voice)Dungen for Brave and Haze for Coward
By xilei 2017-1-9 9:53:00
These days, the haze made me restless.
My kid caught sore throat and coughing and had to ask for one day's leave from school. And these days, we have been discussing in the wechat group about the classroom installment of an air cleaner. We, the parents of the students, aren't sure about whether it can be useful in such a spacious classroom or not, but we do want have one installed in the classroom for our kids. Even on such a minor negotiation, we failed.
Parents who are living in this nation fell uselessness all the time. It hurts deeply in heart.
In fact, if we think it over we should get know that we have been breathing the poisonous haze for many years without knowing it at the beginning. We have stupidly take it as frog, dust or something else. We don't know what the hell PM2.5 is and how PM2.5 granules permeate our alveoli and seep into our blood.
I am afraid that we have to thank the US Embassy for letting us know about these. Through their daily PM2.5 updates on the website, many person among us, for the first time in our lives, get to know what such thing is and how terrible the situation is.
How our medias jeered at the US Embassy in such absurd ways: this ia a brutal interfere in the internal affairs of our nation, the US Embassy wrongly thought that they are in US and have the freedom of speech.
I still recall the smiling faces of some experts who, submitting to know-nothing persons or governmental departments, talked on TV about the harmlessness of PM2.5 and China don't need to release the index of PM2.5.
When the truth cannot be covered anymore, they admit what they have said are completely lies.
And nobody apologize. Never and ever.
The government, the medias and the experts, they don't say " I am sorry for telling you a lie." They pretended that nothing had happened, the US Embassy hadn't been satirized and the experts hadn't told us PM2.5 is harmless.
I doubts that they don't know all of these at the first place. A big nation with billions population and huge think tanks and technology teams, how dare they say they know nothing about such a simple question.
Sometimes I really want to have a talk with the idiots who blindly follow the party and the government about why I can't find a reason to hate American. I know the interests conflicts between nations and the geopolitical game. More than that, I know some American person have told us that the air here in China is dangerous and some index called PM2.5 has been far beyond the standard figure. These American suggested that we should clean up the air or put on masks otherwise it will cause great damages to our health even greater for our kids. But our medias told us the American are lying and messing with China.
Which one should I hate?
One article of Yang Yue concerning the haze was deleted once I forwarded on internet several days ago. What Yang Yue said may be true or false. What matters isn't the article. It's the way how the article was deleted. Why? Everyone in China know the why.
Why it can be understood so easily? And why we have to understand it so easily?
A couple days ago, I am so angry about my kid's sore throat that I vented many gripes at the meal time: why schools don't have a fresh air system while governmental and Party's departments do have? The most effective way to deal with the haze is to make all the officials work outside of their offices which have fresh air systems. Some complaining words we all know are also useful to tackle this problem.
After heard about my words, my father-in-law was so nervous and said how can you speak these words in front of your child. What could happen if the kid leaks your words out?
That made me unable to control my temper. The air surrounding is so terrible, if we dare not to say a few complaining words criticizing the government, what on earth is our society?
As times alter, I understand their generation. They have seen the terror we can never experience and their spines have been completely struck down by the terror. The terror was so horrible and irresistible that they couldn't do nothing but turn the fear into love. I do not have any hope for them of that generation, but I don't want them to contaminate our next generation. That's one reason why I stand against education from grandparents. Some of our previous generation might be decent grandparents and have good sense but some might not. Generally speaking, the souls of that terror era have already been damaged and deformed.
Also, aren't we afraid of something? Of course we are in fear of something, not too much, but who can deny the fear in our mind? The sign of my fear is that I evaded many sentences I want to say when I was writing this article. This nation is filled with pathetic cowards.
This nation will always make brave peron to pay a huge price. A brave journalist have made the story of Sun Zhigang public and push our society to step forward a little bit. But can you see what the journalist ended up with? They paid the price with their own future, and then be forgotten by all of us.
What we are better than our parents is that we know the existence of terror, the terror is not truth and the moral sense beneath the terror can not be erased. We admit we are cowards. But this painful admitting is the seed which can generate progress and blue sky of future generation.
There is a lesson in my kid's textbook. It's a poem:
I love my motherland and the great wall;
I love riverlet and the Five-Starred Red Flag;
I love white doves and red scarf;
I love flowers and my parents;
If you ask me which one do I love the most?
I love my country the most.
I told my kid that's bull shit. Nobody can love you more than your parents and yourself. Neither the red scarf nor the nation.
Isn't it? In the year when my kid are born, some foreigner told us the air here in China could make us dead and our nation told us these foreigner were ill-intentioned. Which one is the bad guy? You do the math.
