Working languages:
German to Italian
English to Italian

Alberto Mariacci
Kompetenz, Erfahrung, Qualität

Arezzo, Toscana, Italy
Local time: 21:01 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: Italian Native in Italian
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Editing/proofreading, Translation, Interpreting, MT post-editing, Training, Website localization
Specializes in:
Energy / Power GenerationLaw (general)
Transport / Transportation / ShippingPrinting & Publishing
Automation & RoboticsMedical (general)
Medical: InstrumentsMedical: Pharmaceuticals
Mechanics / Mech EngineeringEnvironment & Ecology

German to Italian - Rates: 0.10 - 0.12 EUR per word / 35 - 40 EUR per hour
English to Italian - Rates: 0.10 - 0.10 EUR per word / 35 - 40 EUR per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 5, Questions answered: 3, Questions asked: 1
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 1
Translation education Master's degree - SSIT Florence
Experience Years of experience: 36. Registered at Dec 2006. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials German to Italian (Universita' degli Studi di Genova)
German to Italian (Zertifizierung als technischer Fachübersetzer nach der Norm UNI 11591:2015 durch INTERTEK - ACCREDIA)
Memberships AITI, VDI Verband der deutschen Ingenieure, ITKAM Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland, AIPnD Italian association for non destructive tests, BDÜ
Software Across, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Adobe Acrobat Professional DC, Olifant, Terminotix LogiTerm Pro, Terminotix SynchroTerm, XBench, STAR Transit, Trados Studio
CV/Resume Italian (PDF), German (PDF)
Events and training
II attended the SSIT (Scuola Superiore Interpreti e Traduttori) interpreting school in Florence and since 1986 I have a degree in translation and interpreting for German and English in a technical field. I also have an additional degree in legal translation from the University of Genoa. I acquired extensive technical expertise during my twelve years working for a world-renowned German company in the field of "technology and electronics", as well as during my subsequent collaboration with an Italian manufacturer of printed circuit boards. Thanks to the variety of my tasks, I was able to gain a great deal of experience in the field of translations and negotiation interpreting. In 1989, parallel to my work for the German group, I started working as a freelance translator first for the University of Florence and then for the Translation Service of the European Commission, in both cases in the medical field. Since then I have been working with selected foreign translation agencies as well as direct clients in Germany and Italy. In order to be able to translate competently even on very specialised subjects, I have built up an extensive active network of consultants. Since November 2005, I have been working as a freelance translator with my own individual company (Tekniglossa => I am a member of the Italian Association of Interpreters and Translators (AITI), the German Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), the Italian Association for Non-destructive Testing (AIPnD), the VDI (Association of German Engineers) and a sworn translator of the Arezzo Regional Court and an expert of the Arezzo-Siena Chamber of Commerce.

I am among the first technical translators in Italy to obtain UNI 11591:2015 certification in 2019 after passing the exam (now updated to 11591:2022).

I use the most well-known CAT tools (Trados Studio 2022, Transit XV and NXT, Across 7.0, MemoQ), can use DPT programs (Adobe InDesign CC). 

My specialization fields are: Medicine, medical technology, railway technology (rolling stock, service vehicles, signalling systems, infrastructure), renewable energies (PV, wind, CHP, biogas, wood gasification), laser cutting machines, machine tools and printing machines, materials handling technology, intralogistics, electronics and sensor technology, PCB technology, hydronics, heat pumps, building technology, energy saving, environment, waste disposal, energy generation.
Keywords: Werkzeugmaschinen, Laserschneidmaschinen, Wasserstrahlmaschinen, Schweissanlagen, Anlagenbau, Leiterplattentechnik, Elektronik, Sensorik, Offsetdruckmaschinen, Siebdruckmaschinen. See more.Werkzeugmaschinen, Laserschneidmaschinen, Wasserstrahlmaschinen, Schweissanlagen, Anlagenbau, Leiterplattentechnik, Elektronik, Sensorik, Offsetdruckmaschinen, Siebdruckmaschinen, Baumaschinen, Krane, Medizin, Medizintechnik, Bahntechnik, Umwelt, Altlastentsorgung, Photovoltaik, Solarthermie, erneuerbare Energiequellen, BHKW, Holzvergaser, Feuerungsanlagen, Wärmepumpen, Kalt/Warm, Lüftungsanlagen, Gebäudetechnik, Passivhäuser, Vorhangfassaden, Fensterbau, Türbau, Machine tools, laser cut machines, printing machines (Offset & silk screen), PCB-manufacturing, medicine & medical devices, natural medicine, railway technology, automotive, einvironment, solar energy (photovoltaic and thermal), renewable energy sources. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 7

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