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Jun 15, 2010 12:15
14 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

pre-drive block

English to French Tech/Engineering Electronics / Elect Eng
Bonjour à tous,

Dans la description d'un nouveau MOSFET, il est question des différentes applications cibles et notamment des "pre-drive blocks" dont je ne trouve pas la traduction exacte. S'agit-il de blocs de préchargement ?

La phrase : "Target applications are portable devices such as mobile phones, digital cameras, portable audio players, electronic dictionaries, IC recorders, smart phones, LED control, pre-drive blocks, solar batteries, muting circuits, low-side circuits and many more".

Toutes ces applications semblent être caractérisées par leur petite taille, si cela peut vous aider...

D'avance, merci !


S.C. (asker) Jun 20, 2010:
Thanks! Merci à tous les deux pour vos suggestions, en effet dans ce contexte il ne s'agit pas d'un dispositif d'antidémarrage. J'ignore encore la traduction retenue par le client. J'ai opté pour un "bloc de pré-commande"... sans conviction.
Tony M Jun 15, 2010:
Evolving list It seems to me that the first 6 items on your list do indeed refer to wuite specific pieces of equipment; but from then on, we seem to get more general: LED control, muting circuits, low-side circuits are not devices per se, but simply circuit elements that may be used within devices. Sloar batteries are perhaps a bit more of a grey area, but I believe that 'pre-drive blocks' is using 'block' in the sense of some kind of 'module' or 'unit', rather than in the sense of a hindrance or obstacle, and referring to a generic circuit element.
Tony M Jun 15, 2010:
Can't offer a translation, but... I would understand this as being a device intended not for power outputs stages, but for the pre-driver stages — I'm not quite clear why they are making the distinction here, but if they are considering that 'driver' = 'antenna (or speaker, etc.!) driver' (i.e. power output stage), then I can see that what drives that would have to be referred to as a pre-driver. This is not the only way these stages may be organized...

So I would suggest possibly something along the lines of 'étage' for the 'block' part, and as for 'pre-driver', one might need to consider something like 'préexcitation'...

Proposed translations

5 hrs

appareil bloquant le démarrage d'une voiture

Le "pre-drive block" est un gadget électronique de sécurité routière qui empêche une voiture de démarrer si le conducteur est au-dessus du taux légal d'alcolémie.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : That seems highly improbable to me in this particular context. Do you have any references to support this suggestion, please? / My sole concern is that I can't find any 'Net articles referring to the type of device you describe by that name.
5 mins
I guess the asker will decide based on extended context we don't have, but the list of appliances looks like it does favor small gadgets of the size of an automobile pre-drive block
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