Oct 30, 2007 05:01
17 yrs ago
English term


English to Bulgarian Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering Nuclear Power Plant
Responsible for the containment venting analysis which modeled the lower containment by finite elements to determine the ultimate pressure limit of contain-ment by using a nonlinear analysis solved by ADINA when subjected to the potentially severe combination of accident hydrostatic pressure and temperature.


Iva Ilieva (asker) Oct 30, 2007:
ADINA Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis
Ivan Klyunchev Oct 30, 2007:
ADINA открихте ли го?

Proposed translations

36 mins

Херметична (защитна) обвивка на ядрен реактор


Note added at 38 mins (2007-10-30 05:39:18 GMT)

Peer comment(s):

disagree Sylvio Peshev : Не бива да украсявате превода. В този случай containment е обвивка, а каква е тя е нещо, което автора би трябвало да уточнява, не преводача.
2 hrs
neutral Ivan Klyunchev : Също се използва хермообвивка, оболочка и дори контейнмънт според езиковия уклон на ползващите.
3 hrs
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