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Spanish to English: Bone Marrow Stem Cells Repair Heart Attack Damaged Muscle Tissue in Mice General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Cardiology
Source text - Spanish Título: Las 'células madre' de la médula ósea reparan el corazón infartado del ratón
Científicos del Medical College de Nueva York y del Proyecto Genoma público han logrado, en ratones de laboratorio, reparar hasta un 68% del tejido cardíaco destruido por un infarto. La técnica consiste en inyectar directamente en el corazón dañado células madre tomadas de la médula ósea. El nuevo entorno induce a estas células a formar tejido cardíaco nuevo, con músculos y vasos sanguíneos indistinguibles de los normales. 'No veo una sola razón por la que esta técnica pudiera fallar en seres humanos', declaró ayer a este diario el jefe del equipo, Piero Anversa.
Anversa reconoce que 'falta bastante trabajo que hacer antes de aplicar la técnica a pacientes humanos', pero su previsión es empezar los ensayos clínicos de aquí a tres años.
La médula ósea, abundante en todos los huesos alargados, como el fémur y el húmero, contiene células madre, células indiferenciadas capaces de formar diversos tipos de tejido adulto. Las células madre de la médula ósea se encargan normalmente de reponer los glóbulos rojos y blancos de la sangre, que mueren a millones cada día.
Pero los científicos dirigidos por Anversa, del Medical College de Nueva York, han mostrado ahora que las células madre de la médula ósea pueden escaparse con facilidad de su destino natural. Y para ello no es necesario manipular sus genes, ni comprender el mecanismo necesario para reprogramarlas. Basta inyectarlas directamente en el corazón de un ratón, dañado previamente por un infarto, para que se dejen influir por sus nuevas vecinas, se crean que son parte de un corazón en desarrollo y empiecen a fabricar tejidos cardíacos sin complejos.
Anversa reconoce que la reparación sólo funcionó en 12 de los 30 ratones infartados en los que probó el método, pero atribuye los fallos a las dificultades técnicas que implica implantar células en el corazón del ratón, que se caracteriza por un vertiginoso ritmo de 600 latidos por minuto. Los resultados se presentarán en la revista Nature el próximo 5 de abril.
Sin embriones
La fuente más eficaz de células madre son los embriones de pocos días, tanto en ratones como en humanos. Pero el uso de embriones humanos es una fuente interminable de polémicas, rechazos éticos y trabas legales. Todos estos problemas desaparecerían si las células madre pudieran obtenerse de tejidos adultos como la médula ósea.
'Las células madre de adultos son una alternativa realista a las embrionarias', asegura Anversa. 'Y la transformación de células de la médula ósea en células cardíacas no es un suceso excepcional; sabemos que las células madre de la médula ósea se pueden diferenciar en tejido de hígado, de cerebro o de músculo estriado'.
La mitad del equipo científico pertenece al Instituto Nacional para la Investigación del Genoma Humano (NHGRI), es decir, la parte pública del proyecto genoma dirigida por Francis Collins. El propio Collins prestó ayer su apoyo al trabajo: 'La aparente habilidad de las células madre adultas para reconstruir el corazón revela la muy notable flexibilidad de la naturaleza para luchar contra la enfermedad'
Translation - English Title: Bone Marrow Stem Cells Repair Heart Attack Damaged Muscle Tissue in Mice
Scientists from the Medical College of New York and from the Public Genome Project have managed to repair up to 68% of cardiac muscle damaged by heart attacks in laboratory mice. The technique consists in directly injecting bone marrow stem cells into the damaged heart of the organism. The new surroundings induce the stem cells to form new heart tissue containing muscle and blood vessels indistinguishable from the original. “I can’t see any reason why this technique shouldn’t work in humans,” commented Piero Anversa who leads the team.
Though he concedes “much work needs to be done before these methods can be applied to human patients”, he predicts clinical trials will begin within the next three years.
Bone marrow which is abundantly found in long bones such as the femur and humerus contains undifferentiated stems cells capable of dividing into distinct adult tissue types. Bone marrow stem cells are normally destined towards the replacement of red and white blood cells, millions of which die every day.
However, scientists led by Anversa from the Medical College of New York have demonstrated that bone marrow stem cells can easily be diverted from their normal function. Furthermore, neither gene manipulation nor an understanding of the mechanism necessary to reprogram them is needed. All that is required is to inject stem cells into the heart of a mouse that has previously suffered a heart attack and let them be influenced by the adjacent heart cells. The stem cells are then tricked into “thinking” they are embryonic heart cells and thereby without delay or further complication, begin to produce cardiac tissue.
Anversa admits that regeneration was only successful in 12 of the 30 mice that suffered heart attacks and underwent the “treatment”. However he blames the unsuccessful attempts on the complications involved in injecting cells into a mouse’s heart, especially considering the fact that it beats at an incredible 600 times per minute. Results of the experiment are due to be published in Nature on the 05 of April.
No Embryos Needed
Few day old embryos are the richest source of stem cells in both mice and humans. However, the use of embryonic stem cells is steeped in deep controversy, ethical objections and legal entanglements. All these problems disappear if stem cells are obtained from adult tissue such as bone marrow.
"Stem cells derived from adult tissue are a realistic alternative to embryonic stem cells", says Anversa. "The transformation of bone marrow stem cells into cardiac muscle is by no means unusual. We already know that bone marrow stem cells can divide or develop into liver, brain or skeletal muscle tissue".
