Feb 9, 2007 16:48
18 yrs ago
Dutch term


Non-PRO Dutch Other Economics translation
Dear translators:

could you tell me if in Dutch, the ponctuation used for numbers follows the same rules as in English.
i.e: 10,000 € (comas for thousands)
387.45 (points for decimals)

thank you!
5 +2 punctuation
5 ., ,.


6 mins


No, the rules in Dutch are:
points for thousands: €10.000 (and the euro sign is placed before the amount)
commas for decimals: 387,45
Peer comment(s):

agree Liesbeth Huijer
32 mins
agree Henk Peelen : punctueel ben jij!
1 hr
Something went wrong...
2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you!"
6 mins

., ,.

In Dutch it's exactly the other way around: so 10.000 & 387,45
Something went wrong...
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