Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

grid formats

French translation:

formats de quadrillage/grille

Added to glossary by FX Fraipont (X)
Jan 27, 2010 12:01
15 yrs ago
English term

grid formats

English to French Tech/Engineering Computers (general)
You can create ***grid formats*** to save the changes that you make to the order of grid columns, font styles, colors, data sequence, or any combination of these features.
You can create and save multiple formats to show different views of the same grid, which enables you to work with specific data more easily. Creating a new format also allows you to personalize the format of a grid. For example, you can change:
• Column sequence
• Record sequence
• Column text properties
• Column background colors

Proposed translations (French)
4 formats de quadrillage
3 +2 modèles de tableaux
Change log

Feb 1, 2010 15:49: FX Fraipont (X) Created KOG entry


Boris Tsikel (X) (asker) Jan 27, 2010:
tous mes cliens utilisent le terme "grille" pour rendre "grid", mais ce n'est pas grave, car c'est surtout la façon de lier grid et formats qui m'intéresse, la structure.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

formats de quadrillage

"grid" ne veut pas dire tableau, amis quadrillage. par exemple, quand on imprime une feuille de calcul, on a la possibilité d'imprimer le quadrilalge égalemnt.

"30 avr. 2007 ... des ligne du quadrillage, cliquer droit, exactement sur une ligne, dans la sélection qui apparaît, sélectionner format du quadrillage, ..."

"View native Microsoft Excel (.xls) Files; View spreadsheets in the familiar grid formats, which is fully optimized for your Motorola phone; Display and view ..." › Store -

Note added at 3 hrs (2010-01-27 15:24:58 GMT)

oops - "mais", "quadrillage" "également"
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci à tous! Confirmation du client: «formats de grille»."
1 hr

modèles de tableaux

Je comprends l'expression comme cela.
Peer comment(s):

agree Chantal de Lorme
1 hr
Merci Chantal !
agree GILLES MEUNIER : ici oui....
1 day 1 hr
Merci beaucoup Gilles !
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