Chinese to English: LHHH has achieved outstanding development General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - Chinese 中文原文
LHHH 总裁赵培先生表示,2012 年 LHHH 取得了不俗的成绩,业务蒸蒸日上,销售收入再创新高,在智能卡芯片、LED照明、智能电表、通信及汽车芯片业务领域都有靓丽表现。
Translation - English Mr. Zhao Pei, the president of LHHH, said LHHH has achieved outstanding development and record high revenue from many areas, including smart card chip, LED lighting, intelligent electric meter, communication and automobile chip.
Chinese to English: Following the the guide line of national conditions General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - Chinese 中文原文
Translation - English Following the the guide line of national conditions, overall planning, classification policy, step by step implementation, we should continue to push the pilot demonstration on the basis of the enterprise as the mainstay, market-orientation, application as the core. In the pilot demonstration, we should pay attention to encourage the entrepreneurial enthusiasm, integrate point and sphere, advance in collaboration, cultivate foundation and environment, for the purpose to establish effective experience and model which could be applicable and implementable in all areas of manufacturing.
Chinese to English: AMQ internal LYL Launch Meeting 2014 General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - Chinese 尊敬的各位同事:
2014对于爱美琪 (AMQ) 来说充满着机遇与挑战,我们一路并肩作战,稳步前行,取得了一个个的突破!在此,我们深知爱美琪 (AMQ) 在今后的道路上也离不开您的支持与付出。我们的罗养乐 (LYL) 将在2015年进入OTC目录,这对于罗养乐 (LYL) 来说将是一个良好的机遇,并充满了全新的挑战!
展望2015,放眼未来,在此,我们诚挚的邀请您来参加2014爱美琪 (AMQ) 内部LYL Launch Meeting,
Translation - English Dear Colleagues
In face of the opportunities and challenges encountered by AMQ in 2014, we are fighting through side by side and making many breakthroughs step by step! And here today, we know deeply in our hearts, without your support and contribution we cannot achieve anything in the days to come. LYL will be included in the OTC categories, which would be a rewarding opportunity and also an ever new challenge for LYL.
At point, with the outlook of 2015 and the future, we sincerely invite you to attend the AMQ internal LYL Launch Meeting 2014,
let us look forward to and witness this exciting moment!
Chinese to English: These data are of great value General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - Chinese 中文原文
Translation - English In the past,there were many kinds of automatic technologies used in different machines of factories and equipment manufacturers adopted different communication system, which made it very difficult to collect, integrate and analyze data within manufacturing plants.Because of the information islands spread all over factories it's impossible to attachment background to original datas and generate values out from such data. Hence, it's very easy to ignore such a fact that these data are of great value.
Chinese to English: Across Mongolian Plains General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: History
Source text - Chinese The scene was intoxicating in its barbaric splendor. The women in their fantastic headdresses and brilliant gowns; the blazing yellow robes of the kneeling lamas; and the chorus of prayers which rose and fell in a meaningless half-wild chant broken by the clash of cymbals and the boom of drums—all this set the blood leaping in my veins. There was a strange dizziness in my head, and I had an almost overpowering desire to fall on my knees with the Mongols and join in the chorus of adoration. The subtle smell of burning incense, the brilliant colors, and the barbaric music were like an intoxicating drink which inflamed the senses but dulled the brain. It was then that I came nearest to understanding the religious fanaticism of the East. Evenwith a background of twentieth-century civilization I felt its sensuous power. What wonder that it has such a hold on a simple, uneducated people, fed on superstition from earliest childhood and the religious traditions of seven hundred years!
The service ended abruptly in a roar of sound. Rising to their feet, the people streamed into the courtyard to whirl the prayer wheels about the temple's base. Each wheel is a hollow cylinder of varying size, standing on end, and embellished with Tibetan characters in gold. The wheels are sometimes filled with thousands of slips of paper upon which is written a prayer or a sacred thought, and each revolution adds to the store of merit in the future life.
The Mongol goes farther still in accumulating virtue, and every native house in Urga is gay with fluttering bits of cloth or paper on which a prayer is written. Eachtime the little flag moves in the wind it sends forth a supplication for the welfare of the Mongol's spirit in the Buddhistic heaven. Not only are the prayer wheels found about the temples, but they line the streets, and novisiting Mongol need be deprived of trying the virtue of a new device withoutgoing to a place of worship. He can give a whirl or two to half a dozen within a hundred yards of where he buys his tea or sells his sheep.
