Oct 16, 2011 08:30
13 yrs ago
Danish term


Danish to English Law/Patents Human Resources Labour Law
FLEXTID + OT-ansatte:


David Young (X) Oct 17, 2011:
More context? Can you give a little more context to go on please, Plamen? Like what sort of document does it appear in?

Proposed translations

1 hr

OT-ansatte > students employed through the Follow-up Service

This is actually not a Danish term, as far as I can determine. The term "OT-ansatte" is used in Norway to describe students who are involved in Oppfølgingstjenesten, described in English at the first link. I found this for the Danish situation, which I'm not sure is current, at the second link:
"I Norge har amterne lovfæstet pligt til at opsøge de elever, der ikke umiddelbart indskriver sig i videregående opplæring (Hörner, m.fl., 2007). Det er en såkaldt oppfølgingstjeneste, som træder i kraft, når unge ikke tilvælger videregående opplæring. I Danmark findes ikke sådan en ordning, men i regeringsudspillet fra 2006 påpeges bl.a., at der skal iværksættes tiltag til mentorordninger og hjælp til de bogligt svage (Regeringen, 2006). "
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