Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

Versetto coranico

Russian translation:

Мы Книгу в Истине тебе послали...

Added to glossary by Nicola (Mr.) Nobili
Jul 27, 2006 19:35
18 yrs ago
Italian term

Versetto coranico

Italian to Russian Art/Literary Religion Corano
Ho bisogno di sapere come è stato tradotto in russo questo versetto del Corano, che recita:

“E a te abbiamo rivelato il libro secondo verità, a conferma delle Scritture rivelate prima, e a loro protezione. Giudica, dunque, fra loro, secondo quel che Dio ha rivelato e non seguire i loro desideri a preferenza di quella verità che ti è giunta. A ognuno di voi abbiamo assegnato una regola e una via, mentre, se Iddio avesse voluto, avrebbe fatto di voi una Comunità Unica; ma ciò non ha fatto per provarvi in quel che vi ha dato. Gareggiate, dunque, nelle opere buone, perché a Dio tutti tornerete. Allora Egli vi informerà di quelle cose per le quali ora siete in discordia”

Qualcuno ha un link col Corano in russo?


Kirill Semenov Jul 28, 2006:
About the verse numeration within Suras: yes, there is a discrepancy, because there are two canonical versions of Q'uran, so in many translations you may find two numerations, with the second given in brackets.
Kirill Semenov Jul 28, 2006:
Dear Nicola, there are 2 Russian translations of Al-Quran usually quoted in Russian. One was done by a famous Academician Krachkovsky, another is relatively recent translation by Porokhovoya. If you have the English quotes, please drop me a direct email.

Proposed translations

1 day 1 hr

not for grading

В переводе Валерии Пороховой:

"Мы Книгу в Истине тебе послали
Для подтверждения того,
Что прежде из Писания пришло,
Для охранения его (от всяких искажений).
Суди же между ними по тому,
Что ниспослал тебе Аллах,
Не следуй их страстям,
Что в сторону от Истины идут,
Когда она тебе уже предстала.
Мы каждому из вас предначертали
Устав (для жизни) и дорогу (к свету)(320).
И если бы желал Аллах,
Он сделал бы вас всех одним народом,
Но (волею Своей Он хочет) испытать вас
(На верность в соблюдении того), что Он вам даровал.
Стремитесь же опередить друг друга в сотворении благого.
К Аллаху - возвращение вас всех, -
Тогда Он ясно вам покажет
Все то, в чем расходились вы!"

Note added at 4 days (2006-08-01 07:40:22 GMT) Post-grading

Thank you, Nicola, but my answer was not for grading...

Note added at 4 days (2006-08-01 10:42:31 GMT) Post-grading

Thank you. I think you aware of the difference between a canonical version of any scripture (officially accepted by the correspoding Church) and a translation approved by the Church. With al-Quran, no canonical translation ever exist, only the source in Arabic is the true and only version.

As for the two Russian translations, I would call Krachkovsky's a `literal' one, while Porokhovaya's being `literary'. The Academician's translations is probably very close to the source, but it lacks any stylistical merits; Porokhovaya tried to made her translation more poetic, still it sounds awkward sometimes, but her translation is approved by the Highest Commission of Scientific Research of the Islamic Academy at Cairo. And the title states this is not a `translation' in fact, this is a `translation/rendering of meanings'.

In any case, Porokhovaya's Russian translation keeps the metre. at least.
Note from asker:
Да, знаю, но вы очков заслуживали...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie mille, mi piace questa traduzione. Vorrei poter dare punti a tutti, grazie anche agli altri."
10 mins

follows below is a russian version of the coran. But be careful!!! The verse is 5:48, but in that russian translation, it is 5:52 and 53:

И Mы низвeли тeбe пиcaниe c иcтинoй для пoдтвepждeния иcтиннocти тoгo, чтo ниcпocлaнo дo нeгo из пиcaния, и для oxpaнeния eгo. Cyди жe cpeди ниx пo тoмy, чтo низвeл Aллax, и нe cлeдyй зa иx cтpacтями в cтopoнy oт иcтины, кoтopaя пpишлa к тeбe. Bcякoмy из вac Mы ycтpoили дopoгy и пyть.
A ecли бы пoжeлaл Aллax, тo Oн cдeлaл бы вac eдиным нapoдoм, нo... чтoбы иcпытaть вac в тoм, чтo Oн дapoвaл вaм. Cтapaйтecь жe oпepeдить дpyг дpyгa в дoбpыx дeлax! K Aллaxy - вoзвpaщeниe вac вcex, и Oн cooбщит вaм тo, в чeм вы paзнoглacили!
Peer comment(s):

agree P.L.F. Persio : молодец!
1 hr
Tante grazie, Sofia!
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11 hrs


vedi link
vale sempre quello che ho detto prima.
Peer comment(s):

agree P.L.F. Persio
3 hrs
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