Translation - English 蒙古草原这片辉煌灿烂的蛮荒之地真是让人陶醉。蒙古女人戴着漂亮的头饰、穿着华丽的长袍;磕长头的喇嘛身上的僧袍黄黄的颜色非常耀眼;祈祷者的齐声颂唱时起时落,听不清是说些什么东西,这种半原始风味的咏唱时不时的会被铙钹的撞击声和古德啵啵声所打断--这一场景让我的血脉跳动了起来。我的脑海中有一种奇奇怪怪的眩晕感,这种感觉让我非常想要跪下来,和蒙古人一起加入到对神崇拜的齐声颂唱中去。煨桑奇特的香味、五彩斑斓的色彩、原始风味的音乐,汇成了一杯令人陶醉的“毒酒”,燃烧着我的味觉、视觉和听觉,但却迷糊了我的知觉。就是在这个时候,我才开始慢慢靠近,开始去理解东方的人们对宗教的热情。即便是在具备了20世纪人类现代文明知识的情况下,我还是深深感到了宗教在感官方面的强大力量。它是具有何种魅力,可以紧紧抓住这个简单且教育水平不高的民族的心,使这个民族从早期的原始迷信一直发展到了现在的宗教传统,历时长达700多年。
Chinese to English: Camps and Trails in Old China General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: History
Source text - Chinese In the morning when we see the first loads actually on the horses we ride off at the head of the caravan followed by a straggling line of mules and horses picking their way over the jagged stones of the road. It is delightful in the early morning for the air is fresh and brisk like that of October at home, but laterin the day when the sun is higher it is uncomfortably hot, and we are glad to find a bit of shade where we can rest until the caravan arrives.
The roads are execrable. The Chinese have a proverb which says: "A road is good forten years and bad for ten thousand," and this applies most excellently to those of Yün-nan. The main caravan highways are paved with huge stones to make them passable during the rainy season, but after a few years' wear the blocks become broken and irregular, the earth is washed from between them and they are upturned at impossible angles. The result is achaotic mass which by no stretch of imagination can be called a road. Where the stones are still in place they have been worn to such glass like smoothness by the thousands of passing mules that it is well-nigh impossible to walk upon them. As a result a caravan avoids the paving whenever it can find a path and sometimes dozens of deeply-cut trails wind over the hills beside the road.
We are seldom on level ground, for ten per cent of the entire province is mountainous and we soon lost count of the ranges which we crossed. It is slow, hard work, toiling up the steep mountain-sides, but once on the ridges where the country is spread out below us like a great, green relief map, there is a wonderful exhilaration, and we climb higher with a joyous sense of freedom.
Translation - English 那天早晨,当我们看见第一批装备确确实实放到了马背上时,我们便骑上马,走在了队伍前面,后面跟着蔓延开去长长的驴队和马队,众多的驴和马在乱石满地的路上小心地寻路而走。清晨起来感觉非常高兴,空气清爽,有如我们家乡十月的气候,但到了中午太阳高照的时候就会热的非常不舒服。我们非常幸运,找到了一小块阴凉的地方休息,等着后边队伍的到来。
这条路实在讨厌,难走死了。中国有一句谚语是这样说的:“在家千日好, 出门万事难(译者备注:经查,有人认为 A road is good forten years and bad for ten thousand的意思就是在家千日好, 出门一时难,但不确定,根据作者描述的情况,意思倒是对得上),”这句话用来形容这些云南的山路真是再贴切不过。在这些地方,商队通行的主要道路用用大石头铺垫的,以确保雨季时也可以通行,但是经过了多年的磨损消耗,铺路的石头早已变得不规则了,泥浆从石头的缝隙中冲刷出来,原来铺路的石头也以各种各样的造型横七竖八地散在路上。结果就成了这一片乱七八糟的一片,你用脑子的任何部位都无法想象,这曾经是一条道路。就算石头还好好地铺在道路上,经过成千上万次过路驴队的踩踏,也早已薄得和玻璃差不多了,也不可能再用于通行了。所以,商队或旅队一般都不在道路上行走,而是走道路旁边自己寻出的小道,慢慢的,就在道路两旁形成了很多条踩踏很深的小道,伴随着道路向山上蜿蜒而去。
English to Chinese: Five Little Peppers and How They Grew General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English 原书名:Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
原作者:Margaret Sidney
The little old kitchen had quieted down from the bustle and confusion of mid- day; and now, with its afternoon manners on, presented a holiday aspect, that as the principal room in the brownhouse, it was eminently proper it should have. It was just on the edge of the twilight; and the little Peppers, all except Ben, the oldest of the flock, were enjoying a “breathing spell,” as their mother called it, which meant some quiet work suitable for the hour. All the “breathing spell” they could remember however, poor things; for times were always hard with them nowadays; and since the father died, when Phronsie was a baby, Mrs. Pepper had had hard work to scrape together money enough to put bread into her children’s mouths, and to pay the rent of the little brown house.
But she had met life too bravely to be beaten down now. So with a stout heart and a cheery face, she had worked away day after day at making coats, and tailoring and mending of all descriptions; and she had seen with pride that couldn’t be concealed, her noisy, happy brood growing up around her, and filling her heart with comfort, and making the little brown house fairly ring with jollity and fun.
