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Translation Volume: 490 words Completed: Mar 2023 Languages: English to Malay
490 Words on Canon press release-word file
Computers: Hardware
No comment.
Translation Volume: 7097 words Completed: Mar 2023 Languages: English to Malay
7097 Words count on general translation English > Malay by Andovar
No comment.
Subtitling Volume: 393 lines Completed: Oct 2022 Languages: English to Malay
4000 Words-Subtitle translation (English > Malay)
Subtitle translation form English > Malay, total words count of 4000 and 393 lines (Medical related movies). Completed in one day.
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Medical (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 100 pages Completed: Sep 2022 Languages: English to Malay
100 page translation on Power Point (Safety PPT)
Safety, Transport / Transportation / Shipping
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 298 pages Completed: Sep 2022 Languages: English to Malay
298 PPT files On Training slides-proof reading/translate & edit
220 slides (PPT Files) are already translated into Malay. Proofread 220 slides of Malay by comparing with English source ppt and do the remaining Malay translation. Translate (English>Malay) remaining 78 pages.
English to Malay: Business Cultures General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - English An effective organization is one that achieves its purpose by meeting the needs of its stakeholders, matching its resources to opportunities, adapting to environmental changes and creating a culture that promotes commitment, creativity, shared values and mutual trust. The improvement of organizational effectiveness is an overall objective of strategic human resource management. The organizational process issues relating to organizational development and transformation, culture management, knowledge management, change management, developing a climate of high commitment and trust, quality management, continuous improvement and customer relations are addressed.
Strategies for improving organizational effectiveness will focus on developing processes that support the achievement of business goals and a positive culture. There are no universal prescriptions for the development of strategies.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter (1989) noted that corporations are seeking ever less bureaucratic and ever more entrepreneurial directions, cutting out unnecessary layers of the hierarchy and forging closer ties with employees. She emphasizes, however, that the pursuit of excellence has multiplied the number of demands on executives and managers and described this as the ‘post-entrepreneurial corporation’. This represents ‘a triumph of process over structure’. She suggests that relationships and communication and the flexibility to combine resources are more important than the formal channels and reporting relationships represented in an organization chart: ‘What is important is not how responsibilities are divided but how people can pull together to pursue new opportunities.’
Translation - Malay Satu organisasi di anggap berkesan apabila ia mencapai matlamat keperluan pihak berkepentingan, sejajar dengan sumber peluangnya, penyesuaian kepada perubahan persekitaran dan membentuk budaya yang membina komitment, kreativiti, perkongsian pendapat dan kepercayaan bersama. Objektif keseluruhan bahagian strategik pengurusan sumber manusia adalah kepada peningkatan keberkesanan organisasi. Proses isu organisasi berkaitan perkembangan dan transformasi, pengurusan budaya, pengurusan pengetahuan, pengurusan pertukaran, meningkatkan komitmen yang tinggi dan kepercayaan, pengurusan kualiti, perkembangan berterusan dan perhubungan pelanggan dapat di uruskan.
Strategi untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan organisasi akan di fokuskan ke proses pembangunan yang dapat menyokong pencapaian matlamat perniagaan dan budaya positif. Tiada jalan mudah untuk meningkatkan strategi.
Rosabeth Moss Kanter (1989) mencatat bahawa syarikat akan mengurangkan birokrasi dan lebih kepada arah keusahawanan, membuang lapisan hieraki yang tidak perlu dan membentuk ikatan rapat bersama pekerja. Dia menegaskan, walau bagaimanapun, mengejar yang terbaik telah melipatgandakan jumlah permintaan eksekutif dan pengurus, menjelaskan bahawa ini adalah 'syarikat pascakeusahawanan'. Ini mewakili 'proses kemenangan keatas struktur'. Dia mencadangkan hubungan, komunikasi dan bertolak ansur untuk menyatukan sumber adalah lebih penting daripada saluran rasmi dan hubungan lapuran yang diwakili dalam carta organisasi: 'Apa yang penting bukan bagaimana tanggungjawab di bahagikan tetapi bagaimana kita bersama-sama mencari peluang baru.'
English to Malay: Example on general website marketing General field: Marketing Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - English 1. No Driving Licence Required
2. "Pay your security deposit and use code to enjoy rides worth RS 1500/- for FREE :heart_eyes:."
3. "The data source “{0}” was saved, but a problem occurred while replacing the data source in this workbook."
4. We use the industry-recommended best practices and tools of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 to make our software as secure as possible.
5. "Our Customer Service Associates will share a form link in your chat window to add images in case the situation demands the same."
Translation - Malay 1. Lesen Memandu Tidak Diperlukan
2. "Bayar wang jaminan anda dan gunakan kod untuk
menikmati perjalanan bernilai RS 1500/- PERCUMA
3. Sumber data "{0}" telah disimpan, tetapi masalah berlaku semasa menggantikan sumber data dalam buku kerja ini.
4. Kami menggunakan amalan terbaik dan alat yang dicadangkan untuk industri daripada Projek Keselamatan Aplikasi Web Terbuka (OWASP) 10 Teratas untuk membuat perisian kami paling selamat yang mungkin.
5. "Rakan Perkhidmatan Pelanggan kami akan berkongsi pautan borang dalam tetingkap sembang anda untuk menambah imej sekiranya keadaan menghendaki yang sama."
Translation education
Other - Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Apr 2022.