English term
camber (angle)
The tilted steering axis has another important effect on suspension geometry. Since the wheel rotates about a tilted axis, the wheel gains camber as it is turned. (ozebiz.com.au)
This pendulum type tool has 3 zones marked out on the bottom foot. Each zone, or the area in each zone, represents the allowable, or designed, amount of camber angle of a wheel in different positions. (2cvtools.com)
However, the effect of the strong camber on the wheel and the softer tyre is to give negative results, as the outer part of the tyre becomes deformed, and turns with a smaller rotation radius then the inner part, with the consequent increased wear on the outer strip of tread, (wheels in motion)
5 | Angle de caiguda | iolanda casacuberta |
May 21, 2010 18:31: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
May 23, 2010 00:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
May 26, 2010 00:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
Jun 2, 2010 01:54:
Jun 22, 2010 01:54:
Jul 22, 2010 01:54:
Proposed translations
Angle de caiguda
Angle de caiguda: Angle format entre el pla de lo roda i el pla vertical; en la Fig. 1.1. s’anomena “positive inclination angle”. (UPC)
1. Heu de corregir el gest de posar les cames per dins de l´estructura. Un sol tub superior, no dos, i les cames per fora. Així teniu la seguretat de poder sortir en cas de posible perdua de l´equilibri. 2. Controleu, també, l´angle de caiguda de la forquilla. Es molt relaxat i dèbil. Estem parlant de pocs graus. (és a dir, roda de devant mes aprop del cos). (Andromina Race)
Angle de caiguda. La prestació més innovadora del banc és poder controlar la velocitat de roda i pista de manera independent, podent realitzar assaigs amb lliscaments positius i lliscaments negatius, simulant seqüències d’acceleració o de frenada gràcies a la incorporació de dos motors, un a la roda i l’altre al disc. (UPC)
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