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Sample translations submitted: 1
Indonesian to English: Thesis Commision
Source text - Indonesian Muhammad Rif’an Jauhary, 2020, Peran Public Relation dalam Merencanakan Strategi Komunikasi untuk Menjaga Citra Perusahaan di BMT Lariba Islamic Centre (Studi Kasus di BMT Lariba Islamic Centre Jl. Tuparev No.111, Kabupaten Cirebon)
Peran public relation dalam sebuah perusahaan sangat penting. Beberapa BMT tidak memiliki divisi public relation. Sehingga BMT-BMT dipandang tidak profesional dalam menangani masalah-masalah yang berkaitan dengan nasabah. Untuk itu, penulis tertarik untuk mempelajari tentang peran public relation yang dilakukan oleh BMT Lariba Islamic Centre dalam merencanakan strategi komunikasi untuk menjaga citra perusahaannya.
Penelitian ini berfokus sesuai dengan rumusan masalah: 1) Bagaimana cara pegawai BMT Lariba Islamic dalam melaksanakan fungsi divisi public relation? 2) Bagaimana peran divisi public relation dalam merencanakan strategi komunikasi BMT Lariba Islamic Centre? 3) Bagaimana peran public relation dalam menjaga citra perusahaan di BMT Lariba Islamic Centre? 4) Bagaimana citra BMT Lariba Islamic Centre dalam pandangan nasabahnya?
Metodelogi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dengan objek penelitian pada Manajer BMT, Kepala Bagian Operasional BMT, Teller, Kepala Bagian Marketing, dan nasabah BMT Lariba Islamic Centre. Pada penelitian ini teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumen. Kemudian untuk teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik pola penjodohan dengan proses analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yaitu::reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: 1)Strategi pegawai BMT Lariba Islamic Centre dalam mengisi kekosongan divisi public relation yaitu dengan cara memberikan tugas ganda kepada seluruh karyawannya. 2) Divisi public relation BMT Lariba Islamic Centre menjalankan peran dalam merencanakan strategi komunikasi sudah terlihat dengan cukup baik. Strategi komunikasi BMT Lariba Islamic Centre dalam perencanaan yaitu, melaksanakan review job description pada setiap bulan, melakukan Rapat Pembinaan Anggota (RPA), melaksanakan Koordinasi Karyawan (RKK), dan melaksanakan Rapat Akhir Tahun (RAT). 3) Divisi public relation BMT Lariba Islamic Centre menjalankan peran dalam menjaga citra perusahaan yaitu, (a) menjelaskan mengenai visi perusahaan kepada anggota (nasabah) bahwa BMT adalah sarana dakwah ekonomi Islam. b) melayani anggota dengan sepenuh hati. c) memberikan respon yang positif terhadap keluhan-keluhan anggota. d) dapat mengakui kesalahan apabila terjadi masalah dalam hal operasional dan marketing sehari-hari dan mengambil tindakan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan tersebut. e) membangun jaringan komunikasi yang baik antara BMT dengan anggota. 4) Citra BMT Lariba Islamic Centre dalam pandangan nasabahnya tergolong baik. Hal ini dibuktikan dari beberapa respon nasabah antara lain: 1) nasabah di BMT Lariba Islamic Centre merasa sangat terbantu dengan adanya BMT ini. 2) pelayanannya yang mudah dan cepat, serta responsifnya para karyawan di BMT menjadikan nasabahnya merasa senang menjadi anggota di BMT Lariba Islamic Centre ini. 3) nasabah BMT Lariba Islamic Centre merasa memiliki nilai dakwah, karena memegang prinsip membantu setiap orang yang sedang memerlukan pertolongan
Translation - English Muhammad Rif’an Jauhary, 2020, Public Relationship Role in Planning Communication Strategy for Keeping the Corporate Image at BMT Lariba Islamic Centre (Case Study at BMT Lariba Islamic Centre Tuparev Street no. 111, Cirebon District)
Public relation role in a company are really important. Some of BMT didn’t have the public relation division. With the result of that, BMT aren’t viewed as professional as the others in terms of handling the problems that are related to the client. For that, the writer are interested to learn about public relation role which is conducted by BMT Lariba Islamic Centre in planning communication strategy for keeping the corporate image.
This research are focused based in accordance with the problem formula: 1) How the Employees of BMT Lariba Islamic are performing the public relation function ? 2) How is the public relation role at Lariba Islamic Centre in planning the communication strategy? 3) How is the public relation role in terms of keeping the corporate image of Lariba Islamic Centre? 4) How is the image of BMT Lariba Islamic Centre are viewed by it’s client ?
Methodology that are being used in this research are qualitative research. With using case study approach on BMT Manager, BMT Head Operation Section, Teller, Head Marketing Section and BMT Lariba Islamic Centre Client. On this research, the technique that are being used are observation, interview and documenttation. Then for the data analysis technique that is being used in this research are matching pattern technique which are processed using Miles model and Huberman that is: Data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.
The result of this research are showing that: 1) BMT Lariba Islamic Centre employee strategy for filling the blanks in public relation division is with giving dual task/duty to all of it’s worker. 2) BMT Lariba Islamic Centre public relation division already doing it’s communication strategy nicely. BMT Lariba Islamic Centre communication strategies are, executing review job description every month, performing Member Coaching Meeting (MCM), and performing Workers Coordination (WC). 3) BMT Lariba Islamic Centre public relation division role in keeping the corporate image are, (a) explaining about corporate vision to the client that BMT is a medium for Islam economic missionary endeavor. (b) serving the client whole-heartedly. (c) giving positive response regarding client complaint. (d) able to admit a mistake if there’s a problem occurred in daily operationals and marketing and able to take a meansurements to fix that problem. (e) building communication network in between BMT and it’s client. 4) Image BMT Lariba Islamic Centre viewed by it’s client classified as good. This are proven by several reason that is: 1) client at BMT Lariba Islamic Centre feels really helped with BMT’s existence. 2) The service are fast and easy, also the responsesifity of the employees at BMT made the client really happy to become BMT Lariba Islamic Centre client. 3) BMT Lariba Islamic Centre client felt like they have some preaching value, because they held a principle to help everyone that are in needs.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - SMKN1 Balikpapan Selatan
Years of experience: 5. Registered at Jul 2020.
I'm a freshman that are interested in translating world, I graduated from SMKN 1 Vocational Highschool Balikpapan, Indonesia and I have English Access Microscholarship Program Certificate from U.S Embassy. I also have TOEIC 860 overall score!
My main goal in this job is to make sure that my client are happy and feel helped with my work!
Keywords: Indonesia, Indonesian, Translator, English-Indonesian Translator