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Translation, Editing/proofreading, Copywriting
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English to Slovak: Cosmetic surgery General field: Medical Detailed field: Cosmetics, Beauty
Source text - English Clinics which perform corrective cosmetic surgery are enjoying a real boom as more and more people seek assistance in improving upon nature. The range of procedures available to meet the demand for the beautiful body is comprehensive, including both breast reduction and augmentation, facelifts, the elimination of wrinkles, ‘bat ear’ correction, and hair transplants to reverse baldness.
One of the most common procedures reshapes the nose. Advertising leaflets claim that the nose is the key to a beautiful face; it is central to the way one feels about one's appearance. They say that this procedure is a must to create 'a new confident you.' Suction lipectomy is another intrusion into one’s own body for which there is considerable demand. This painful technique, otherwise known as the fat vacuum, involves removing fat from the abdomen, bottom and/or thighs, sucking it off with a thin tube attached to a vacuum-cleaner type device. It does away with bulges, which are virtually impossible to eliminate through diet and exercise. However, this technique is a means of body contouring, not of weight reduction. The success of the operation depends on how elastic and resilient the patient’s skin is. Recuperation lasts a week and medication is prescribed to minimize discomfort.
Achieving physical perfection, that is, making essentially normal people look better merely for aesthetic purposes, may seem unethical. It could be argued that the money spent on such procedures, not to mention the surgeons’ time and efforts, might be put to a better use. But for women, who make up almost all of the clinics' clientele, the motivation behind the quest for a new look and an improved self-image is largely psychological. If some feature is discomforting enough to affect one’s mental well-being, the operation can be regarded as part of a psychiatric therapy. Still, unless real deformities justify surgery, it remains a matter of human vanity.
Translation - Slovak Kliniky, ktoré vykonávajú kozmetické zákroky, zažívajú skutočný boom, pretože čoraz viac ľudí vyhľadáva pomoc so skrášľovaním svojho tela. Rozsah procedúr, ktoré sú k dispozícii ľuďom túžiačim po večnej kráse, je ozaj veľa. Často sa stretávame s úpravami prsníkov, faceliftom, vyhľadzovaním vrások, korekciou „netopierích uší“ a transplantáciou vlasov.
Jeden z najbežnejších zákrokov je korekcia nosa. Hovorí sa, že nos je kľúčom ku krásnej tvári, je ukazovateľom toho, čo si človek myslí o svojom vzhľade. Hovorí sa, že korekciou nosa vieme nabrať nové sebavedomie. Liposukcia je ďalšou korekciou, po ktorej je značný dopyt. Tento bolestivý zákrok, inak známý ako odsávanie tuku, zahŕňa odstránenie tuku z brucha, dna a/alebo stehien. Praktizuje sa odsávaním tenkou trubicou pripojenou k zariadeniu podobnému vysávaču. Dokáže odstrániť aj tuk, ktorého sa prakticky nemožno zbaviť diétou alebo cvičením. Liposukcia je však prostriedkom na skrášlenie tela, nie na zníženie hmotnosti. Úspešnosť zákroku závisí od pružnosti pokožky pacienta. Rehabilitácia trvá týždeň, taktiež sa predpisujú lieky proti bolesti.
Skrášlovanie tela týmto spôsobom, sa mnohým môže zdať neetické. Môžeme povedať, že peniaze minuté na takéto procedúry, nehovoriac o čase a úsilí chirurgov, by sa mohli využiť aj lepšie. No pre ženy, ktoré tvoria drvivú väčšinu klientely, je motivácia za hľadaním nového ja do značnej miery psychologická. Ak niekomu jeho vlastný vízor natoľko vadí, že má psychické problémy, operáciu možno považovať za súčasť psychiatrickej liečby. Pokiaľ kozmetický zákrok nie je nevyhnutný, ide len o ľudskú márnotratnosť.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Matej Bel University
Years of experience: 3. Registered at Apr 2024.
Slovak (Matej Bel University, verified) Slovak to English (Matej Bel University, verified) English to Slovak (Matej Bel University, verified)
Highly organized translator with two years of experience in the industry, focusing primarily on English, Slovak, and Russian languages. Producing consistent and satisfactory results while building fruitful, lasting relationships with clients. Always eager to learn and expand my linguistic proficiency.
I hold a bachelor's degree in translation studies, which honed my communication skills across multiple languages and sparked my passion for the field of translation. I have chosen to advance my career by pursuing a master’s degree in translation, dedicating myself fully to the art and science of interpreting and translating.
Also, I'm big on MT and the use of AI at my work ;)
Keywords: English-Slovak translation services, Slovak language specialist, technical translation expert, software localization in Slovakia, certified translator, business document translation, website translation, app localization services, quality translation Slovak-English, fast translation services. See more.English-Slovak translation services, Slovak language specialist, technical translation expert, software localization in Slovakia, certified translator, business document translation, website translation, app localization services, quality translation Slovak-English, fast translation services, professional language solutions, Slovak translation consultant, multilingual project management. See less.