Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Something is rotten in Denmark
Dutch translation:
Er is iets rottigs in Denemarken
Added to glossary by
Jun 17, 2001 07:39
23 yrs ago
English term
Something is rotten in Denmark
English to Dutch
Uit de context haal ik dat er iets niet in de haak is, maar ik zoek iets sterkers.
Dit is geen zuivere koffie, misschien?
Dit is geen zuivere koffie, misschien?
Proposed translations
23 hrs
Er is iets rottigs in Denemarken
I would suggest 3 possibilities:
-you can leave the phrase in English and mention something like "zoals Shakespeare al zei in Hamlet"
- you go for the exact translation as mentioned above, again with the mentioning of Shakespeare
- or you forget about Shakespeare and just go for "er is iets aan de hand in, er is iets mis, er zit een geurtje aan, het is geen zuivere koffie, ..."
-you can leave the phrase in English and mention something like "zoals Shakespeare al zei in Hamlet"
- you go for the exact translation as mentioned above, again with the mentioning of Shakespeare
- or you forget about Shakespeare and just go for "er is iets aan de hand in, er is iets mis, er zit een geurtje aan, het is geen zuivere koffie, ..."
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Iedereen bedankt voor 't opfrissen van m'n geheugen. Ik had 't kunnen weten want Hamlet komt inderdaad ter sprake, een paar minuten eerder in 't programma. "
1 hr
I don´t dare to translate it.
Try Shakespeare´s Hamlet, Duch translation.
He wants to say that something is wrong, something stinks there. Nothing to do with coffie.
Good luck.
He wants to say that something is wrong, something stinks there. Nothing to do with coffie.
Good luck.
1 hr
Er is iets heel rottigs gaande in Denemarken
Sorry, I haven't been able to find the exact translation of this famour phrase from Shakespeare's Hamlet into Dutch.
The phrase is widely used to suggest that something is wrong, although not quite obvious,e.g.
- A view from David Hennah - ICL's lead EMU consultant
So Denmark has again said nej to the euro and Danish entry to EMU looks dead and gone, dead and gone. A nation divided between those who, as students of Hamlet will no doubt recall, would give "for this relief much thanks" whilst others might argue that "something is rotten in the state of Denmark".
( )
Denmark’s odor prompts raid
Police raid Scandinavian country after officer smells “something rotten”.
2000-06-01 05:41:37 Declaring that there is “something rotten in the state of Denmark”, Ohio assistant prosecutor David Trimmer announced a successful police raid on the Scandinavian country. Critics claim that the raid was performed illegally without a warrant, but Trimmer disagreed. “No warrant was needed,” said Trimmer, “as State Trooper Haley Met was able to sniff out the wrong-doing with his nose.” Officer Met “has undergone the same training as any police dog,” said Trimmer, “and is just as reliable.” The prosecutor claimed that if dog’s noses can stand up in court, so should any police officer’s.
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The phrase is widely used to suggest that something is wrong, although not quite obvious,e.g.
- A view from David Hennah - ICL's lead EMU consultant
So Denmark has again said nej to the euro and Danish entry to EMU looks dead and gone, dead and gone. A nation divided between those who, as students of Hamlet will no doubt recall, would give "for this relief much thanks" whilst others might argue that "something is rotten in the state of Denmark".
( )
Denmark’s odor prompts raid
Police raid Scandinavian country after officer smells “something rotten”.
2000-06-01 05:41:37 Declaring that there is “something rotten in the state of Denmark”, Ohio assistant prosecutor David Trimmer announced a successful police raid on the Scandinavian country. Critics claim that the raid was performed illegally without a warrant, but Trimmer disagreed. “No warrant was needed,” said Trimmer, “as State Trooper Haley Met was able to sniff out the wrong-doing with his nose.” Officer Met “has undergone the same training as any police dog,” said Trimmer, “and is just as reliable.” The prosecutor claimed that if dog’s noses can stand up in court, so should any police officer’s.
( )
1 hr
er is (duidelijk) iets niet pluis/meer aan de hand/geen zuivere koffie
zijn (inderdaad) goede mogelijkheden.
Verwijst naar Hamlet's 'There's something rotten in the kingdom of Denmark'.
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Verwijst naar Hamlet's 'There's something rotten in the kingdom of Denmark'.
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