“Poor things!” she would say to herself, “they haven’t had any bringing up; they’ve just scrambled up!” And then she would set her lips together tightly, and fly at her work faster than ever. “I must get schooling for them some way, but I don’t see how!”
Once or twice she had thought, “Now the time is coming!” but it never did: for winter shut in very cold, andit took so much more to feed and warm them, that the money went faster thanever. And then, when the way seemed clear again, the store changed hands, so that for a long time she failed to get her usual supply of sacks and coats tomake; and that made sad havoc in the quarters and half-dollars laid up as hernest egg. But—“Well, it’ll come some time,” she would say to herself; “because it must!” And so at it again she would fly, brisker than ever.
“To help mother,” was the great ambition of all the children, older and younger; but in Polly’s and Ben’s souls, the desire grew so overwhelmingly great as to absorb all lesser thoughts. Many and vast were their secret plans, by which they were to astonish her at some future day, which they would only confide—as they did everything else—to one another. For this brother and sister were everything to each other, and stood loyally together through “thick and thin.”
Polly was ten, and Ben oneyear older; and the younger three of the “Five Little Peppers,” as they were always called, looked up to them withthe intensest admiration and love. What they failed to do, couldn’t very well be done by any One!
“Oh dear!” exclaimed Polly as she sat over in the corner by the window helping her mother pull out basting threads from a coat she had just finished, and giving an impatient twitch to the sleeve, “I do wish we could ever have any light—just as much as we want!”
“You don’t need any light to see these threads,” said Mrs. Pepper, winding up hers carefully, as she spoke, on an old spool. “Take care, Polly, you broke that; thread’s dear now.”
“I couldn’t help it,” said Polly, vexedly; “it snapped; everything’s dear now, it seems to me! I wish we could have—oh! ever an’ ever so many candles; as many as we wanted. I’d light ‘em all, so there! and have it light here one night,anyway!”
“Yes, and go dark all the rest of the year, like as anyway,” observed Mrs. Pepper, stopping to untie a knot. “Folks who do so never have any candles,” she added, sententiously.
“How many’d you have, Polly?” asked Joel, curiously, laying down his hammer, and regarding her with the utmost anxiety.
“Oh, two hundred!” said Polly, decidedly. “I’d have two hundred, all in a row!”
“Two hundred candles!” echoed Joel, in amazement. “My whockety! what a lot!”
English to Chinese: James Mattis,United States Secretary of Defense General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from James N. Mattis)
James Mattis
James Mattis Official SECDEF Photo.jpg
26th United States Secretary of Defense
Assumed office
January 20, 2017
President Donald Trump
Deputy Bob Work
Preceded by Ash Carter
Commander of United States Central Command
In office
August 11, 2010 – March 22, 2013
President Barack Obama
Preceded by John R. Allen (Acting)
Succeeded by Lloyd Austin
Commander of the United States Joint Forces Command
In office
November 9, 2007 – August 11, 2010
President George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Preceded by Lance L. Smith
Succeeded by Ray Odierno
Supreme Allied Commander of Transformation
In office
November 9, 2007 – September 8, 2009
Preceded by Lance L. Smith
Succeeded by Stéphane Abrial
Personal details
Born James Norman Mattis
September 8, 1950 (age 66)
Pullman, Washington, U.S.
Political party Independent
Education Central Washington University (BA)
National War College (MA)
Military service
"Chaos" (callsign)[1]
"Warrior Monk"[1][2]
"Mad Dog"[2]
Allegiance United States
Service/branch United States Marine Corps
Years of service 1969–2013
Rank US Marine 10 shoulderboard.svg General
U.S. Central Command
U.S. Joint Forces Command
Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
I Marine Expeditionary Force
U.S. Marine Forces Central Command
Marine Corps Combat Development Command
1st Marine Division
7th Marine Regiment
1st Battalion, 7th Marines
Persian Gulf War
Invasion of Afghanistan
Iraq War
? Invasion of Iraq
? First Battle of Fallujah
? Second Battle of Fallujah
Defense Distinguished Service Medal (2)
Navy Distinguished Service Medal
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Bronze Star (with Valor)
Meritorious Service Medal (3)
James Norman "Jim"[3] Mattis (born September 8, 1950) is the 26th and current United States Secretary of Defense, serving in the Trump Administration. Mattis is a retired United States Marine Corps general who previously served as the 11th Commander of United States Central Command and was responsible for American military operations in the Middle East, Northeast Africa, and Central Asia, from August 11, 2010, to March 22, 2013.
On January 20, 2017, Mattis was confirmed as Secretary of Defense 98–1 by the United States Senate on a waiver,[4] as he had only been three years out of active duty despite US federal law requiring a seven-year cooling off period for retired military personnel to be appointed Secretary of Defense. He was the first member of President Donald Trump's cabinet to be confirmed.
