Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

sales of trade accounts receivables

Croatian translation:

prodaja potraživanja

Added to glossary by Dubravka Hrastovec
Apr 30, 2008 20:27
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
English term

sales of trade accounts receivables

English to Croatian Other Finance (general)
Sales of Receivables - naslov

Sales of trade accounts receivables with a tenor below one year will terminate on ....
The effects of terminating the internal sales of short term receivables are to be incorporated in the budget.

Proposed translations (Croatian)
4 +1 prodaja potraživanja
Change log

Apr 30, 2008 20:34: Dubravka Hrastovec changed "Language pair" from "Croatian to English" to "English to Croatian"

May 8, 2008 10:02: Dubravka Hrastovec Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

11 mins

prodaja potraživanja

Moguće je i ustupanje ili faktoring...

Note added at 14 mins (2008-04-30 20:42:27 GMT)

Note added at 21 mins (2008-04-30 20:49:42 GMT)

Prodaja potraživanja (faktoring) sve je popularniji način ubrzavanja naplate u uvjetima nelikvidnosti i sve dužih rokova redovne naplate.
- objavljeno na Tportalu, a preuzeto s
Peer comment(s):

agree Natasa Djurovic
2 days 11 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala"
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