I currently Administrative
Secretary at a Group of Companies involving various business activities, Import
and Export and Wholesale Dealer in Food items, Real Estate Development,
Restaurant, representative and reseller of products under brands Canon from
South Africa and Schmidt/Cuisinella from France. Responsible for Administrative,
Accounting, Marketing and Human Resource tasks. Strong background in compliance
to AML/CFT Act to combat Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism as well as
customer relations in the Money Changing sector. On the other hand, I have a passion for languages and I am very interested in translation. Was brillant at college pertaining to translation in English and French language and for that I have always wanted to keep alive this ability and to improve in this field, and why not, as a part time job. I have been interpreting for foreigners (From French to English) for about 7 years and even participated in translation of a book, entitled 'Message Companion', written by Mr Markus Becker of Germany, From English to French. The book has been published on international ground.