Before President Barack Obama appointed him to replace General David Petraeus on August 11, 2010, Mattis previously commanded United States Joint Forces Command from November 9, 2007, to August 2010 and served concurrently as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation from November 9, 2007, to September 8, 2009. Prior to that, he commanded I Marine Expeditionary Force, United States Marine Forces Central Command, and 1st Marine Division during the Iraq War.[5]
Contents [hide]
1 Early life and education
2 Military career
2.1 Persian Gulf War
2.2 Afghanistan War
2.3 Iraq War
2.4 Combat Development Command
2.5 U.S. Joint Forces Command
2.6 U.S. Central Command
3 Civilian career
4 Secretary of Defense
4.1 Nomination and confirmation
4.2 Tenure
5 Political views
5.1 Israeli–Palestinian peace process
5.2 Iran and Arab allies
5.3 Japan
5.4 Russia
5.5 China
6 Personal life
7 Military awards
8 Civilian awards
9 In popular culture
10 See also
11 Bibliography
12 Notes
13 References
14 External links
Early life and education[edit]
Mattis was born on September 8, 1950, in Pullman, Washington.[6] He is the son of Lucille (Proulx) Mattis[7] and John West Mattis (1915–1988),[8][9] a merchant mariner. His mother immigrated to the United States from Canada as an infant and had worked in Army Intelligence in South Africa during the Second World War.[10] Mattis was raised in Richland, Washington, and graduated from Columbia High School in 1968.[11] He earned a BA degree in history from Central Washington University in 1971,[12][13][14] and an M.A. in international security affairs from the National War College in 1994.[15]
Military career[edit]
James Mattis initially enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve in 1969.[16] He was commissioned a second lieutenant through the Reserve Officers' Training Corps on January 1, 1972.[17] During his service years, Mattis was considered to be an intellectual among the upper ranks.[18] Robert H. Scales, a retired United States Army major general, described him as "... one of the most urbane and polished men I have known." Reinforcing this intellectual persona was the fact he carried a personal copy of the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius throughout his deployments.[18]
As a lieutenant, Mattis served as a rifle and weapons platoon commander in the 3rd Marine Division. As a captain, he was assigned as the Naval Academy Preparatory School's Battalion Officer (composed of Enlisted Midshipman Candidates and its Company Officers and Enlisted Staff), commanded Rifle and Weapons Companies in the 1st Marine Regiment, then Recruiting Station Portland, Oregon, as a major.
Mattis is a graduate of the U.S. Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare School, U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the National War College. Mattis is also noted for his intellectualism and interest in the study of military history and world history,[19][20] with a personal library that once included over 7,000 volumes,[1] and a penchant for publishing required reading lists for Marines under his command.[21][22] He is known for the intellectual rigor he instills in his Marines, risk-management, and requiring his Marines to be well read in the culture and history of regions in the world where they are deployed. Before deploying to Iraq, Mattis had his Marines undergo cultural sensitivity training.[20]
Persian Gulf War[edit]
Upon promotion to the rank of lieutenant colonel, Mattis commanded 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, which was one of Task Force Ripper's assault battalions during the Persian Gulf War.[23]
Afghanistan War[edit]
As a colonel, Mattis commanded the 7th Marine Regiment. He led the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade as its commanding officer upon promotion to brigadier general.
During the initial planning for the War in Afghanistan, Mattis led Task Force 58 in operations in the southern part of the country,[24] becoming the first Marine Corps officer to ever command a Naval Task Force in combat.[17]
While serving in Afghanistan as a brigadier general, he was known as an officer who engaged his men with "real leadership". A young Marine officer named Nathaniel Fick cited an example of that leadership when he witnessed Mattis in a fighting hole talking with a sergeant and lance corporal: "No one would have questioned Mattis if he'd slept eight hours each night in a private room, to be woken each morning by an aide who ironed his uniforms and heated his MREs. But there he was, in the middle of a freezing night, out on the lines with his Marines."[25]
Iraq War[edit]
Letter written by Mattis on the eve of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, addressed to members of the 1st Marine Division.
As a major general, Mattis commanded the 1st Marine Division during the 2003 invasion of Iraq and subsequent stability operations during the Iraq War.[19]
Mattis played key roles in combat operations in Fallujah, including negotiation with the insurgent command inside the city during Operation Vigilant Resolve in April 2004, as well as participation in planning of the subsequent Operation Phantom Fury in November.