Half the team come from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), i.e. the publicly-funded part of the project directed by Francis Collins who backed the research by saying “the apparent ability of adult-tissue-derived stem cells to rebuild heart tissue reveals Nature’s incredible flexibility in combating disease”.
French to English: Letter of Recommendation for Film School General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - French Lettre de recommandation
Rédigée par xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Responsable du master CREADOC – Sciences Humaines et Sociales, mention Information et Communication, spécialité Documentaire de Création – Université de xxxxxxxx
Concernant xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Diplômé du master CREADOC – Sciences Humaines et Sociales, mention Information et Communication, spécialité Documentaire de Création – Université de xxxxxxxx
A l’attention du responsable de la formation « MSc Film, Exhibition and Curation » de l’université d’xxxxxxxxxxx (Department « Literatures, Languages and Cultures »)
Madame, Monsieur,
J’ai connu l’étudiant xxxxxxxxxxxxx dans le cadre du suivi du master professionnel Creadoc au sein du campus de l’image d'xxxxxxxxxx (antenne de l’université de xxxxxx) sur la période scolaire 2008-2010.
Ce cursus, spécialisé autour du documentaire de création sonore et filmique, se base sur un enseignement à la fois théorique et pratique et délivre aux étudiants toutes les clefs indispensables pour embrasser une carrière professionnelle dans le milieu du cinéma. Ecriture, investigation, production, réalisation et montage constituent les enseignements principaux qui composent cette formation de haut niveau.
A ce titre, je souhaite vous faire part de mon entière satisfaction concernant le sérieux et l’engagement dont a fait preuve xxxxxxxxxxxxx durant les deux années d’enseignement du master Creadoc.
Le travail qu’il a fourni tout au long de ce cursus universitaire m’a permis de juger et d’apprécier ses qualités sur les plans scolaire et humain. Son esprit d’analyse, associé à un sens critique aigu, lui a permis de profiter pleinement de l’enseignement dispensé par notre université tout en développant un véritable travail de réflexion personnelle. Son sérieux et sa curiosité lui ont permis d’acquérir de solides connaissances qu’il a su valider avec succès au cours des nombreuses évaluations qui jalonnaient la formation.
Parfaitement autonome, il n’en reste pas moins un élément clef dans le travail en équipe, très apprécié de ses camarades pour son optimisme et sa persévérance. Son intérêt poussé pour le domaine du cinéma documentaire et plus généralement de l’audiovisuel fait de lui un étudiant motivé, assidu et désireux de réussir.
Toutes ces raisons me portent à croire que l’enseignement d’excellence dispensé par votre université saura parfaitement convenir à xxxxxxxxxxxxxx et complétera son processus d’apprentissage entamé en France.
Je vous donne, par la présente, mon assurance concernant les aptitudes de xxxxxx xxxxxxx à s’épanouir et à réussir au sein de votre formation MSc Film, Exhibition and Curation à l’université d’xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Translation - English Letter of recommendation
Written by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Director of the CREADOC Masters – Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information and Communication, specialising in Documentary Production – University of xxxxxx
Concerning xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Masters Diploma CREADOC – Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information and Communication, specialising in Documentary Production – University of xxxxxxxx
For the attention of the Director MSc Film, Exhibition and Curation at the University of xxxxxxxxx (Department of Literatures, Languages and Cultures )
Dear Sir / Madam,
I have known the student, xxxxxxxxxxxxx when he was following the professional Creadoc masters at the Image campus of xxxxxxxxxxxx (a branch of the University of xxxxxxxx) during the academic period 2008-2010.
This course, specialising in the production of audio and film documentaries , is based on training that is both theoretical and practical and provides students with all the key elements to successfully undertake a career in cinema. Script writing, research, production, directing and editing make up the key components of this high level training course.
In view of the above, I wish to express my complete satisfaction with respect to the work and participation of xxxxxxxxxxxxxx during the two years of his training for the Creadoc Masters.
The work he produced during the university course has allowed me to assess and appreciate both his academic and human qualities. His ability to analyse, together with his refined critical sense, has allowed him to fully take advantage of the training provided by our university and while at the same time develop a truly personal body of work. His professionalism and curiosity has allowed him to gain solid knowledge that he knew how to successfully apply during the numerous marked assignments that make up part of the course.
Totally autonomous, he nevertheless played a key part during team work. He was highly appreciated by his colleagues for his optimism and perseverance. His huge interest in the documentary genre and audiovisual in general make him a motivated, hard-working and eager to succeed student.
All of the above brings me to believe that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is perfectly suited to the excellent training provided by your university and that this would complete the training process he began in France.
I give you my reassurance of xxxxxxxxxxxxxx's ability to flourish and succeed on the MSc Film, Exhibition and Curation at the Univeristy of xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Translation education
Other - International House Barcelona
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Jul 2007.
In-Company and Freelance Business English Teacher (2000 - 2008)
Clients: Repsol, Diageo, Fundación ONCE, Ferrovial, Xerox and Citroën
BARRA - MSCI The City of London (1000+ employees worldwide)
Client Support Team Leader – Europe 1998 - 2000
Global leader in market risk analysis software - HQ in Berkeley, California
Clients: JP Morgan, Citibank, Barclays Global Investors, Shell, BBVA, Banesto Fondos
HEWLETT PACKARD – 3COM – OLIVETTI London - 1997 - 1998
Technical Support Executive in French - (French Team)