Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

"tchAsa" - "tchasA"

Bulgarian translation:

час - чАса - часовЕ

Added to glossary by Christo Metschkaroff
Sep 25, 2007 13:11
17 yrs ago
English term

"tchAsa" - "tchasA"

Non-PRO English to Bulgarian Other Linguistics A stress in "tchAsa" - "tchasA"
Would you please advise whith which numerals you use "tchAsa" - stress and with which "tchasA" in Bulgarian? "jedin tchAsa or tchasA" ? "Osem tchAsa or tchasA"? And is it obligatory to indicate stress in this word in written documents?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Change log

May 22, 2008 23:05: Christo Metschkaroff Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

47 mins

час - чАса - часовЕ

час - часове - множ. число (hour - hours)
час - чАса - дуал /двойствено число/ на същото съществ. име
осем чАса - бройно = eight hours
осем часА - редно /напр. за време/ = at 8 o'clock
Indication isn't obligatory - the context defines the stress

Note added at 51 mins (2007-09-25 14:03:09 GMT)

бройно - numeral
редно - cardinal;
двойствено число - Dual
Note from asker:
Благодаря за помощта.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Много благодаря."
19 hrs

tchAsa - hours /tchasA -o'clock

In written documents we do not put stress on the words - they just goe like that and the context make them implicit.

At 2 o'clock - v dva chasA - we will meet at 2 o'clock
2 hours - dva chAsa - we have 2 hours to prepare the presentation
Example sentence:

At 2 o'clock - v dva chasA - we will meet at 2 o'clock

2 hours - dva chAsa - we have 2 hours to prepare the presentation

Note from asker:
Благодаря, very comprehensive!
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