Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

ved en Foged Forretning

English translation:

on an execution

Added to glossary by Michael Tettinek
Jan 10, 2002 19:57
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Danish term

ved en Foged Forretning

Non-PRO Danish to English Law/Patents
Anno 1822 den 19. December modte Skifteretten for Randers Kiobstad, nemling i Borgmesterens Forfald ved en Foged Forretning, hans konstituerade Fuldmaegtig Nejegaard, Raadmanden og Skriveren i Boet efter afd. Skibscapitain L. Joh. Frost at afholde Registerings- og Forseglingsforretning.

Proposed translations

15 hrs

on an execution

ved en fogedforetning: on an execution.

The meaning could also be "i fogedretten" ie. in the bailiff's court.

Sven Petterson's answer is merely copied from Vinterberg & Bodelsen and is just an explanation of the meaning of the word fogedforretning. Sorry, Sven!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
13 mins

(official act) performed by a bailiff

From V&B:

fogedforretning sb.
[official act performed by a bailiff];
(udpantning) execution;
(udpantning for husleje etc.) distress;
(nedlæggelse af forbud) the service of injunctions;
• der blev foretaget fogedforretning a distress (, an execution) was levied.


Tack on "performed by a bailiff" at the end of the sentence.

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