Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Chinese term or phrase:
English translation:
After the tides of market have washed sands away, the real gold emerges
Added to glossary by
Amy Pan
Apr 1, 2008 07:41
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Chinese term
Chinese to English
Business/Commerce (general)
大浪淘沙,方显英雄本色。是公司领导的发言稿, 怎样翻最好?
Proposed translations
4 +1 | After the tides of market have washed sands away, the real gold emerges | William Wu |
4 +1 | Great waves sweeping away sand | Helen Li |
1 | Only The Strong Survive | AZ-Loc |
Proposed translations
48 mins
After the tides of market have washed sands away, the real gold emerges
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks, William Wu. I think this is the answer i want, because the answer is complete and the context is right."
9 mins
Great waves sweeping away sand
直译:Great waves sweeping away sand
27 mins
Only The Strong Survive
Only The Strong Survive... 也许比较适合slogan吧,呵呵,仅供参考。:-)
Note added at 29 mins (2008-04-01 08:11:05 GMT)
REF: 转贴:
...after the tides of market have washed sands away by the end of this year and real gold emerged, the industry and consumer will eventually meet in each other's best terms.
“优胜劣汰的集训结果已经出来了,有一种‘物竟天择,适者生存’的残酷竞争,...曲圣卿的“自愿”退出就是其中一个有序竞争良性循环的结果。 大浪淘沙始见金”
... he threw in the towel as the result of a virtuous cycle of orderly competition. After all these tough trials, only the most endurables survive.
“ '物竞天择,适者生存'是自然界的铁律,同样也是中国汽车产业发展必须遵循的规则。相信在经过大浪淘沙之后,中国汽车产业将更加富有生命力。”
one should be confident that the tides of market have washed sands away, the industry will come out stronger and more vibrant.
“惠州自宏观调控以来的十年,洗刷了上千的房地产开发企业,大浪淘沙,只有几十家抖擞依然。达尔文有言在先:物竞天择,适者生存,此言不虚。 ”
After over a decade of regulation, thousands of real-estate developers have been washed away like sands by the harsh forces of market
there are many many options, but as long as you render the
"harsh" connotation of the "大浪"and "selection"
Note added at 1 hr (2008-04-01 08:44:33 GMT) Post-grading
Glad I helped. ;-)
Note added at 29 mins (2008-04-01 08:11:05 GMT)
REF: 转贴:
...after the tides of market have washed sands away by the end of this year and real gold emerged, the industry and consumer will eventually meet in each other's best terms.
“优胜劣汰的集训结果已经出来了,有一种‘物竟天择,适者生存’的残酷竞争,...曲圣卿的“自愿”退出就是其中一个有序竞争良性循环的结果。 大浪淘沙始见金”
... he threw in the towel as the result of a virtuous cycle of orderly competition. After all these tough trials, only the most endurables survive.
“ '物竞天择,适者生存'是自然界的铁律,同样也是中国汽车产业发展必须遵循的规则。相信在经过大浪淘沙之后,中国汽车产业将更加富有生命力。”
one should be confident that the tides of market have washed sands away, the industry will come out stronger and more vibrant.
“惠州自宏观调控以来的十年,洗刷了上千的房地产开发企业,大浪淘沙,只有几十家抖擞依然。达尔文有言在先:物竞天择,适者生存,此言不虚。 ”
After over a decade of regulation, thousands of real-estate developers have been washed away like sands by the harsh forces of market
there are many many options, but as long as you render the
"harsh" connotation of the "大浪"and "selection"
Note added at 1 hr (2008-04-01 08:44:33 GMT) Post-grading
Glad I helped. ;-)
Note from asker:
Thanks, Sophie. valuable references. |
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