In May 2004, Mattis ordered the 3 a.m. bombing of a suspected enemy safe house near the Syrian border, which later came to be known as the Mukaradeeb wedding party massacre, and which resulted in the deaths of 42 civilians. Mattis stated that it had taken him 30 seconds to deliberate on bombing the location. Describing the wedding as implausible, he said "How many people go to the middle of the desert ... to hold a wedding 80 miles (130km) from the nearest civilization? These were more than two dozen military-age males. Let's not be naive."[26] Later, the Associated Press obtained video footage of the wedding prior to the attack.[27]
Following a U.S. Department of Defense survey that showed only 55% of American soldiers and 40% of U.S. Marines would report a colleague for abusing civilians, Mattis told U.S. Marines in May 2007 that "Whenever you show anger or disgust toward civilians, it's a victory for al-Qaeda and other insurgents." Reflecting an understanding of the need for restraint in war as key to defeating an insurgency, he added that "Every time you wave at an Iraqi civilian, al-Qaeda rolls over in its grave."[28]
A city street in Fallujah heavily damaged by the fighting, November 2004
Mattis popularized the 1st Marine Division's motto "no better friend, no worse enemy", a paraphrase of the famous self-made epitaph for the Roman dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla,[29] in his open letter to all men within the division for their return to Iraq. This phrase later became widely publicized during the investigation into the conduct of Lieutenant Ilario Pantano, a platoon commander serving under Mattis.[30][31][32][33][34][35]
Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Admiral Mike Mullen and General Mattis in Baghdad, Iraq
As his division prepared to ship out, Mattis called in experts on the Middle East for cultural sensitivity training. He constantly toured the battlefield to tell stories of Marines who were able to show discretion in moments of high pressure.[20] As an apparent example, he encouraged his Marines to grow mustaches to look more like the people they were working with.[20]
He also was noted for a willingness to remove senior leaders under his command at a time when the U.S. military seemed unable or unwilling to relieve under-performing or incompetent officers. During the division's push to Baghdad, Mattis relieved Colonel Joe D. Dowdy, regimental commander of Regimental Combat Team-1, and it was such a rare occurrence in the modern military that it made the front page of newspapers. Despite this, Mattis declined to comment on the matter publicly other than to say that the practice of officer relief remains alive, or at least "We are doing it in the Marines."[25] Later interviews of Dowdy's officers and men revealed that "the colonel was doomed partly by an age-old wartime tension: Men versus mission—in which he favored his men" while Mattis insisted on execution of the mission to seize Baghdad swiftly.[36]
Combat Development Command[edit]
After being promoted to lieutenant general, Mattis took command of Marine Corps Combat Development Command. On February 1, 2005, speaking ad libitum at a forum in San Diego, he said "You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually, it's a lot of fun to fight. You know, it's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right upfront with you, I like brawling." Mattis's remarks sparked controversy; General Michael Hagee, Commandant of the Marine Corps, issued a statement suggesting Mattis should have chosen his words more carefully, but would not be disciplined.[37]
U.S. Joint Forces Command[edit]
Mattis speaks to Marines in Iraq, 2007
Mattis testifies before the Committee on Armed Services during his confirmation hearing for appointment to new command positions.
Mattis and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, January 2012
The Pentagon announced on May 31, 2006, that Lieutenant General Mattis was chosen to take command of I Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.[38] On September 11, 2007, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced that President George W. Bush had nominated Mattis for appointment to the rank of general to command U.S. Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia. NATO agreed to appoint Mattis as Supreme Allied Commander Transformation. On September 28, 2007, the United States Senate confirmed Mattis's nomination, and he relinquished command of I MEF on November 5, 2007, to Lieutenant General Samuel Helland.
Mattis was promoted to four-star general and took control of JFCOM/SACT on November 9, 2007. He transferred the job of SACT to French General Stéphane Abrial on September 9, 2009, but continued in command of JFCOM.[39]
U.S. Central Command[edit]
In early 2010, Mattis was reported to be on the list of U.S. Marine generals being considered for selection to replace James T. Conway as the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps.[40] In July, he was recommended by Defense Secretary Robert Gates for nomination to replace David Petraeus as commander of United States Central Command,[6][41] and formally nominated by President Barack Obama on July 21.[42]
His confirmation by the Senate Armed Services Committee marked the first time Marines had held billets as commander and deputy commander of a Unified Combatant Command.[43] He took command at a ceremony at MacDill Air Force Base on August 11.[44][45][46]
As head of Central Command, Mattis oversaw the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and was responsible for a region that includes Syria, Iran, and Yemen.[47] According to Leon Panetta, the Obama administration did not place much trust in Mattis, because he was perceived to be too eager for a military confrontation with Iran.[48]
He retired from the Marine Corps in 2013.[49][50]
Civilian career[edit]
Mattis in 2016
Since retirement from the military, Mattis has worked for FWA Consultants and also served as a member of the General Dynamics Board of Directors.[49] In August 2013, he became an Annenberg Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution[51] and has since been named as their Davies Family Distinguished Visiting Fellow.[52]
From 2013 through January 2017, Mattis was a board member of the Silicon Valley biotech company Theranos.[53][54] Previously, in mid-2012, a Department of Defense official evaluating Theranos's blood-testing technology for the military, initiated a formal inquiry with the Food and Drug Administration about the company's intent to distribute its tests without FDA clearance. In August 2012, Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes asked Mattis, who had expressed interest in testing Theranos's technology in combat areas, to help. Within hours, Mattis forwarded his email exchange with Holmes to military officials, asking "how do we overcome this new obstacle."[55] In a July 2013 letter from the Department of Defense approving his possible employment by Theranos, Mattis was given permission with conditions. He was cautioned to do so only if he did not represent Theranos with regard to the blood testing device and its potential acquisition by the Departments of the Navy or Defense.[55]
In December 2015, Mattis joined the advisory board[56] of Spirit of America, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that provides assistance to support the safety and success of American service personnel and the local people they seek to help.
