English term
This beautifully complex Premier Cru Chardonnay had its usual cheessy barrel ferment complexity and subtle hazelnutty fruit. However what rang my bells was its unmistakable creamy texture that seduced my palate with every mouthful. (aromadictionary.com)
But another important distinguishing feature is not detectable by eyes, nose or taste buds. That is texture, the tactile sense of wine on the mouth, tongue and throat. (the International Herald Tribune)
The texture of a Pinot Grigio is worth noting, as it has very smooth, almost silk-like overtones that leave an impression on the palate. (About.com: wine)
5 | textura | Sonia Real Puigdollers |
Dec 2, 2009 16:47: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Dec 2, 2009 16:57: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Dec 5, 2009 18:02: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
Proposed translations
S'empra en la cata i la degustació dels vins la major part dels sentits: pel seu color, la seva aroma, la textura, que es percep al beure. Per l'olfacte poden percebre tres tipus d'aromes: (Wikipedia)
Al Vinseum ho saben molt bé: no és el mateix veure una copa de vi en una vitrina que gaudir de la textura, l'aroma i el sabor d'un tast de vi a la boca. Mirant no n'hi ha prou. (Diari El Punt)
Blanc d'estructura mitja i textura sedosa. Vi translúcid i groc palla brillant amb tons daurats. (Arenysdemunt.cat)
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