Powwow Report for France - Nantes (Apr 28 2016)

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Report from  DouglasCarnall
"Tout est-il traduisible?" was the question chosen to spark discussion at the "bolée traducteur Nantais" last Thursday 28 April 2016. It was the second edition of this revised and updated ceilidh-style soirée of the Nantes chapter of the SFT (Société Française des Traducteurs). The question is circulated in advance; and rather than a monologue from an invited speaker, each translator or interpreter around the table is invited to give a short presentation of their own response to the question.

Jokes, swearing, and poetry were among the areas identified as presenting difficulty to the point of impossibility. The galettes and crepes were good, the cider excellent, and the meeting went late, which according to one old hand present "was a good sign" of the success of the new format.

Next meeting: Lundi 27 juin - restaurant Les Pieds dans le Sable, Nantes.
Question to be decided. Suggestions to Pia Edstrom Bourdeau or myself, Douglas Carnall [email protected] before Monday 13 June 2016.

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: organizer : photos : report : host
David Goward

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

May 3 '16  DouglasCarnall: Tout est-il traduisible?
\"Tout est-il traduisible?\" was the question chosen to spark discussion at the \"bolée traducteur Nantais\" last Thursday 28 April 2016. It was the second edition of this revised and updated ceilidh-style soirée of the Nantes chapter of the SFT (Société Française des Traducteurs). The question is circulated in advance; and rather than a monologue from an invited speaker, each translator or interpreter around the table is invited to give a short presentation giving their own response.

Jokes, swearing, and poetry were among the areas identified as presenting difficulty to the point of impossibility. The galettes and crepes were good, the cider excellent, and the meeting went late, which according to one old hand present \"was a good sign\" of the success of the new format.

Next meeting: Lundi 27 juin - restaurant Les Pieds dans le Sable, Nantes.
Question to be decided. Suggestions to Pia Edstrom Bourdeau or myself, Douglas Carnall [email protected] before Monday 13 June 2016.