He is co-editor of the book Warriors & Citizens: American Views of Our Military, published in August 2016.[57]
Secretary of Defense[edit]
Mattis with President Trump and Vice President Pence
Nomination and confirmation[edit]
Then-President-elect Donald Trump met with Mattis for a little over one hour in Bedminster, New Jersey, on November 20, 2016.[58] He later stated on Twitter, "General James 'Mad Dog' Mattis, who is being considered for Secretary of Defense, was very impressive yesterday. A true General's General!"[59] On December 1, 2016, Trump announced at a rally in Cincinnati that he would nominate Mattis for United States Secretary of Defense.[60] As Mattis retired from the military in 2013, his nomination required a waiver of the National Security Act of 1947, which requires a seven-year waiting period before retired military personnel can assume the role of Secretary of Defense.[61] Mattis is the second Secretary of Defense to receive such a waiver, following George Marshall.[61] Mattis was officially confirmed as Secretary of Defense by a vote of 98–1[a] in the United States Senate on January 20, 2017.[64]
Mattis meets with Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
Mattis, in a phone call with Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, "reaffirmed the importance of the U.S.-Saudi Arabia strategic relationship".[65]
Mattis began a two-day visit with long-time U.S. ally South Korea on February 2 (his first official trip abroad).[66] He warned North Korea that "any attack on the United States, or our allies, will be defeated", and any use of nuclear weapons would be met with an "effective and overwhelming" response from the United States.[67]
On March 22, during questioning from the U.S. Senate, Mattis affirmed his support for US troops remaining in Iraq after the Mosul conflict was resolved.[68] During a press conference in London on March 31, with his UK counterpart Secretary of State for Defence Michael Fallon, Mattis said North Korea was going "in a very reckless manner" and needed to be stopped.[69]
On April 5, in response to the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack, Mattis called it "a heinous act" and said it would be treated in that manner while speaking to reporters.[70] On April 10, Mattis warned the Syrian government against using chemical weapons once more, saying it would be "ill-advised".[71] The following day, Mattis gave his first Pentagon news conference since becoming Secretary of Defense, saying ISIS's defeat remained "our priority" and the Syrian government would pay a "very, very stiff price" for further usage of chemical weapons.[72] He said that "even in World War II chemical weapons were not used on battlefields."[73]
Mattis has voiced support for a Saudi Arabian-led military campaign against Yemen's Shiite rebels.[74] He asked the President Trump to remove restrictions on U.S. military support for Saudi Arabia.[75] In February 2017, Mattis wanted to intercept and board an Iranian ship in the Arabian Sea to look for contraband weapons, which would have constituted an "act of war".[76]
Political views[edit]
Israeli–Palestinian peace process[edit]
Mattis with Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman in February 2017
Mattis supports a two-state solution model for Israeli–Palestinian peace. He says the current situation in Israel is "unsustainable" and argues that the settlements harm prospects for peace and could theoretically lead to an apartheid-like situation in the West Bank.[77] In particular, he believes the lack of a two-state solution is upsetting to the Arab allies of America, which weakens US esteem amongst its Arab allies. Mattis strongly supported Secretary of State John Kerry on the Middle East peace process, praising Kerry for being "wisely focused like a laser-beam" towards a two-state solution.[78]
Iran and Arab allies[edit]
Mattis meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan in January 2017
Mattis believes that Iran is the principal threat to the stability of the Middle East, ahead of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Mattis says: "I consider ISIS nothing more than an excuse for Iran to continue its mischief. Iran is not an enemy of ISIS. They have a lot to gain from the turmoil in the region that ISIS creates." On the Iran nuclear deal, although he sees it as a poor agreement, he believes there is now no way to tear it up, saying: "We are just going to have to recognize that we have an imperfect arms control agreement. Second, that what we achieved is a nuclear pause, not a nuclear halt".[79] Mattis argues that the nuclear inspections may fail to prevent Iran from seeking to develop nuclear weapons, but that "[i]f nothing else at least we will have better targeting data if it comes to a fight in the future."[79] Additionally, he criticizes President Barack Obama for being "naive" about Iranian intentions and Congress for being "pretty much absent" on 2016's nuclear deal.[80]
Mattis with Saudi Arabia's prince Mohammad in March 2017
