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Source text - Portuguese As atividades de lazer esportivo, mais do que preencher o tempo ocioso, desempenham um papel importante na vida das pessoas, uma vez que são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da sociabilidade e das relações interpessoais. O esporte é como um instrumento fundamental no auxílio ao processo de desenvolvimento integral das crianças, dos adolescentes e dos jovens, principalmente aqueles em situação de risco social.
O esporte como instituição social não deve ser analisado fora de suas dimensões sociais. Segundo Tubino (2001), o esporte pode ser dividido em três dimensões: o esporte-educação; o esporte-participação ou esporte popular; esporte performance ou esporte de rendimento. No âmbito social, o esporte tem função pedagógica no processo de formação do indivíduo, ressaltando a disciplina, o respeito à hierarquia e às regras do jogo, a solidariedade, o espírito de equipe e outros fatores do desenvolvimento humano.
Translation - English Sports leisure activities, more than filling in spare time, play an important role in people's lives, since they are fundamental to the development of sociability and interpersonal relations. Sport is a fundamental instrument in aiding the full development process of children, adolescents and young people, especially those at social risk.
Sport as a social institution should not be taken outside its social dimensions. According to Tubino (2001), sport can be divided into three dimensions: education-sport; participation sport or popular sport; performance sport. In the social scope, sport has an educational function in the process involving the formation of the individual, emphasizing discipline, respect for hierarchy and the rules of the game, solidarity, team spirit and other human development.
Portuguese to English: Horse breeding
Source text - Portuguese “Todos os criadores americanos de Mangalarga Marchador têm a preocupação de fazer publicidade da raça nos eventos aqui. Visamos alcançar criadores interessados no nosso cavalo. A Associação Americana ajuda com a promoção do cavalo de sela brasileiro e apoio da Apex-Brasil. Temos muitos associados que estão ajudando nos estandes que foram montados no PBR. Há muita cooperação entre os associados e os membros do Projeto Brazilian Saddle Horse.”
A estratégia para atingir um bom público é fazer boas apresentações e estar sempre aberto para aqueles que tenham interesse em se associar. Estamos difundindo conhecimento para os interessados nas apresentações do PBR. O pessoal teve a oportunidade de ver a beleza, o andamento cômodo e o temperamento dos cavalos, o que tem gerado interesse, e as pessoas acabam indo aos estandes para buscar mais informações. O próximo passo é a expansão da raça; é a importação de sêmen congelado proveniente de grandes criadores no Brasil e com boa qualidade genética. Isso vai ajudar a aumentar a população da raça aqui nos Estados Unidos.”
Translation - English “All American breeders of the Mangalarga Marchador take the time to advertise the breed at the events here. We aim to reach breeders interested in our horse. The American Association helps with the promotion of the Brazilian riding horse and the support of Apex-Brasil. We have a lot of members who are helping in the stands that were set up in the PBR. There is a lot of cooperation between these members and the Brazilian Saddle Horse Project members.”
The strategy to reach a wide audience is to put on good presentations and always be open to those who are interested in becoming members. We are spreading knowledge to interested parties through the PBR presentations. People had the chance to see the beauty, the comfortable walk and the temperament of the horses, which generates interest, and people end up going to the stands to get more information. The next step is the expansion of the breed; the importation of good genetic quality frozen semen from the major breeders in Brazil. This will help increase the breed’s population here in the United States.”
Portuguese to English: Mortar strength
Source text - Portuguese Neste estudo, optou-se trabalhar com argamassa para possibilitar a moldagem de corpos de prova com dimensões reduzidas, no intuito de viabilizar a realização da μ-CT em uma estrutura inteira e intacta, evitando-se que eventuais microfissuras, provenientes do processo de extração de testemunho, influenciassem nos resultados.
Na dosagem da argamassa foi selecionado o cimento com o menor percentual de adições, disponível no mercado brasileiro, com o objetivo de minimizar a influência destas adições na microestrutura do material. Assim, foi utilizado o cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial (CP V - ARI), cujas adições estão limitadas a um percentual máximo de 5% de adição de material carbonático. As análises químicas e físicas do cimento utilizado são apresentadas na Tabela 1 e Tabela 2, respectivamente [9].
Translation - English In this study, it was decided to work with mortar as it allows for the molding of test specimens with reduced dimensions and makes the use of μ-CT on a whole and intact structure possible, thereby preventing any eventual micro-fissures, arising out of the core sample extraction process, from influencing results.
