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Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Italian: Molly Keane - Devoted Ladies General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Molly Keane
Sylvester was giving a party.
His guests toiled up flights of dark stairs. Jane was so accustomed to the smell of cats and ammonia on the stairs (there was a mews below) that she hardly noticed when they left off and where the expensive smells of Sylvester’s rooms began. She had been there very often this summer, for Sylvester preferred to entertain in his own rooms to entertaining in restaurants or night clubs: ‘It is more me,’ he would say, ‘and much cheaper, and much better – don’t you agree?’
And here his friends would agree with enthusiasm. His food and his drink were always good. Not that Jane minded about food or drink either (so long as she could have enough drink). If you have always fed on the rarer and most expensive forms of food you will, by the time you are twenty-eight, have developed an intelligence about food or else you simply won’t mind. Jane simply didn’t mind. And her favourite drink was brandy; brandies and sodas followed by a mass of liqueur brandies rolling pleasantly in their large hot glasses.
It was not for Sylvester’s good food and drink that Jane came to see him whenever she was asked, and often when she was not asked. It was because she hoped on and on in the face of constant disappointment that Sylvester would put her in a book or in a play.
She could never realise that the people Sylvester put in his life he did not put either in his books or in his plays. When he told her this he hoped that the flattery implied in the remark about his life might assuage her dismal greed for seeing herself as she wished him to see her.
But although he spoke to her softly and cunningly: ‘Jane, you know I never put the people who matter to me in my books’; she would answer only: ‘Oh, you are horrible to me,’ in her rich South American voice, so teeming with feeling and so barren of words.
Yet in spite of his reluctance to enclose the substance of her flesh and her spirit forever in an aspic of words, Sylvester continued to be very sweet to Jane. Although his new revue was playing to good business and his last book doing well, the moment might yet arrive when he would require to borrow money from Jane, or at any rate make use of her cars or her houses or any of the many benefits which providence spends on very rich young women that very poor young men may thereby profit a little.
Translation - Italian Da Sylvester c’era una festa. Gli ospiti arrancavano al buio un piano dopo l’altro.
Jane era talmente abituata all’odore di gatto e ammoniaca nelle scale (sotto c’era una stalla), che quando i ricchi profumi delle stanze di Sylvester prendevano il sopravvento, quasi non se ne accorgeva. C’era stata spesso quell’estate, visto che Sylvester preferiva intrattenere gli ospiti nelle sue stanze invece che in un ristorante o in un locale: «È più da me» diceva «si spende meno, ed è meglio. Non vi pare?».
E su quel punto gli amici concordavano con entusiasmo. Da lui si mangiava e beveva sempre bene. Non che a Jane importasse di quel che mangiava o beveva (a patto che da bere ne avesse abbastanza). Se ti sei sempre cibata delle vivande più ricercate e costose, arrivata a ventotto anni, o hai già sviluppato una sensibilità per il cibo oppure semplicemente non te ne importa. A Jane semplicemente non importava. E da bere le piaceva il brandy; diversi brandy e soda e, a seguire, fiumi di brandy liquorosi che roteano piacevolmente nei caldi bicchieri panciuti.
Non era per i gustosi rinfreschi di Sylvester che Jane andava da lui ogni volta che la invitava, e spesso anche quando non la invitava. Ma perché ancora sperava, nonostante le costanti delusioni, che Sylvester la infilasse in un romanzo o in un testo teatrale.
Non aveva ancora capito che le persone che Sylvester metteva nella sua vita, non le metteva né nei romanzi né nei testi teatrali. Lui glielo spiegava sperando che la lusinga sottintesa a quella considerazione sulla sua vita, placasse la triste smania che la ragazza aveva di vedere sé stessa nel modo in cui sperava d’essere vista da lui.
Nonostante le parlasse con tanta dolcezza e astuzia: «Sai, Jane, quando mi importa di qualcuno non lo metto mai nei miei libri.»; lei rispondeva solo: «Oh, sei tremendo con me» con quella intensa voce americana del sud, tanto traboccante di sentimento quanto povera di parole.
Eppure, nonostante la riluttanza nel incastonare per sempre l’essenza della carne e dell’anima di Jane in un aspic di parole, Sylvester era sempre molto gentile con lei. Benché il suo nuovo spettacolo avesse buon successo e l’ultimo libro vendesse bene, sarebbe sempre potuto arrivare il momento in cui avrebbe avuto bisogno di perdere in prestito dei soldi da Jane, o di usare una delle sue vetture o delle sue case o di uno qualsiasi dei numerosi benefici di cui la provvidenza grazia le signore giovani e molto ricche e perché i giovanotti molto poveri possano approfittarne.
Translation education
Other - Agenzia Formativa TuttoEuropa
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Jul 2020.
I've been involved in translation and language teaching for my entire professional life. My background in literature, theatre, linguistics and translation and the keen interest I have for life science and marketing have allowed me to work as a translator in various fields. I have translated officila documents for asylum seekers, worked as an interpreter and as a teacher. I have experience in proofreading (medical, marketing, academic) both in Italian and English; transcration (marketing, food and drink); subtitling (documentaries, tv shows).