Feb 14, 2011 15:55
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

answer print

GBK English to Indonesian Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Definition from Wikipedia:
Answer print refers to the first version of a given motion picture that is printed to film after color correction on an interpositive. It is also the first version of the movie printed to film with the sound properly synced to the picture. Answer prints are created during the post-production process after editing, dubbing and other related audio work and special effects sequences have been finished or completed to a degree satisfactory for pre-release viewing. They are used by the filmmaker and studio to ensure that the work going in to the film during the post-production process is cohesive with the final goals for the project. In effect, it is a post-edit editing where the filmmaker can observe and direct the course of the film's final look and feel as it pertains to color correction, sound and special effects elements and overall pacing/editing. Pre-release screenings for test audiences are often run from late answer print copies of the film, as more often than not the filmmaker is using the screening as a way to help direct the final choices he/she will make regarding the finished project. When the last answer print is approved and finalized, it is used to make an internegative from which the release prints are struck.
Example sentences:
This is done to eliminate minor errors in A&B preparation which could cause an expensive answer print to be no good (Color Lab)
Would an answer print be sharper than a workprint, and if so would the difference be noticeable enough to invalidate a lens test? (Cinematography.com)
After viewing the new answer print, director Robert Altman commented that the restored print looked just as good as his 1970 original. ( CBS Interactive)
Change log

Feb 14, 2011 15:43: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Feb 14, 2011 15:55: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Feb 17, 2011 16:55: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Feb 25, 2011 09:54:

Mar 17, 2011 06:54:

Apr 16, 2011 06:54:

Proposed translations

22 hrs

Jawaban cetak

Definition from kamus.net:
This is the two words separate and it is not an idiom either. Therefore, the words of "answer print" will be jawaban cetak.
Example sentences:
Answer print refers to the first version of a given motion picture that is printed to film after color correction on an interpositive. It is also the first version of the movie printed to film with the sound properly synced to the picture. Answer prints are created during the post-production process after editing, dubbing and other related audio work and special effects sequences have been finished or completed to a degree satisfactory for pre-release viewing. They are used by the filmmaker and studio to ensure that the work going in to the film during the post-production process is cohesive with the final goals for the project. In effect, it is a post-edit editing where the filmmaker can observe and direct the course of the film's final look and feel as it pertains to color correction, sound and special effects elements and overall pacing/editing. Pre-release screenings for test audiences are often run from late answer print copies of the film, as more often than not the filmmaker is using the screening as a way to help direct the final choices he/she will make regarding the finished project. When the last answer print is approved and finalized, it is used to make an internegative from which the release prints are struck. (6.5 What is an `answer print'? (Film Lab)
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11 days

Answer Print

Definition from http://knowledge.mmtc.ac.id:
Hasil pencetakan film yang pertama (generasi pertama) yang dibuat oleh laboratorium film, yang nantinya digunakan untuk memperbaiki pencahayaan film bila dicetak lagi untuk kemudian hari (pada saat light grading). Karena film asli hasil pengambilan gambar untuk pertama kali tidak boleh diganggu untuk dipotong-potong. Answer print ini juga disebut dengan istilah Grading Print.
Example sentences:
Bila answer print sudah disetujui oleh klien maka dilakukan penggandaan sesuai dengan jumlah yang akan disiarkan. (www.rajapresentasi.com)
Kebanyakan film ini diproses dengan film plotting (umpamanya dengan CELCO atau ArriLaser), baru dicetak negative, inter-positif, answer print dan release print-nya. (indocg forum)
Setelah OCN dipotong-potong menjadi satu film maka dibuatlah sebuah answer print pada Interpositive (IP) film. (kaskus)
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63 days

Cetakan Pertama atau Cetakan Jawaban

Definition from Stanson.org:
&#039;Answer print&#039; (sering juga disebut dengan &#039;check print&#039; atau &#039;first print&#039;) merupakan cetakan pertama dari negatif film yang disetujui untuk dijadikan film atau bagian dari film.<br /><br />Answer print memang ditujukan kepada pembuat film dan sutradara sebagai jawaban atas pertanyaan mereka mengenai bagaimana scene-scene tertentu disesuaikan dengan waktu, termasuk di dalamnya melakukan editing keseluruhan, sebelum akhirnya digunakan untuk membuat film.
Example sentences:
"So then you like rolls two and five -- can we use them in the final answer print?" ---- "Jadi Anda menyukai rol kedua dan kelima, dapatkah kita menggunakannya sebagai cetakan jawaban yang sudah final?" (The Answer Print)
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