Glossary entry

Afrikaans term or phrase:

toe kak sy in haar broek

English translation:

Then she shat in her pants

Added to glossary by jarry (X)
Jul 24, 2004 14:44
20 yrs ago
Afrikaans term

toe kak sy in haar broek

Non-PRO May offend Afrikaans to English Other General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters simple dicussion
in a conversation when one gets on his nerves
Proposed translations (English)
4 The she shat in her pants

Proposed translations

4 mins

The she shat in her pants

Nice conversation!
Peer comment(s):

agree Kathinka van de Griendt : or maybe she pooed her pants? Sounds like me whilst I'm doing this dreadful technical translation :))
14 mins
disagree Marjon van den Bosch : Then she shit in her pants (sorry shit is the word!) (and Toe = Then)
1 day 1 hr
Toe=Then? 'The' was a slip of the keyboard, should of course have been 'then'. 'Shat' = past tense and past participle of 'shit'. You seem to be very generous with your "disagrees"
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "lol! sorry! yes its a nice conversation!:-) . you can ask me for the french version of it if you want to!! thanx jarry!"
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