Aug 7, 2012 15:24
12 yrs ago
English term

sold through the board

English to French Bus/Financial Finance (general)
Dans la phrase suivante :

«The pressure on mining stocks continues and they are being sold once again through the board by market participants.»

Contexte => Dans un rapport financier aux investisseurs. Merci de votre aide!
Proposed translations (French)
2 ont fait l'objet d'une vente généralisée
2 [actions minières] vendues via le conseil d'administration (?)
Change log

Aug 7, 2012 16:27: Stéphanie Soudais (X) changed "Field (specific)" from "Mining & Minerals / Gems" to "Finance (general)" , "Field (write-in)" from "Ccounselling & psychother" to "(none)"


Robert Morin (asker) Aug 9, 2012:
J'ai effectivement soumis la question au client, qui devrait me revenir sous peu, après quoi je trancherai en fonction de son explication.

Merci à tous!
AllegroTrans Aug 9, 2012:
Well, maybe... ...but "the board" could perhaps be some statutory body (commission, conseil...). You haven't told us which country this is from. Perhaps you should research that country's practices, and if that fails I think you need to query it with your client.
Robert Morin (asker) Aug 9, 2012:
This is exactly the essence of the problem... there is no other context nor reference for the term «board» in this text, which makes me prone to think that it is an ill-formulated expression, as Stéphanie Soudais points it out...
AllegroTrans Aug 9, 2012:
The board We need to know what is the "board" please
The board of a specific company? Some other organisation?

Proposed translations

1 hr

ont fait l'objet d'une vente généralisée

En lisant la phrase et compte tenu du contexte, je me demande si l'auteur ne voulait pas écrire "across the board".

Note added at 1 hr (2012-08-07 17:00:34 GMT)

Comme par exemple dans les phrases suivantes :

Equities witnessed across the board selling on Tuesday after traders hammered realty, banks and capital goods stocks. Selling pressure was also seen in second rungs stocks.

Market watch: Across-the-board selling takes bourse down
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "C'est bien le sens que voulait donner le client à cette expression un peu maladroite (qui aurait dû se lire «across the board»..."
13 hrs

[actions minières] vendues via le conseil d'administration (?)


d. “group of officials, council” ▶ conseil m, ▶ comité m

■ he is on the ***board (of directors)***, he has a seat on the board (of directors) : il siège au **conseil d'administration**

■ medical board : commission f médicale


Sinon, voici 3 des 43 fiches de Termium sur le mot "board" (isolé). Celles-ci relèvent du domaine: "Comités et commissions (Admin.):

=> bureau
ou commission
ou conseil.

Difficile, sans contexte...
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