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Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Swahili: IMNCI HEAT PROJECT General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - English Study Session 1. An Introduction to the Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness (IMNCI)
Every year, approximately 9 million children in developing countries die before age five. Many children die before age one. Ethiopia has one of the highest death rates for children under age five, because more than 321,000 children under age five die every year. More than 70% of these child deaths are due to five diseases. These diseases are pneumonia, diarrhoea, malaria, measles, and malnutrition. Often a combination of these diseases causes death.
At least three out of four children who come to health facilities seek care for one of these five diseases. Usually children have more than one of these diseases. So, there is a need for an integrated approach, so that you can manage the child in a holistic way. When you assess and treat illness, it is necessary that you consider all of the problems that the child has, including the major childhood illnesses. This is the reason for developing the Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness (IMNCI) strategy.
Translation - Swahili Kikao cha 1 cha Somo. Utangulizi wa Udhibiti wa maradhi ya watoto wazawa na ya utotoni kwa ujumla
Kila mwaka, takriban watoto milioni 9 hufa kabla ya umri wa miaka mitano katika nchi zinazoendelea. Watoto wengi hufa kabla ya kufikisha mwaka mmoja. Ethiopia ina viwango vya juu vya vifo kwa watoto walio chini ya umri wa miaka mitano, kwa sababu zaidi ya watoto 321,000 chini ya umri wa miaka mitano hufa kila mwaka. Zaidi ya 70% ya vifo hivi vya watoto hutokana na magonjwa matano. Magonjwa haya ni nimonia, kuhara, malaria, ukambi, na utapiamlo. Mara nyingi mchanganyiko wa magonjwa haya husababisha vifo.
Angalau watoto watatu kati ya wanne wanaokuja kwenye vituo vya afya ilikupokea huduma moja ya magonjwa haya tano. Kawaida watoto huwa na zaidi ya moja ya magonjwa haya. Kwa hivyo, kuna haja ya kuangalia kwa ujumla ili uweze kudhibiti mtoto kwa njia ya kiujumla. Wakati utakapo tathmini na kutibu ugonjwa, ni muhimu kufikiria matatizo yote ya mtoto aliyonayo, ikiwa ni pamoja na magonjwa makuu ya utotoni. Hii ni sababu ya kuendeleza Udhibiti wa Maradhi ya Watoto wazawa na ya Utotoni kwa Ujumla.
English to Swahili: Community Agreement – Statement of Intent General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Community Agreement – Statement of Intent
The EWB-USA chapter’s first visit to the program site will allow the community, the in-country partner and the chapter to determine if this partnership will lead to successfully achieving the community’s goal.
If all parties agree to move forward with the program after the chapter’s first visit to the community, the community of (community name) agrees to:
• Communicate with EWB-USA chapter contacts directly and frequently, as determined by the project schedule, including feedback throughout the assessment and design process;
• Contact the EWB-USA chapter contact immediately to discuss any changes in priority projects or the project scope;
• Inform chapter of any changes to the security/safety situation;
• Identify community contacts to accompany the EWB-USA chapter during site visits;
• Allow EWB-USA chapter to communicate directly with all interested community groups in order to get pertinent input to the development of the project(s);
• Contribute a minimum 5% of the capital construction costs in cash for each project before construction begins;
• Provide in-kind contributions at no cost to the EWB-USA chapter (examples include: skilled and unskilled labor, local materials, borrowed equipment, lodging and food for chapter, etc.);
• Develop and present to the EWB-USA chapter a formal system of responsibility for the long-term operations and maintenance of the project before construction begins;
• Establish and administer the funding mechanism to pay for 100% of the operations and maintenance upon project completion and in the future;
• Ensure that all implemented infrastructure in this program represent community-wide priorities and that all community members will have the opportunity to benefit from the project per the terms of use established by the community;
• Actively organize and involve community members in this program;
• Ensure that all infrastructure constructed in this program will be owned by community (or Local Partner);
• Be available to assist with additional technical data collection not completed by EWB-USA chapter during site assessment trips;
• Identify at least one strong local non-governmental or governmental partnering organization.
