Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

stacking fold

French translation:

sommation en couverture multiple

Added to glossary by FX Fraipont (X)
Oct 13, 2011 17:19
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

stacking fold

English to French Science Geology general
Hi all,

I am translating a geological documentation and came across this term but can't find a French equivalent anywhere...

The sentence is

To identify low-power scattered waves in the man-made seismic wave field, synchronous stacking of signals of scattered waves with the stacking fold of 104, suppression of reflected waves via special observation geometry called the Side-View Seismic Locator as well as proprietary focusing transformation algorithms (SFT) are utilized.

My attempt

Pour identifier les ondes diffusées de faible puissance dans le champ d'onde sismique fait par l'homme, l'empilement synchrone de signaux d'ondes diffusées avec ?????? de 104, la suppression des ondes réfléchies par la géométrie d'observation spéciale appelée Side-View Seismic Locator ainsi que les algorithmes exclusifs de Focusing Transformation (SFT) sont utilisés.

Merci pour votre aide
Proposed translations (French)
4 sommation en couverture multiple
Change log

Oct 18, 2011 10:21: FX Fraipont (X) Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

53 mins

sommation en couverture multiple

"Méthodes sismiques - Google Books Result Lavergne - 1986 - Science - 207 pages
Sismique terrestre, 83, 84, 85, 86, 103. Sismogramme réflexion, 66, 74. Sismogramme synthétique, 69, 70. Sommation, 138. Sommation en couverture multiple, ..."

"Geophysics for sedimentary basins - Google Books Result Henry, Georges Henry (ingénieur.) - 1997 - Nature - 445 pages
The stacking fold is equal to the number of offsets, ie, to the number of ... but at the summation stage: if the velocity is incorrect, the reflectors are ...

"La sismique réflexion: principes et développements - Google Books Result Henry - 1997 - Seismic reflection method - 172 pages
Tableau 3.1 Chronologie, filtrage, sommation. 3.1.1 Principe de la sommation Chaque point miroir M est atteint par plusieurs rayons sismiques de déport ..."

Note added at 54 mins (2011-10-13 18:14:09 GMT)

"Stacking Fold

Stacking fold is the number of field traces that are summed during data processing to create a single image trace positioned at the center of each bin.

At any stacking bin coordinate, the stacking fold inside the bin varies with depth. Referring to figure 2, when a stacking bin is centered about a deep reflection point B, the stacking fold is a maximum at depth B because the largest number of source and receiver pairs can be utilized to produce individual reflection field traces inside the bin.

The number of source-receiver pairs that can contribute to the image at B is typically confined to those source and receiver stations that are offset horizontally from B a distance that is no larger than depth Z2 to reflection point B."

Note added at 2 hrs (2011-10-13 19:21:48 GMT)

104 - nombre de signaux réfléchis?

Note added at 2 hrs (2011-10-13 19:22:41 GMT)

je vois plus loin dans votre doc :
"Distinct specifications of the apertures:
- number of source/receiver stations in each aperture is about 100;"
Note from asker:
As always, thank you... But should I write "avec un sommation de couverture sismique de 104" ... ?
I mean "avec une sommation en couverture multiple de 104"...
Something went wrong...
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