Powwow Report for Netherlands - Groningen (Dec 1 2007)

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The report by Henk Peelen has not been submitted yet

Photos from  Henk Peelen

Photos from  Henk Peelen

Photos from  Henk Peelen

Photos from  Henk Peelen

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Francisco Pedrero
Henk Peelen
D.K. Tannwitz
Margreet Logmans (X)
Patrick van der Stigchel

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 5 '07  Margreet Logmans (X): Rhymes
Hi Henk,

you're quite in the 5 december mood,
so I'd like to thank you,
the powwow was really good,
and your organisation too.

Thanks for the photo's and the bill,
I'll enter them in my books, I will
Dec 5 '07  Henk Peelen: Video's
With nobody playing the clown
I'm glad
sint and Pieten are in town
Too bad
Piet was tumbling down
But the barrel organ
shows what it can
and wins the crown


Dec 5 '07  Henk Peelen: I\'d like to give voice
to explain my joy
about this meeting
below you\'ll find the invoice
a nice toy
for your bookkeeping
Dec 3 '07  Henk Peelen: Photo\'s
See on top of this page.