Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

gå i sort

English translation:

come to a halt/standstill

Added to glossary by Lingua DK
Jul 15, 2002 14:56
22 yrs ago
Danish term

gå i sort

Non-PRO Danish to English Other
det kunne ikke nytte, at en stor del af vore forretninger gik i sort (der installeres nye kasseterminaler), fordi medarbejderne ikke kunne betjene IT-systemet.

Discussion Jul 15, 2002:
Forklaring til indhold ja, det er som Crowntrans foresl�r: "gaa i sort" traditionally means to be in mourning. Could it be a jargon for a
real troublesome situation?. (the personnel not being trained to work the new cash registers). Hvis de nye kasseterminaler i forretningen/butikken(computerne) "g�r ned", fordi de ansatte ikke kan finde ud af at anvende dem, g�r al handlen i st�

Proposed translations

1 hr

Came to a halt/standstill

Meaning business was interrupted due to edp breakdown.

Good luck
Peer comment(s):

agree Trine A : Good suggestion.
13 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. I think this is the expression to use in this connection."
8 mins

Et forslag

transactions failed/crashed

Måske kan det bruges i sammenhængen?
Something went wrong...
22 mins

went to black

Det er muligt at der menes en positiv indtægt og er modsat rødt, som er negative indtægt, ellers kan jeg ikke huske en US jargon for det samme udtryk.
Something went wrong...
49 mins

<have a severe problem>

"gaa i sort" traditionally means to be in mourning. Could it be a jargon for a
real troublesome situation?. (the personnel not being trained to work the new cash registers).

Note added at 2002-07-16 00:16:58 (GMT)

the question was \"gaa i sort\"/walk in black; I can only transl. that as some kind of grief (a Danish tradition going back hundreds of years caused by the loss of a close relative) = some serious
situation. If we talk about TV I would express it as \"it goes black\" or \"it turned/went black\", not \"it walks black\", in either case it has a neg. meaning. Re: the balance sheet: \"the report/bottom line is in the black\" is positive,\"the report/bottom line is in the red\" is negative. So if the words \"gaa i sort\" if expressed by a Dane it will have a negative connotation and can not be transl./ understood as \"in the black\"
Peer comment(s):

neutral Christina Clark : This meaning of 'gå i sort' comes from the tv-age, when broadcasting or transmission was interrupted due to technical problems. In the old days the tv screen went black.
3 hrs
neutral Lars Finsen : I agree with CDClark, I think this is the meaning here. "Go blank", "black-out", possible translations.
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

Came to a halt/standstill

Meaning business was interrupted due to edp breakdown.

Good luck
Something went wrong...
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