Mattis praises the friendship of regional US allies such as Jordan and the United Arab Emirates.[81] He has also criticized Obama for his view of seeing allies as 'free-loading', saying: "For a sitting U.S. president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts."[81] He has cited the importance of the United Arab Emirates and Jordan as countries that wanted to help, for example, in filling in the gaps in Afghanistan.[82] He criticized the 44th President's defense strategy as giving "the perception we're pulling back" from US allies.[82] He stresses the need for the US to bolster its ties with allied intelligence agencies, particularly the intelligence agencies of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.[83] In 2012, Mattis argued for providing weapons to Syrian rebels, as a way to fight back against Iranian proxies in Syria.[84]
Mattis and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, February 3, 2017
Mattis visited Japan one week after being sworn in as Secretary of Defense. During a meeting with Japan's Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, Mattis emphasized the United States remains committed to the mutual defense of Japan and stated, "I want there to be no misunderstanding during the transition in Washington that we stand firmly, 100 percent, shoulder to shoulder with you and the Japanese people."[85]
Mattis reassured Japan that the U.S. would defend disputed Senkaku Islands controlled by Japan but also claimed by China and Taiwan.[86]
Speaking at a conference sponsored by The Heritage Foundation in Washington in 2015 Mattis stated that he believed that Russian President Vladimir Putin's intent is "to break NATO apart."[87] Mattis has also spoken out against what he perceives as Russia's expansionist or bellicose policies in Syria, Ukraine and the Baltic states.[88] In 2017, Mattis said that the world order is "under biggest attacks since World War Two, from Russia, terrorist groups, and China's actions in the South China Sea."[89]
On February 16, 2017, Mattis said that the United States was not currently prepared to collaborate with Russia on military matters, including future anti-ISIL U.S. operations.[90]
Mattis called for freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and criticized China's island-building activities, saying: "The bottom line is ... the international waters are international waters."[91]
Personal life[edit]
Mattis is a lifelong bachelor[36] who has never been married and has no children.[1] He is nicknamed "The Warrior Monk" because of his bachelor life and lifelong devotion to the study of war.[92]
1.Personal Information
ZHU Chuan,Male,Born in February 1979
Skilled in Trados
2.Personal Contact
Post Code:653100
Hongta District,Yuxi City,Yunnan Province,PRC
email:[email protected],[email protected]
QQ Space:
Sina Weibo Nickname:@朱川zhuchuan
Weixin ID:zhuchuan_214
3.The Experience of Study and Work
The Department of Earth and Space Science,the Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Sciences at the University of Science and Technology of China,September,1997-July,2002
The Department of Network and Information Security,Science and Technology Information Bureau,The ministry of Public Security,July,2002-March,2004
The Department of Security Monitoring,Information Center,The ministry of Public Security,March,2004-October,2009,Superintendent First Class
The School of Civil and Commercial Economy Law,China University of Political science and Law,April,2004-December,2007
Judge Second Degree,The Second Criminal Trial Division,The Higher People's Court of Yunnan province,October,2009-January,2013
Judge First Degree,The Forth Criminal Trial Division,The Higher People's Court of Yunnan province,January,2013-September,2016
Vice-General Manager,September 2016-present,Yuxi Huatang Big Data Service Outsourcing Industry Co., Ltd
4.Past Projects(Attached)
NYPD boosts data warehouse to snare bad guys faster
Hong Kong: A corrupt police force haunted by its criminal record
Twitter InitiatesMass Purge Of Alt-Right Accounts Following Trump Victory
Hierarchy of the Nigerian Legal System
The Research of Professor Dawn Song,University of California, Berkeley
Comprehensive Credit Line Guarantee Contract
The History,impact and Emerging trends of Social networking service
THE DIARY of Virginia Woolf
Sylvia's Lovers
Mrs. Dalloway
Armageddon 2419 A.D. By Philip Francis Nowlan
Green Willow and Other Japanese Fairy Tales
Wives and Daughters By Elizabeth Gaskell
North and South By Elizabeth Gaskell
The mechanism of atmospheric oscillation on Rainstorm
The “sea shock” phenomenon experienced by a sailing ship in East Japan
5.Degree and Certificate
Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric Science, Bachelor of Electronics and Information Engineering
The Third Certificate of Competency in National Computer Rank Examination
Information Security Risk Assessment Certificate,China Information Association,Information Security Professional Committee
Information Security Management System Internal Auditor Training Certificate,Beijing Knowledge Security Engineering Center
Master of Civil and Commercial Law
Legal Professional Qualification Certificate,Class A
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