In relation to mortar dosage, the cement with the lowest percentage of additives, available on the Brazilian market, was selected with the aim of minimizing the influence of these additives on the material’s microstructure. Therefore, high early strength Portland cement (CP V - ARI) was used, whose additions are limited to a 5% maximum of added carbonate material. The chemical and physical analysis of the cement used is shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively
Portuguese to English: Data synthesis
Source text - Portuguese Síntese dos dados: Após a pesquisa em todas as bases de dados, foram encontrados artigos de revisão sobre asma grave que abordam o tema e oito originais que analisaram especificamente a resposta ao corticoide após 14 dias de administração de prednisolona e/ou após triancinolona intramuscular. Os desfechos utilizados não foram uniformes, e na maioria dos estudos não houve normalização dos sintomas e a maioria não evidenciou normalização no FEV1 e três avaliaram a variação do FEV1 após administração de broncodilatador de curta ação. Quatro estudos avaliaram as mudanças dos valores da fração exalada do óxido nítrico e houve redução dos valores em somente dois estudos. Em apenas um estudo foi avaliada a celularidade no sputum após administração de corticoide sistêmico, e encontrou que 88,2% dos pacientes apresentaram normalização dos eosinófilos
Translation - English Data synthesis: After researching all the databases, review articles were found on severe asthma that address the theme, as well as eight original articles that specifically analyze the response to corticosteroids 14 days after the administration of prednisolone and/or after intramuscular triamcinolone. The outcomes utilized were not uniform and, in most of the studies, there was no normalization of symptoms and the majority did not demonstrate normalization in FEV1, while three of them assessed FEV1 variation after the administration of a short acting bronchodilator. Four studies assessed the changing values of fractional exhaled nitric oxide and there was a decrease in values in two studies only. Just one study assessed cellularity in sputum after the administration of systemic corticosteroids, and it found that 88.2% of patients showed eosinophil normalization.
Portuguese to English: Labor law
Source text - Portuguese Nos termos da Súmula 331 do TST, a terceirização de atividades ligadas à atividade-fim da sociedade (como pode ser o caso dos serviços de pesquisa veicular, vistoria veicular, mecânica e funilaria, dependendo do entendimento judicial) é ilegal, formando-se o vínculo de emprego diretamente com o tomador de serviços. Assim, em relação aos empregados que prestam tais serviços, a xxx ou a xxx, conforme o caso, podem eventualmente vir a ser responsabilizadas pelo pagamento das verbas trabalhistas a eles devidas, sendo maior o risco em relação à xxx, que terceiriza os serviços de mecânica e funilaria (atividade-fim), tendo, atualmente, 6 (seis) empregados terceirizados. Independentemente da atividade terceirizada, a xxxe a xxx serão responsáveis, de forma subsidiária, pelo pagamento das verbas trabalhistas devidas aos empregados terceirizados.
Translation - English Under TST (Superior Labor Court) Precedent 331 the outsourcing of activities linked to the company’s core activity (which could be the case of the vehicle research, vehicle inspection, mechanics and panel beating services, depending on the judicial understanding) is illegal, whereby there is a direct employment relationship with the outsourcer. Therefore, in relation to the employees that provide these services, xxxx or xxx, where appropriate, could possibly be held accountable for labor payments due to them, the risk being greater in relation to xxx, which outsources mechanics and panel beating services (core activity), currently having six (6) outsourced employees. Regardless of the outsourced activity, xxx and xxx are secondarily liable for labor payments due to outsourced employees
Translation education
Graduate diploma - DCU
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Jul 2007.
Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Felix, HandBrake, Other CAT tool, Powerpoint, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace
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Unlocking the Power of Words: Expert Linguist with a Global Impact
Greetings! I am an esteemed language virtuoso with an impressive journey spanning over 18 years, seamlessly transforming Portuguese and Spanish into captivating English narratives. My prowess in translation knows no bounds, with bases in three enchanting lands—beautiful Ireland, vibrant Brazil, and charming Portugal.
My academic accolades, including a BA and MA in English literature, have laid a solid foundation for my linguistic artistry. Complementing this, I have delved deep into the realm of translation with specialist studies and numerous certificates in Closed Captioning, Subtitling, Transcription, and Localization.
Throughout my illustrious career, I have honed my craft through collaborations with revered Brazilian sworn/certified translators in Florianopolis, Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte, amplifying my expertise in corporate and legal spheres.
As a high-end translator and copy-editor since 2005, I have left an indelible mark on the global translation community. My proficiency as a qualified interpreter in the Irish public sector ensures that I transcend linguistic boundaries, fostering understanding and unity across cultures.
A tapestry of experience and qualifications adorns my portfolio. My language quality assurance skills ensure immaculate renditions, while my mastery of dubbing and linguistic editing adds a captivating touch to every project.
Within my realm of expertise lies the enigmatic world of legal and medical translations, where my gift for copywriting and proofreading enhances the allure of masters and doctorate papers, journalistic pieces, and scientific journals. I have also worked as a court interpreter in the Irish courts dealing with criminal and civil cases, as well as in the social welfare system.
I am the official translator for esteemed scientific publications, such as the "Revista Estudos Feministas/UFSC" and the "Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença/UFRGS." My translations breathe life into academic explorations, bridging borders and expanding knowledge.
Moreover, my multifaceted knowledge extends to IT and e-learning, media and sports, e-health, and mining texts, as well as audio-visual translation—an essential craft in our modern world.
Certified in subtitling, closed-captioning, and editing, I seamlessly blend the art of translation with cutting-edge technology. CAT tools such as Trados Studio 2017, Subtitle Edit, and Express Scribe complement my skills, enhancing efficiency and precision.