In addition to this agreement, the applicant community, EWB-USA and the local partner (NGO or municipality) will sign two Community Agreements, a general Project Partnership agreement after the first assessment trip, and an Implementation Agreement, including the roles and responsibilities of all parties to the agreement during the construction and ongoing maintenance phases, prior to the beginning of construction.
Translation - Swahili Mkataba wa Jamii - Aazimio la Kauli
Kuzuru kwa mara ya kwanza eneo la mradi kwa kitengo cha EWB-USA itaruhusu jamii, mshirikishi wa nchini na kitengo kubaini iwapo ushirikiano huu utafanikisha kupata lengo la jamii.
Ikiwa washiriki wote watakubaliana kusonga mbele na mradi baada ya kitengo kuzuru mara ya kwanza, jamii ya (jina la jamii) wakikubali:
• Kuwasiliana na wasiliani wa EWB-USA moja kwa moja na kila mara kwa mara, kama ilivyobainshwa na ratiba ya mradi, ikiwemo majibu ya utekelezaji kupitia mchakato wa kutathmini na uchoraji;
• Wasiliana na kitengo cha EWB-USA mara moja ili kujadiliana mabadiliko yoyote katika miradi ya kipaumbele au eneo la mradi;
• Wajulishe kitengo kuhusu mabadiliko yoyote ya hali ya usalama;
• Tambua wasiliani wa jamii watakaoandamana na kitengo cha EWB-USA wanapozuru eneo la ujenzi;
• Waruhusu kitengo cha EWB-USA kuwasiliana moja kwa moja na makundi yote ya jamii ili kupata vifaa muhimu vinavyohitajika kwa maendeleo ya mradi au miradi;
• Changa fedha isiyopungua asilimia 5 ya gharama yote kwa kila mradi kabla ya ujenzi kuanza;
• Toa michango ya mradi bila gharama yoyote kwa EWB-USA (mifano inajumuisha: wafanyakazi wenye na wasio na taaluma, vifaa vipatikanavyo humu nchini, malazi na chakula kwa kitengo, n.k.);
• Tengeneza na uwasilishe kwa kitengo cha EWB-USA mfumo halisi wa majukumu kwa operesheni na udhibiti wa kudumu kwa mradi kabla ya ujenzi kuanza;
• Anzisha na usimamie utaratibu wa kuchangisha ili kulipia asili mia 100 ya operesheni na udhibiti baada ya kukamilisha mradi na siku zijazo;
• Hakikisha kuwa muundo msingi wote ulioidhinishwa katika programu hii unawakilisha vipaumbele vya jamii pana na kuwa wanachama wote wa jamii watakuwa na fursa ya kufaidika kutoka kwa mradi kulingana na mpangilio wa matumizi ulioanzishwa na jamii;
• Panga na uwauzishe kila wakati wanachama wa jamii katika programu hii;
• Hakikisha kuwa muundo msingi wote uliojengwa katika programu hii utamilikiwa na jamii (au Mshirikishi wa Eneo hilo);
• Uwe tayari kusaidia na ukusanyaji wa data ya teknolojia zaidi haijakamilishwa na kitengo cha EWB-USA wakati wa safari za kuthamini eneo la ujenzi;
• Tambua angalau shirika moja lisilo la serikali le eneo hilo au serikali inayo saidiana na shirika.
Mbali na mkataba huu, jamii mwombaji, EWB-USA na mshirikishi wa eneo hilo (Shirika Lisilo la Serikali au manispaa) watatia sahihi Mikataba miwili ya Jamii, mkataba wa Ushiriakiano wa Mradi kwa kijumla baada ya thamini ya kwanza, mkataba wa udhinishaji, ikiwemo wajibu na majukumu ya pande zote za mkataba wakati wa ujenzi na awamu ya kudhibiti unaoendelea, kabla ya kuanza ujenzi.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Nairobi
Years of experience: 12. Registered at Jan 2018.