Jun 30, 2005 07:32
19 yrs ago
23 viewers *
Polish term

karta technologiczna

Polish to English Tech/Engineering Engineering (general) (wyrobu)
wyrobu (zawiera nazwę, gatunek, postać, wymiary, materiał, opis operacji itd.). Chodzi o pręty ciągnione.
Product Data Sheet może tu być?


Rafal Korycinski Jun 30, 2005:
Czyli masz do czynienia z kart� technologiczn�. Ja bym da� process(ing) sheet. Razem masz ponad 10 tys gugli.
Non-ProZ.com Jun 30, 2005:
z drugiej strony, operation sheet nie wyst�puje w Google (629 trafie�)... Mo�e process sheet?
Non-ProZ.com Jun 30, 2005:
St�d moja niepewno�� ;) Po�owa karty zawiera dane materia�u i podst. informacje o produkcie, a druga - operacje, pomoce warsztatowe i stanowiska. Operation Sheet (M_M) bardzo mi pasuje... . Dalej s� 4 karty pt. Instrukcja Obr�bki.
Rafal Korycinski Jun 30, 2005:
Karta tecnologiczna to zazwyczaj "instrukcja obs�ugi" - jak produkt zrobi�. Z Twojego opisu wynika,�e to jednak nie jest karta technologiczna. chcesz przet�umaczy� to co autor napisa�, czy to co mia� na my�li?

Proposed translations

1 hr

process sheet

As well, the student is taught how to prepare a process sheet in order to properly plan and organize his/her work.

Using the conventional lathe machine, the student will perform internal machining operations using drawings and process sheets.

With the aid of process sheets, part drawings and a selection of materials, the student will use the conventional milling machine to perform basic operations such as facing, slotting, side milling and gang milling.

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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Cos w tym sensie. Dzięki."
22 mins

process chart

In a "full" process chart, where all symbols are used, it is common to chart the process from the "viewpoint" of the material being processed, the worker carrying out the work or, less commonly, a piece of equipment. Thus, the same symbols can be used in different ways. As a simple example, a piece of equipment can be represented on an equipment-type flow process chart as a "delay" (because it is not in use) while a material-type flow process chart (of the same process) would show the material being transported to the next work station, and a man-type chart could show the operator involved in another operation on another machine.
Peer comment(s):

agree Witold Wiechowski : process chart
2 days 9 hrs
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25 mins

operation sheet

Peer comment(s):

agree grzes : no tak, to chyba najlepsze rozwiązanie
25 mins
Muchas gracias cameliaim! =:)
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29 mins

technical specification sheet

a ja bym tak dał, jak tu: http://www.kidwind.org/pdfiles/proven.pdf
Peer comment(s):

neutral Andrzej Mierzejewski : twój link nie otwiera sie u mnie, ale w pytaniu chodzi o technologię, czyli obróbkę detalu, a nie o jego parametry.
48 mins
Thank you very much!
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1 hr

process flow chart

process flow chart = 42,100 enties in google.com
process chart = 23,500 enties in google.com
Peer comment(s):

disagree Andrzej Mierzejewski : twoja odpowiedź dotyczy (w uproszczeniu) schematu blokowego procesu podejmowania decyzji, a w pytaniu chodzi o arkusz z parametrami obróbki mechanicznej
59 mins
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