Allow me to enchant you with glimpses of my diverse portfolio—a grand tapestry of scientific articles, linguistic explorations, and captivating performing arts pieces. Each project is an opportunity to breathe life into language, igniting imagination and fostering profound connections.
The power of words lies not just in their meaning but in how they transcend cultures, eras, and generations. Together, let's embark on a transformative journey, as I channel the heart of Portuguese and Spanish into the universal language of English.
If you seek the enchantment of a seasoned linguist, one who paints vivid stories with words, look no further. Contact me now, and let's craft a masterpiece together—a symphony of language that resonates with hearts around the globe.
My experience/qualifications include:
Language Quality Assurance. Dubbing and Linguistic Editing. Specializing in Legal and Medical Translations and copywriting/proofreading of Masters and Doctorate papers/manuscripts, journalistic pieces.
Official translator for the scientific journals:
Revista Estudos Feministas/UFSC. The following are just a few examples of the articles I have translated for REF. I have been working with them since 2006.
Other expert knowledge of: IT and e-learning, Media and Sports, e-Health and Mining texts; Audio-Visual Translation
Certified in subtitling, closed-captioning and editing
CAT tools: Trados Studio 2017
Subtitle Edit
Express Scribe
1. External Nasal Dilators: – several articles
for publication in Rhinology International Journal, the official journal of the
International Rhinologic Society
Effect of the External Nasal Dilator on Healthy
Adolescent Athletes and Those with Allergic Rhinitis – Cassio da Cunha Ibiapina – Biology of Sport; Effect of
the Airmax Internal Nasal Dilator on Peak Nasal Inspiratory Flow, Aerobic
Capacity and Subjective Perception of Extension in Rugby Players –Ricardo Reis
2. Thyroid Stimulating hormone levels and incident depression – Prof. Ana Varella (FMUSP)
3. Bronchoscopy skills in simulators – Prof.
Lais Nicoliello (UFMG)
4. Nasal respiratory function of children and adolescents with sickle
cell disease – Camila Novais (UFMG)
5. Virginiamycin in high concentrate inclusion diets for dairy cows – R.B.Silva et al.
6. Brazilian Board of Ophthalmology
7. Production of benzylbenzoate by enzymatic route – Priscila Shiki
8. Cleft Lip and Palate Associated Hearing Loss in Brazilian Children – Cassio Lbiapina et al.
9. Analysis of the impact of learning model examples on the acquisition
of complex skills such as flexible bronchoscopy in simulators – Prof. Lais Nicoliello (UFMG)
10. Graduate Program in Health
Sciences – Child and Adolescent Health
11. Thirty years of confronting the AIDS epidemic in Brazil 1985-2015 – Prof Dirceu B. Greco
12. Treatment of Chronic Joint and Muscle Diseases with Homeopathic
Organotherapy – Dr. Isabel de Oliveira Horta – UFMG
1. English language teaching on
the wings of mobility: a study on the affordances of mobile in the classroom – Prof.
Junia Braga – UFMG.
2. Avatars in language learning –
Prof. Vera Menezes – UFMG.
2. Artistic
Practice: notes from the inside – One for One – Ruminative Walks by Vera Mantero & guests– Maira Santos – University of Lisbon
1. From Registers to Reflections on the Body in Process of Creation – Dr. Monica Medeiros Ribeiro – UFMG,Brazil
3. Underground Investigations: wandering
perspectives and modes of expression-
Dr. Rodrigo Fischer – UnB Brasilia University
Harlequin Companies: the retrieval of a forgotten
popular tradition in the fairs of Lisbon
Paula Gomes Magalhães - University of Lisbon
Determination and Freedom in Creation Mediated
by Sign Systems - Newton Duarte - Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP
The Playing of the Child Performer with Orixás:
artistic and afro-referenced experimentations - Lia Braga - UNESP
The Conflict Element in Modern and Contemporary Dramaturgy:
tool of analysis and creation - João Pedro Ricken Lopes de Barros - UnB, Brasilia
Josephine Baker and Mercedes Baptista: cases
of the representations of Black women in dance - Julia Baker - UniCamp
Ballet in writing: precepts and rules of composition for court ballets in France under the Ancien Regime (1581-1682) - Clara Rodrigues Couto - USP
Is Kasper dead? Domestication and indoctrination of Kaspertheater during National-Socialism - Adriana Schneider Alcure - UFRJ
Keywords: Brazilian Portuguese to English translator, Portuguese Interpreter, English Expert, Portuguese legal translation, Brazil literary translation, English closed captions, subtitling Portuguese, certified Portuguese translator, Brazilian Portuguese subtitles, Spanish subtitles. See more.Brazilian Portuguese to English translator, Portuguese Interpreter, English Expert, Portuguese legal translation, Brazil literary translation, English closed captions, subtitling Portuguese, certified Portuguese translator, Brazilian Portuguese subtitles, Spanish subtitles, Portuguese to English translation, SDH/CC, legal translation, localization, trans-creation, machine post-editing, transcription, copy-editing Brazil, proofreading Portuguese to English translations, NGO translation, experienced Portuguese to English translator, sports journalism, media translation, . See less.
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