Oct 19, 2008 22:17
15 yrs ago
25 viewers *
Dutch term

omzetbelastingnummer, loonheffingennummer

Non-PRO Dutch to English Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs

These two numbers need to be filled in in a tax form in order to register a new business in the Netherlands.
I can find plenty of definitions for them, but no translations...
Does anyone have any ideas?

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Oct 20, 2008 05:59: Jacqueline van der Spek changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

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Michael Beijer Aug 15, 2018:
interestingly, the page I referred to above: (http://www.answersforbusiness.nl/regulation/vat-number ) now links to: https://business.gov.nl/regulation/vat-number/ … and there is no longer any mention of the word ‘omzetbelastingnummer’

see also:

This brochure is intended for non-resident entrepreneurs who are not
based in the Netherlands. If you buy or sell goods or perform services
in the Netherlands, you will have to deal with the Dutch rules on VAT.
This brochure explains these rules.If you have a permanent
establishment in the Netherlands, the same rules apply to you as to
resident entrepreneurs. Then this brochure is not intended for you.

In the Netherlands and in other countries of the European Union (EU)
turnover tax is levied according to the VAT system. As in common
parlance the term VAT is used in this brochure instead of turnover tax.

(‘Turnover Tax in the Netherlands’, dpcument of the Belastingdienst @ http://www.fip.org/amsterdam2012/files/static/Tax_informatio... )
Michael Beijer May 17, 2014:
omzetbelastingnummer/OB-nummer = turnover tax # ‘The Tax and Customs Administration states your VAT number on the letters and forms it sends to you. On some of its forms, the Tax and Customs Administration only uses the Turnover Tax number (omzetbelastingnummer). This number is basically the same as the VAT number, but without the country code NL.’ (http://www.answersforbusiness.nl/regulation/vat-number )
writeaway Oct 19, 2008:
Looking them up without the word 'nummer' I think the definitions will be much easier to find if you look up the terms without the word 'nummer'.
writeaway Oct 19, 2008:
Hi-since these are 2 separate terms, for the sake of the glossary you really should post the 2nd one in a separate question.

Proposed translations

6 hrs

VAT registration number, Employer tax ID

Somewhat different to previous entries
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! Just what i was looking for!"
1691 days

Payroll Tax Number

loonheffingennummer Translates To : Payroll Tax Number
In line with the Dutch Tax Department's used terminology and specifically
to differentiate between individual entities (= private persons ) who pay
tax and the corporate tax entities required to withhold certain taxes , the
term I use is Payroll Tax Number .
This describes exactly what is being meant here , the number by which ,
the corporate entity ( Agency / Organization etc. ) lawfully required to
withhold certain taxes from the private persons (= who may or may not be
employees ) it pays salary / wages to , is known by the Dutch Tax
Department .

The Dutch Social Insurance Bank also refers to this Payroll Tax Number
on their form : A1/(E)101 certificate concerning applicable social insurance
legislation (pdf, 406 kB) .
Click on this link after the first web reference .

Second web reference : English Glossary Dutch Tax Department
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5 hrs
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